Chapter Two - Lunch Time

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 2 
Chaerin walk out to the front of the campus looking for the three familiar faces
Chaerin POV
“hummm where are they” as she look at her watch for the time, Minzy and Dara still have 10 more minute in class while Bom still have another 15 minute before her class end.
“I guess I’ll just sit here and wait for them” I made my way to a bench and sat down then pull up my shoulder bag onto my lap and start to dig through it for my schedule to see what class I have next after lunch. Suddenly a shadow covers my whole body I look up to see the blonde hair guy standing right in front of me.
“o gosh what do you want, I already said no” before I could get up and move he lean forward and place both of his hand on either side of me, resting his palm on the back of the bench as his face was just inches away from mine, I can smell his cologne it was strong but inviting I looked up and started to speak trying to add some force behind it.
“…whhhaaattt dooo youuu want?” I stutter well that was an epic fail, he smiles at me then lean in closer I can feel his breath hitting my face. He looked me straight in the eyes.
*what the hell is he doing……YAH Chaerin push him kick him in the nuts DO SOMETHING*
Before I could react he whisper into my ear
“I’m Kwon Jiyong and no one say no to me, it’s going to be fun playing with you miss Lee Chaerin”
Then he stood up straight and dusts the sleeves of his jacket and turns around and walks away leaving me speechless. 
“What the hell was that all about” I watch as he disappears into the student parking lot.  
“Yah!!! Rin Rin what was that all about…why was Kwon Jiyong hovering over you like that” Bom voice broke their way into my eardrums, I turn around to see Bom walking toward me with the other two right behind her.
“ to tell you the truth I have no clue either” the girls and I went to grab some lunch I told them what had happen in class and out in front of school to the girls.
“Maybe he like you” Minzy exclaim in excitement
“I don’t think so Minzy, Kwon Jiyong interested in me he just met me and I don’t think people that like someone treat them like that” I said while sipping on my Americano and poking at my strawberry shortcake.
“Be careful Rin Rin he’s a playboy and if you get to close to him he might hurt you” Dara explain while stuffing a spoonful of her ice cream Sunday into her small mouth. 
“unni don’t worry I’m not planning on falling for him he don’t know who he messing miss” I involuntary start stabbing my fork in the poor cake in front of me. 
“YAH!!! Stop stabbing your cake if your not going to eat it I’ll eat it” Bom yelled and grab the plate away from me. 
We enjoyed the rest of are lunch and I end up finding out a lot about the girls, it’s funny how I only just met then and it was so easy to open up to them like I knew them all of my life. After lunch we all headed back to school to finish off the day with a couple of more classes then head home. I was walking out of my last class and made my way to the bike rack that was in front of the school entrance and unlock my bike then notice my bike had a flat tire.
“What the hell, when did this happen? God don’t tell me I have to walk all the way home today” The next thing I knew a white car pull up next to me, I look over to see the driver side window rolling down and to my surprise Kwon Jiyong was inside the car.
“Do you need a ride” Jiyong look over at me and my bike.
“no I’m fine” 
“Are you sure it seem like your bike has a flat, and it’s getting darker are you sure you want to walk all the way home at this time…by yourself?” Jiyong gave a smirk.
*should I go with him*
*or should I just walk home*
*which one would be safer*
Jiyong voice interrupted my thought 
“Yah!!! I don’t have all day you know” 
*I guess I’ll take my chances with the mood swing blonde in the car, and if he dose try something funny I’ll just kick his I’m a black belt in karate so he better watch out* 
“YAH!!! Help me put my bike in the car” Jiyong rolled his eyes and got out of his car
“you know a please would be nice, gosh girls these days have no manner” Before I could open to respond back I stop myself thinking.
*no no no Chaerin the faster he help you the faster you can go home and get this day over with*
“I’m sorry can you please help me put my bike in your car” I said through gritted teeth, Jiyong grab my bike and place it in the back seat of his car.
“hummm this car look familiar”
“What did you say” Jiyong look over at me
“Nothing” as I shook my head, Jiyong got into his car as I walk over to the passenger side and open the door and got in.
*can’t even open the door for me, what type of a gentleman are you?* 
The drive was silent neither one of us talk to each other, I was staring out the window as I slowly realize something.
*DING DONG…..this is that car that almost ran my bike over, I knew this damn car look familiar o my gosh you are going to get it now Kwon Jiyong* 
before I could open to unleash hell, he interrupted me.
“Ok where here” I look around and yep I was definitely home. Jiyong got out from his car and took out my bike and place it on the sidewalk.
“Ummm thanks” I utter before grabbing my bike and walking it over to the bike rack near the entrance of my apartment building.
“So how are you planning to get to school tomorrow” Jiyong ask leaning on his car looking over at me.
“I’ll take the bus to school tomorrow”
“Do you want me to take you to school tomorrow?” Jiyong now was standing on the sidewalk.
“That’s ok I’m fine I can manage”
“You know I’m just being nice, why are you being so rude to me” Jiyong now was standing right in front of me.
“Me, rude? Are you kidding me you were the one that almost ran me over this morning” I was now shaking full of rage remember what I wanted to do in the car a couple of minute ago.
“Don’t act like you don’t HunChae” I shook my head confusion. 
“YAH!!!! Who the hell told you to call me HunChae and don’t acts like what?” Jiyong walk closer to me as I slowly back away from him and closer he came, my back was now press against the cold exterior wall of my apartment building as his arms were now on either side of me pinning me in place. He leans closer to me as I felt his blonde hair tickling my cheek as he whisper into my ears.
“Don’t act like you don’t want me” My eyes widen as I tried to remain calm but looking into his eyes I couldn’t contain it anymore.
“PHAHAHAHAHAHAHA youuuu thi…nk I li…k….ee youuuuu pahahahahahahaha”
“YAH!!!, what so funny huh?................YAH Lee Chae Rin? Jiyong was shock at what he was witnessing, is something wrong with this girl? He couldn’t stop her from laughing and was tired just standing there watching her laugh he just walk back to his car and drive off.
“omg that has to be the funniest thing anyone had ever told me” I fish for my apartment key in my bag, I couldn’t stop giggling at what Jiyong said.
“I can’t believe this boy would say that, who do he think he is Hercules or something?” 
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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
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