
Seeing you


Ever since the day Sungyeol found out you were back, you two had quite a lot of secret meetings during his free time.

He took you out for dinner one night, and he had to covered himself up of course.

As you two were eating, you actually asked about Dongwoo.

"Worrying about him I see.", Sungyeol teased you which earned a kick on his leg.

"I was just wondering."

"I'm not telling you. You kicked me."

"Then you don't get ice cream."

He suddenly sat up straight, "We're getting ice cream after this?!"

"I was going to, but since you're not telling me, I could save the money."

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Do we still get to eat ice cream?", you laughed at his reaction and nodded.

"He's still all grumpy now. He wasn't like this before. Even the hyungs don't know what happened to him."

"Did he do anything recently?"

"Oh! Just this morning, when you texted me asking what time we should meet. I was away from my phone so Dongwoo-hyung took it."

"D-did he see it then?"

He shook his head and you let out a sigh of relief, "I managed to snatched it away from him before he could see the test."

"But I think they're starting to suspect me, because I go out very often now. And they know I'm not the kind that goes out that much."

"Hmm, maybe I shouldn't ask you out so often then."

"No!", he said a little too loud which caused some stares.

"I was kidding, oppa. But you should never let them know that we're meeting, okay?"

He nodded and point to your food, "Eat before it gets cold."


After the meal, you promised and treated him to ice cream.

"I think I haven't had ice cream in years.", he said.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Since we're having our comeback soon, manager-hyung doesn't let me eat my ice cream."

You then snatched the cone away from him, "Then I'm having this too."


"You can't have your tummy showing again, Sungyeol-oppa. So, no."

He stopped infront you and pouted, "Please. This once. Once?"

Who could ever resist Sungyeol-oppa's pout, you thought.

"Once. No more next time.", and you returned him his cone.

"That's why you're the best dongsaeng ever."

"What time do you need to be home, _________?", he suddenly asked.

"Hmm, I don't have a curfew."

Just then, your phone rang.


"YAH __________! WHY AREN'T YOU COMING HOME YET? IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT!", Yongguk was literally shouting through the phone that you had to hold it away.

"I'm not deaf, Yongguk."

"Come home right now before I come out and search for you.", and he hung up.

"And you said you don't have a curfew.", Sungyeol chuckled.

"Oppa!", you smacked his arm, "Yongguk's just really protective because I'm a girl and it's late."

"Right. Just that. I would think you two are a couple since you're staying together."

"Well, he was the one who pretty much convinced. No, threatened me into coming back to Korea. And I didn't want to pay for hotel, so his apartment."

"I should get you home then. Lead the way."

"I'll just take the cab before-", and you saw your phone vibrating.

It was Yongguk calling again, "-he calls again. Bye Sungyeol-oppa! Let's meet again soon, okay?"

He nodded and pulled you in for a hug, "Hurry home. Text me when you're home!"

You quickly got on a cab and ignored Yongguk's call but texted him.

"I just got on the cab, reaching home in 10."


When you got home, you slowly creaked open the door afraid that you'll make the littlest sound.

Then, you poked your head in to see a angry Yongguk sitting on the couch.

"Uh, I'm home?", you said as you took off your shoes and walked towards him.

"Do you know what time is it?"

You turned to the clock and said, "12?"

"Hell yeah it's 12! Remember me telling you not to stay out till too late?"

"But, I was with a friend!"

"So? It's dangerous for a girl to be out so late and you're staying at my house so you should obey some of the rules here. You have to be home before 12."

You could hear him getting really angry, and it was actually the first time seeing him so worked up.

"Yongguk, is everything alright?", you slowly sat beside him.

He then placed a hand on his head, "It's just work stress."

"Headache?", and he nodded.

"Be right back.", you told him and ran to the kitchen.

About 5 minutes later, you brought out a warm drink for him.

"Drink this, you'll feel better."

"What is it?", he looked inside the cup, "It looks disgusting."

"Just drink it, it's good for you, I promise."

He took a sip and made a face, "What the actual is this thing. It taste like ."

"It's herbal tea. My mum used to make it for me when I had headaches from stress in the past."

Yongguk noticed that your smile disappeared at the mention of your mum.

"I'll drink it all, since you made it for me.", and he squeezed your shoulders.

You smiled at him, "I just don't want you to get too stressed from work."

"So, who did you meet today?", he then asked, trying to change the mood.

*I totally forgot telling him that Sungyeol-oppa knows I'm back.*

"Uh, a friend."

"I know that. Which friend?"

"Actually, it was Sungyeol-oppa."

He was drinking on the herbal tea when you answered and he almost choked on it.

"What?! He knows you're back?!"

You nodded, "He saw me outside your studio building the other day. I couldn't hide."

"So you were with him just now?"


"Well, if it's Sungyeol, I'm alright with you hanging with him. He seems nice."

"He is. You should get to know him more."

"But I would never want you to hang out with that Woohyun."

You looked at him, "Why?"

"He looks ertic to me. I don't know what he might do to you when you're all alone."

"Yongguk!", you threw a cushion in his face.





Isn't Sungyeol one of a choding and Yongguk's a little over protective over you now, isn't he?


Anyways guys, I got to see B.A.P and Secret yesterday!!!!!!  ☺

Me and my friend didn't had a ticket at first but we got tempted to get one so we did!

hohohohohohohohh and both groups were so hella good live?

I held a board and I jumped/screamed non-stop during the entire time.

It was probably one of the craziest experience out of the events I've been to.

You guys should hear the fanchants during "Warrior".

Zelo was so tall? And Yongguk's voice was seriously HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And Secret was just really really pretty.

My friend had photos and fancams taken in my camera, and here's one of the photos.

Credit : taewun @ tumblr


So yeah, leave your comments below!!!! 

And the fancam's not mine~

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Chapter 32: It's ended already :'(
I'll miss it :D
I was crying while reading the last chapter, the letter was beautiful =)
Keep on writing !!! I'll be supporting you :D
Chapter 30: omg thats the cutest chapter ever. Anyhoo been so long since i last been here ;A;. First of all i miss you and second of all im now turned into a Dongwoo bias because of you. /goes on tumblr and reblog crap loads of Sungyeol so no one suspect ahahah
Chapter 27: Oooh I bet it was Minji
Jumin13 #4
OTL I love the gif! Kkkk~
@MissOneww Or will he? ehehehehhehehe

@Mr04loveme it's because you're in the same company now :( people working in the same company can't date :'( L O L be my guest~
Hope they will be surprised especially dongwoo :) Hahhhaha , UPDATEE ^^
Mr.Park soooo strict about dating *sigh
About Minji, can I 'killed' her first before she do any harm to 'me' ?? *jk XP
Update soon :D
Awwww , Update soon :)
omg luna ;-; let me hug you guys and keep you together ;-;
update soon so i can keep the 7 of them in my pocket<3 hehe
Celebrate INFINITE First Triple Crown Too And Their 7Th Win ♥