Chapter 7 - The Club

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 7 
Three pairs of eyes are staring intensely at me waiting for me to explain myself. My body was frozen and my mind was racing a hundred mile per second. 
“we’re waiting Lee Chaerin” Bom said while tapping her foot on the floor and arm crossing each other in front of her chest.
Dara scooted closer to me looking at me with a worried expression
“Rin Rin what happen between you and Jiyong last night” 
“unni what was Jiyong oppa talking about your bra and underwear? Don’t tell me you two…”
I cut Minzy off shaking my head left to right with my hands protesting her to go any further.
“It’s not what you guys are thinking, that erted bipolar is making it sound the wrong way”
The three scooted further to the edge of the couch still waiting for me to go on explaining, so I took in a deep breath and explain to them what happen last night between me and him and also what I did to his car, there was no point in lying about it they, they were already suspecting me as the culprit.
“Rin Rin how can you do that to his car? Do you know how much the car detail going to be?” Dara scold me.
“Unni it’s not Chaerin-unni fault, Jiyong oppa destroy her undergarments and he didn’t even say sorry” Minzy sided with me.
“you guys are like cat and dog, every time you guys see each other something always happen” Bom shook her head.
“unni it’s not like I want to fight with him, it’s his fault he started the whole thing and declare war with me” I whine 
“it’s both your guys fault, he shouldn’t have did those stuff to you but you should have been the bigger person” Bom-unni words are starting to sound like my mother lectures. 
“but I never seen Jiyong act like to any girl before” Dara now looking over at Bom
“that’s true” Minzy now join in
The three ladies are now looking at each other, hoping to find an answer to there statement. 
“maybe he like Chaerin?” Dara exclaim
“can’t be the last time he had a girlfriend was like FOREVER AGO”
“or maybe she really don’t like our Chaerin”
“well after what Chaerin unni did to his baby I don’t think he going to forgive her”
“that’s true this is going to lag on even longer”
The three was deep in gross talking about me and that bipolar and our situation and totally forgot I was in front of them, are they kidding me I’m right here I’m not invisible.
Kwon Jiyong POV
All of my windows were all down the smell reek throughout my car, I can’t believed this happen to my baby, everyone knows that I love my car it’s my pride and joy and no one I mean no one hurt my baby. But this girl, this person that dare lay a finger on my baby and not just that she through cat poop in my car. I will make her life a living hell from today on she will regret the day she ever met me.
“just 5 more minute baby you will get clean” as he patted the steering wheel my gag reflexes was kicking in as the smell of the cat poop enter my nose.
“o my god I’m going to throw up”
“she will pay for harming you”
I arrived at the car wash I told the cleaner what to expect and went to go sit inside and with, while my baby was getting clean.
*I hope the smell disappear*
Chaerin POV
I was home laying on the couch while Phatty was sleeping on my lap.
“did I really gone to far?” I question myself
“but he started this whole thing” as I start to have a battle with myself if I was doing the right thing.
“should I say sorry and offer to pay for his car to be clean”
“no he destroy my things also”
“but putting cat in his car was it to much?”
“no he even miss lead Bom unni and Dara unni and Minzy to think me and him did something with each other”
I was doing this back and fourth for the last 15 minute, I jump at the sound knocking Phatty off my lap.
“sorry baby” I said but he just walk into the bedroom 
“you know you have and attitude problem like that erted bipolar” talking to the cat as if he understood what I just said. 
I went over to pick up my cellphone
“Rin Rin, you me and the girls, clubbing tonight so get ready I’ll be by to pick you up at 9” Before I can protest Bom hung up the phone.
“I guess I have to go?”  I lazily got off the couch and headed to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, I step out and wrap a towel around myself and made my way out the bathroom and enter my room that was cross from the bathroom and headed over to the closet.
“what to wear? What to wear?”
I rummage through the closet and look through all the outfit I had to work with, I really didn’t bring much when I moved out here.
“next thing to do is to go shopping”
I one by one push aside one outfit after the other until a black mini dress caught my attention I pull it out and lay it on my bed.
“hummm the last time I wore this was to a friend birthday in Vegas”  (The Dress) 
And then I pair them off with my spike heels.
And to cover up just a little bit I grab my leather jacket
Looking myself over in the mirror I had to agree I look decent, I don’t look like my normal self o well it’s only for one night and I need to relieve my stress. 
Kwon Jiyong POV
By the time I arrive back at my penthouse it was already 7, thank god the smell disappear or I would have pull my hair out. I drop my backpack and books on the living room floor and headed to my room and into the bathroom to take a long needed shower. 
