Chapter 23 - Longer

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 23

Chaerin POV

The bipolar ask me to come to his penthouse with him to help him pack some of his things for the school trip. I walk into his apartment it was huge, everything was modern in white and silver, one whole wall was floor to ceiling windows this place look like it could fit 3 of my apartment in here.

“You live here all by yourself?”

I ask while looking over everything that I pass by everything was shiny and very clean.  

“Yea, unless you want to come live with me”

He said as he sat down on his white couch and patted a spot next to him for me to go sit down. I sat down at the other side of the couch as he pouted at my action and stood up and came over and sat down next to me as his place his arm around my shoulder.

“Yah, don’t think about getting to friendly”

He grin at me as he lean closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I held up my hand to my face as I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

“Is my Hunchae embarrassed?”

“Shut up”

I smack him on the chest, he grab my hand and place it over his the area of his heart.

“Can you feel it”

“Feel what”

I was still trying to cool myself down

“My heart”

I look over at him then down to my hand that was in his

“Only you can make my heart skip a beat like this ”

He smile at me I could see he was sincere with his words he then lean over and brush a strain of my hair behind my ears and lean in closer, I could feel his warm breath near my lip. I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me but nothing happen I open my eyes and there his face was an inch away from mine.

“You know I can’t always be the one kissing you all the time.”

He said as his eyes were closed, I couldn’t help but giggle at his childish act I couldn’t help gazing at his face, he was handsome and cute at the same time his lip was calling to me I couldn’t help it anymore as I lean in and closed that one inch gap between us as I kiss him.

After what seem like forever of making out we finally caught our breath and finally started packing his things for the trip.

“What’s the point of me being here?”

As I look down at him folding and packing his things, he was a very clean person as I can tell everything was folded nicely in his bag.

“Well I just wanted to spend time with you without everyone else around us.”

I smile at him

“You could have just told me that, instead of lying to me that you need help packing”

“OK next time I promise to tell you the truth”

He zips up his duffle bag and then sat with me on the bed.

“Wow the first day I have you at my house I already got you into bed.”

I look at him with his evil boyish grin on his face, I stood up and kick his knee as he grab his knee and brought it up to his chest as he rub the spot I kick.

“OUCH!!! Chae why did you do that for”

“Because I want to”

I stuck my tongue out him. He then stood up was he started to chase me around his house the good thing about his place that it’s so big that I could hide anywhere and it would take him 10 minute to find me.  So after packing we end up playing hide-and-seek in his giant apartment.


Kwon Jiyong POV

I look up at the clock it was 9PM, sometime I wish time would go slower I look down as my sleeping beauty was laying in my arms as she slept, I didn’t want to wake her up and send her home. I wanted to have her in my arms as long as possible. Who would have though a guy like me would end up with someone as special as her?

People looking from the outside might see two people fighting and bickering all the time but it was our way of bonding with each other. Taeyang and Dara-noona have a loveable relationship. Me and my Hunchae have a………I don’t know what we have but i'm sure is hell just as good as those two are.

It was getting late and I knew she will be piss off if I didn’t wake her up and take her home, so I nudge her shoulder with my finger.


She move in her sleep as her eyes slowly started to open little by little, I look down at her beautiful brown eyes as she open her eyes fully to look at me.

“Umm what time is it?”

She sat up as she rubs her eyes

“Time for me to take you home”

She looks over at the clock and nodded her head

“Thank you for waking me up”

“I didn’t want to but if I didn’t you would have kick my ”

“hehe I would wouldn’t I?”

We both laugh as we both grab our jacket and headed out, I decided to drop by a convent store to prolong the time we have left together, as I aimlessly wonder up and down the allies looking for nothing in particular.

“Bipolar-oppa what are you looking for?”

“You can lose the bipolar part and just call me oppa you know”

“No that’s my new nickname for you”

“I’m not bipolar”

“Yes you are”



A couple of late night shopper look over our way as we raise our voice a little too loud as I smile and bow to them.

“Unless you want me to call you erted-oppa”


“OK then I’ll call you bipolar-oppa for now, until I decide to just call you oppa.”

“Fine, fine you win I can never beat you”

“No you can't”

As she grin in victory

“Are you done yet?”

“Yea I’m done”

Buying a pack of soda and a couple candy and fruit we headed to my Hunchae place, I walk her up to her door as I tried to sneak in hoping maybe I can sleep at her place tonight again.

“No you don’t you have your own place”

“Come on, I want to sleep over here tonight”


“Why? Last night I slept over”

“Well that was because it was late and I didn’t want you to go back home so late”

“But it’s late now”

“It’s only 10 now go”

I pouted and stomp my foot hoping she would change her mind

“Acting like a child will get you nowhere no go”

She pointed at the stairs, as her gaze were looking over at the stairs I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in closer to me as our body press against each other.  

“Wh….a..t are you doing”

“Trying to convince you one last time”

As I gave her my million dollar smile I pull her even closer as our lips were a couple of inches away I lean closer and press my lips on to hers, I slowly her bottom lip and tug it gently with my teeth as she gave me accesses to , my tongue explore as she slowly started to fight back.  

My body was heating up at a fast pace my hand explored her back as she wrap her arms around my neck.


We broke apart to look over to our side and notice the middle age lady that live next door to her was outside as she was staring at us with her hand covering . Chaerin pull her hands away as we both jump apart from each other.

She snickers at us before heading inside

“Kids now a day can’t even wait until they get inside the house”

We waited for her to shut the door as I face my Hunchae her face was red as her gaze were now on the floor.

I held the back of my neck and smile

“hehe I guess I better get going”

“Yea I…better goes to bed”



We stood there for another 2 minute before I closed the gap and kiss her forehead and left.


Chaerin POV

I watch as his back disappear down the stairs I made sure he was gone before closing the door and then locking it I turn around as I lean my body against the door and held up my hand to my heart. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it might just pop out from my chest.

It’s so scary that he can make me feel like this and it scare me how much I’m starting to fall for him. I want him to stay with me I don’t want to be apart but I can’t give in to it I can’t give in like that to all of his demand, I must have self-control I can’t give in to the DARK SIDE I cannot.  

A/N: Finally I updated this story and we are getting one step closer to finally going on that damn school trip. To my best friend Michelle (putting you on blast hahaha) that’s been supporting me on my writing and reading my story thank you I love you bestie. To all of my readers THANK YOU SO MUCH because of all your comments and views it gives me motivation to keep writing. Even to my silent reader thank you and I do understand it’s hard to just go on someone page and write something no worries I’m not going to judge or get mad I’m just glad you enjoy my stories Thank You once again. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9