Electrodes - 38

Scrub Suits and Pillow Talks
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A/N: Hey chingus! Here's our update for today! No drama, just smiles. 😉

Thank you to all who subscribed on this story. And to all who upvoted it thank you too. 

Peace yow! ✌



"Soojung...." I turned around to the direction of the voice. I can't be wrong... Its my Amber I'm hearing.

My eyes roamed around the place and recognized it as our unit. Last time I remember, I out inside the Operating Room beside Yuri unnie when Amber was revived.

Amber was revived..

"Amber! Where are you?!" I called out from the living area.

"We're here Mommy!"

The voice is coming out from our bedroom... I wonder what she's doing there..


I looked down on the floor and there was a trail of clothes on it. I recognized it as her favorite shirt, the one she's wearing when she was stabbed.

But it's not bloody like when I saw it at TV. It was clean.

I followed the trail and saw her pants, even her singlet and binder. What the hell?! Are you ??!
We're here Mommy...

Don't tell me you're with someone inside our freaking room!?

I'm gonna kill you, you idiot!

I just revived you and then I'm gonna kill you!

The trail directed me to our room and I saw a small Tshirt and shorts, socks, and even a kids underwear along the way. When I opened the door, no one was there.

What surprised me was the state of our room.

Toy cars scattered everywhere, a train track laying on the floor. My medical books lying on the bed, our wall was plastered with cute drawings of a family.

"Mommy! We're here!"

"Amber!" It came inside our bathroom. I can hear the flow of water meaning she's in our tub.

I carefully walked in the way to our bathroom and heard some giggles and laughter inside. The door was ajar, I placed my hand on the handle and pushed it slowly to reveal Amber playing with a little boy in our tub.

They were blowing bubbles on their palm from the bubble bath they are in. Both of them turned their gaze at me grinning, my heart melted on the sight.

It was the boy in my dreams when I was sleeping at the call room.

Am I dreaming or is this real?

"Mommy!!!! Look! Bubbles!"

"Babe, join us!" Amber winked at me waving me to come forward.

I smiled at them and went to the little boy's side wiping the bubbles on his face. He's so cute...!

"Mommy kiss!" I giggled when he peppered my face with kisses like how Amber does.

Little One... You're Mommy's miracle..

"Hey Forehead..." Amber smiled at me and kissed my nose. Oh God... You're alive! "Wake up now... I'll be waiting for you.."

"Wake up Mommy!"

"Wake up Mommy!"

"Wake up Mommy!"













I opened my eyes and saw Dad beside me. His face showed relief while holding my hand, the crease in his forehead showing. I unconsciously held my belly and closed my eyes, giving prayers to the Heavens.


Little One... Are you okay there?



"Soojung you're awake! Finally!" Mom was at the other side, brushing my hair aside with her fingers.

I roamed my eyes on the huge room and remembered what happened to me earlier. I passed out due to the stress I experienced in reviving Amber.


She's alive...

"Dad... Where's Amber?.."

"She's still at the Recovery Room.. but Yuri said in a short while she'll be move here with you in the Presidential Suite." He helped me to sit on the bed and patted my head.

I looked at the other side and saw the spare bed. There was a knock on the door, then it revealed Doc Soo smiling.

"Hey Dr. Jung... Are you okay now?"

She bowed to Dad and Mom then placed her hands inside the pocket of her white coat. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel okay Doc Soo... I passed out earlier but I'm okay." I smiled at her holding my belly. She went up to me and checked my pulse, then smiled. She pulled a paper from her pocket and handed it to me.

"Don't stress yourself like that again Dr. Jung.. what you did was dangerous! Tsk tsk tsk... Be thankful the Little One is holding tightly inside you. But still, congratulations! Yey!" A wide smile escaped my lips happy about what she said.

Oh my God!


I opened the paper and yes, the blood test is positive!

We are going to have a baby! It's a success!!!

"Wait! What did you say doctor!?" It was Dad who was looking incredibly at me, shock at what he heard. I bit my lips smiling at him and played with the paper.