Looking through my closet I pick out the outfit I’m going to be wearing. (Just imagine him in this with the blonde hair)
I straighten my jacket and look in the mirror 
“I look good” 
The clock strike 9 and I grab my car keys and make my way out of my penthouse and down to my car, I have to go pick up TOP and Seungri and Daesung. Taeyang is going out with Dara tonight after hearing about our plan of going out to the club Dara insisted Tae to go out with her, that boy is whoop. I don’t see the point in being tide down to one girl, what’s the fun in that? The engine came to life I gas the accelerator time to pick up the rest of the boys.  
“Hyung there something different about your car?” Seungri looking around in the backseat, I glare at him through the rearview mirror. 
“o sorry I’m just sit back and shut up” Seungri sat back in the seat, but I can see his nostril breathing in and out looking like a dog sniffing out food.  
*Do my car still smell?*
I continue driving the street was empty with a few cars on the road my finger tap on the steering wheel to the beat of the music in my car. Then her face appear in my head I shook my head.
“why am I thinking about her?”
“what did you say Ji?” TOP ask from the passenger seat. 
“nothing” another 5 minute pass and I’m in the heart of downtown Seoul the street was lit up with neon and LED lights and young people out and about walking the street of the late night shop and clubs. I finally pulled up to Club Level 3 and handed my keys to the valet as we stroll pass the line of people and straight to the front. TOP headed straight to the bouncer and with one glance the bouncer bow to TOP and let the 5 young men in. 
“yah hyung you are the best” Seungri chim in excitement 
“yeah it nice that my family own all the night club in Seoul” Top fix his suit and tuck his sunglasses into his inner suit jacket pocket. 
They made there way up to the VIP room on the second floor it was dim with a full length bar at the back with two bartender and a couple of waitress in skin tight black mini dress holding a tray full of drinks. 
“I think I’m going to go get a drink” Seungri wiggle his eyebrow at the guys as a smirk apper on his lips and walk off to the waitress closest to him. 
“he is such a horn dog” Daesung shook his head watching his manki strutting his way to the waitress. 
The club slowly start to fill up Seungri already having one to many drinks, as one of the waitress was sitting on his lap feeding him more shots as she was kissing on his neck and his hand on her tights. The VIP room was now fills with friends and important people that the boys know. TOP was sitting on the couch talking with Kush and Daesung  was on the dance floor showing off this moves as Jiyong was standing at the balcony watching the dancing people moving to the music as bodies was pressing against each other.
“hi handsome care to dance?” 
Kwon Jiyong POV
I turn around and smile at the pretty female, she had on a tight dark purple mini dress showing off her honey thights. The deep drop V-neck show off her full chest I can already fill a small tug down in the southern region as I eye her from head to toe. 
*she hot I guess your coming home with me tonight*
I smiled and gently held her hand and pull her a little closer so our body touch.
“I can never turn down an offer from a pretty lady such as yourself” as I gave her my million dollar smile, her cheek was flush at my comment. I slowly pull her after me down the stairs and out to the dance floor as we process to bump and grind.
Chaerin POV
The outside was pack of people the line curve around the building I started to make my way to the back of the line cursing to myself for wearing such high heels, my feet is going to hurt waiting in this long line. Then I felt someone grab my arms and yank me back making me stumble.
“we don’t need to wait in line, I know the people here we can just go straight to the front” Bom let go of my hand and started to walk to the front, Minzy then link her arms in mine and smile.
“Bom unni have a lot of connection” as she smile and pull me along.
We enter the club as a couple of guys was already eyeing us down like hungry horn dogs, If I could I would turn around and kick them where the sun don’t shine. 
“unni it’s ok they just never seen pretty girls before” I look over at the manki as she was trying to keep up with the red head as she was weaving through the crowd. I smiled at her and following the red head up some stairs. 
Minzy let go of my hand as we enter the second story as I look around, this must be the VIP room it was not as crowded as downstairs but there were people up here in suits and fancy dresses, bling out from head to toes in designer brand. 
*this must be the VIP's*
The back was a full bar with guys and girls laughing and giggle as guys were buying drinks left and right for the ladies sitting next to them and in the center of the area was a full length L shape red velvet couch with people sitting and talking to each other and on the other side of the room I can see a guy and girl what look like they where eating each other faces.
*humm that guy look familiar*
“Chaerin fancy seeing you here” I turn around to be greeted by Daesung one of the blonde bipolar friend.
“daesung right? Hi yea I know I’m surprise I’m here to”
“hahaha yea I guess it’s not your thing huh?”
“not really”
“well it’s ok it’s not crowded up here and almost everyone know each other so don’t worry if you think a creeper might hit on you” 
“hahaha no I’m not worried I can handle myself” Daesung was nice unlike his friend the blonde
“well the rest of the guys is here to, well minus Tae well you probably already know he with Dara noona”
“haha yea Bom told me”
Then the sound of glass breaking made us jump and I look back to see the manki of there group on the floor pass out as a almost topless waitress was wide eye looking down at him.
“omo I don’t know what happen he was drinking so much then he pass out” the girl said as she back away from the body on the floor.
“well I better go take care of that, that boy always get face at the club” I watch as he made way to the pass out body on the floor and lifted him up and lay him on the couch in the corner. 
“wow some people can’t handle there liquor” Bom now standing next to me then handed me a glass of some sort of drink.
“don’t worry I didn’t put anything in the drink…..unless you want me to” Bom jokingly said and wink as she stroll over to Minzy to help the innocent young girl from two hungry eye men near the bar. 
I walk over to the balcony and lean on the rail as I sip on the drink looking out at the sea of people dancing then my eye caught sight of a blonde man dancing in the center his hair perfectly untouch as he move to the beat of the music with a wide grin on his face. Then I notice a girl in a tight purple dress rubbing her backside into this groan area as his hand was around her waist then he kisses her on her neck as she held on to her hand that was around her waist. 
“tisk* he think he all that huh”
I slowly grip onto my glass harder as my drink started to shake in my hand spilling onto my fingers
I turn around and went over to the bar and grab a couple of napkin and wipe the liquid off of my finger. I sat down at one of the empty stool and check if I clean everything off my fingers.
“may I buy you a new drink?” I look up to see a very handsome man standing in front of me with his black hair swept  to the side he was tall with a beautiful smile and dreamy eyes. 
“hi I’m Kim Hyun Joong” he extended his hand out to me
“hi I’m Lee Chae Rin” as I took his hand and shook it lightly 
“can I offer to buy you a new drink, I can see the drink you had earlier you didn’t get to enjoy it much” 
“umm it’s ok you don’t have to” I smiled back 
“no it’s ok I want to” he wave his hand as one of the bartender walk over and ask for the order
“may join you” he pointed to the seat next to me, I nodded my head as he sat down next to me.
“so Chaerin what brought you here tonight” 
“o a couple of friends from school drag me along and well I can’t really say no”
We talk for what seem like minutes as I felt a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Bom and Minzy looking at me.
“sorry to interrupt but it’s getting late and Minzy is tired” Bom said as the manki was leaning onto the red head shoulder.
“o I’m sorry I didn’t know, here let me help” I got up and put the manki arm around my shoulder and then look over at my drinking partner of the night and smile and gave a small bow and said my good-bye.
“wait Chaerin” I look over at him as he then handed me a piece of paper and I took it into my free hand
“it’s my number maybe next time we can have lunch or dinner sometime” I smiled at him and nodded
Bom look over at me with a smirk on her face and we slowly help our manki down the stair to the front of the club as we waited for the valet to deliver the car. 
“noona did you have fun” I look over with Bom so the side and saw TOP and Daesung carrying Seungri as he was still pass out. 
“yea it was super fun” Bom smiled at the boys
“how about you Chae did you have fun” TOP ask
“yea I had a good time”
“ahuh and she got a number to” Bom beam at me. 
“o really the guy must have been blind to give his number to her” I look back to see the blonde walking out with the girl he was dancing with in his arm.
“and what is that suppose to mean” I glare at him he just stood there and look at me up and down not saying a word.
*what the hell is he looking at*
“I mean he must have been desperate to give his number to you” my finger curl into a fist as I can feel my tempter rising. Before I could let go of the drunk manki in my arm to go slap the the girl in his arm whine at him.
“oppa who is she?” 
“she no one” I heard him say as he then toss his car keys to TOP and help the girl he was holding into a cab 
“yah take care of my car I’ll be by tomorrow to pick it up” 
“ yourself out tonight I see” I said as he turn to me 
“at least I’m getting laid tonight” Then before I can say anything I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Hyun Joong behind me.
“hi Hyung Joong-shi”
“hey I just wanted to say goodnight and get home safe and call me when you get home” he smile and then suddenly he peck my cheek as I felt my cheek heat up. He then headed into his car and before driving off he wave good-bye. I can feel a smile appearing on my face as I lift my hand to touch my cheeks as a warm sensation travel through my body.  Then I heard a loud car door slam as I turn to see the blonde bipolar glaring at me from the back seat of the taxi, our eyes met and I can see anger in them he then roll up his window and the cab drove away. 
*what is his problem?* 
A/N: KHJ will reappear again so you better watch out Jiyong kekekeke
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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9