Doc Soo was looking nervous scratching her eyebrow. "Ah... Mr. President... Er..."

"Doc Soo, I'll take it from here." I patted her hands so she'll calm down. "Thank you again for your help. I wish Amber was here to thank you too."

"You're welcome Dr. Jung! And I know Dr. Liu will be happy about it. Don't worry, she'll be fine. I'll go now.. be well okay? And visit me in my office for your check-up." I nodded at her smiling. She said goodbye to Dad and Mom closing the door.

Dad was just looking at me and at my hands that is resting in my belly. His face showed gladness, he don't know what to say I think.

"Dad, I'm pregnant." Hehehe... what will be his reaction if I said it to him when I was 16? Maybe he'll be shock then he's going to flip his mahogany table inside his study. Hehe I'm glad I'm a nerd back then.

You are still a nerd Soojung haha!

I was biting my lips then turned my gaze to Mom who was smiling widely rubbing my back.

"How... When..."

"We did the transfer two weeks ago. Today, this morning, was supposed to be the day Amber will accompany me to have a blood test to check if it's confirmed. Doc Soo was the one who helped us about the procedure. It was supposed to be a surprise for all of you Dad." I smiled at him holding his hand.

I can't stop smiling! But who cares! I'm happy Little One is doing good!

" I'm going to be a Grandfather again!" I nodded at his excited smile. Dad squeezed my hand too while my face with his free hand. "I'm happy for you and Amber... Finally, a family!" He exclaimed. "Did you know about this Mom?"

"Well... I do have a hunch about it. Your daughter started to drink milk weeks ago and gave up coffee. She's a voracious eater these past few days, and her glow is from within. I didn't confront Soojung about it and waited too for the results."

"Thanks Mom..." Mom gave a side hug kissing my head.

"Your in-laws will be arriving tomorrow Soojung. I sent the Presidential plane to fly them here from the US. This will be a great news for all!" Dad said with excitement on his voice. He looks so proud about my news. Baby look at your Grandpa and Grandma! They are happy to welcome you!

Little One... Appa will wake up I promise. She's gonna be happy knowing that you are well and doing good inside Mommy. Wait for Appa Little One...






Amber was eventually transfered after her stint at the recovery room. She's still unconscious but all her vitals are okay.

It was already night time, Dad and Mom went home to take a rest. I told them I'll be the one to look over Amber for the night. Samchon was outside the room with P1 and P2, they are also waiting for Amber to wake up.

They told me how Amber protected Dad and how she pushed the psycho even though she's already injured and poked it's eyes hard that it bled. It gave a chance to Detective Kim to finally shoot Kang Minhyuk on his head.

Byul also came and gave me a hug knowing that the procedure is a success. I whispered to her that she should take Somi for a nice dinner and gave her my card.

"Ohhhhh!!! Is hotel accommodation also included?!" I smacked her head lightly and hissed at her.

"Yah! I said dinner only! It's my way of thanking her when she helped me earlier. Send her my gratitude and bring her here tomorrow 'untouch', arasso?"

She scratched her head and grinned at me. "What if she's the one who asked to be touch?"


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Hello! I recently found out that Scrubs is being posted in Wattpad. Care to raise your hand if you are the one who posted it? A proper credit will be fine.


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 10: I think that perfume would suit Krystal too! Very good scent
immadi #2
my fav!
Chapter 37: among all ur fics this is my favs and idk why .. specially this chap
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Chapter 1: after watching the drama dr. romantic 2, i suddenly miss these two adorable doctors so back here to read again and again
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 40: I love the idea of this episode ???? youre such a debakkkk author ❤?
bluesky2275 #6
Chapter 47: Re-read again while waiting for you to update your fiction.
Chapter 19: re-read this again, i miss Sulli
mmrmei #8
Hi! I'm a fan of your stories and I'm trying to read "PVC' but it seems is hidden or at least, it says it's unreachable link. Dd you erased it?
2074 streak #10
Chapter 20: Goddammit Fluffy you ruined the fun