Chapter 26 - Intruder

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 26

Chaerin POV

The loud ringing of bells fills the cabin and I sat straight up with my hands covering my ears.

“What the heck is going on?”

Bom came running into mine and Minzy room with two pillows covering her hears then suddenly the ringing stop, a women voice came over the intercom.

“All student please report to the dining hall at once”

I check the close it was 5 AM we didn’t need to get up until 7 so I had no clue what this meeting is about. I stood up and went over to a end of my bed and grab my sweater that was hanging on the end and put it on, I slip on my sneaker and my fingerless glove and pull my hood up and walk out with the girls. I step foot outside as the cold air hit me in the face I could feel every hair on my body standing up the boys were waiting for us outside huddling up together to keep warm. Jiyong then place his arm around my waist as we all started to walk to the dining hall.

“Do you know what this is all about?”

“How would I know? I was sleeping when that hellish bell woke me up from my wonderful dream”

“What did you dream about?”

“Do you really want to know?”

He turns to me as he gave me a wicked grin

“No that’s ok, sorry I ask”

“Let’s just say it involve you and me and some whip cream”

“La La La La”

As I cover my ears

“I don’t want to know”

He started to laugh as my cheek was warming up, how he could be having those kinds of dreams already gosh such a boyfriend I have. We all gather inside the dining on stage were the entire professor in there night gown and robes with dark circle under their eyes and hair still messy. 

A couple more minute have pass as all the student have finally gather in the crowded room until one of the professor stood up and walk to the microphone.

“Testing, testing can everyone hear me?”

As the student body gave a weak yes as he continued on

“So the reasons why I gather you all hear on this fine EARLY morning is because we have two new students joining us today.”

He the n turn to the side of the stage as my eyes almost pop out if it socket, on stage were two people, one was a female but the other was someone I didn’t expect to be here at all but he was and he standing right in front of me.

“Joong Hyun-oppa what is he doing here”

“Hana what is she doing here?”

I turn to Jiyong as I could see the same shock look on his face that was plastered on mine. I lean over in my seat and whisper into his ears.

“Do you know her?”

“She the girl my dad want me to marry”

My eyes widen as I look back on stage as I look over at the girl that supposed to be my boyfriend future wife. She was wearing a white lacey skirt and a pink ruffle top with a white sweater over it and knee high white sock with pink heels. She looks like one of those cute anime girls from the manga.

“That her”

“Yea, why is she here she don’t even go to our school”

Jiyong grumble I grab his hand as our fingers intertwine knowing that both of our days are going to from now on.  Later as we headed back to the cabin to everyone went back to bed but Jiyong and myself stay up sitting near the lake talking about our new obstacle that we are both facing.

“I know they’re here because of us”

“That’s a given, we both have stalkers”

“So we need to make sure we’re never alone with them just in case they try to pull something on us.”

I look over as the bipolar as I laugh at his last comment.

“Are you sure they’re gonna go that far?”

“I’m not sure but if they follow us here I’m pretty sure they will do anything they can to get us alone or worse.”

He was right I never had a stalker before and it’s so creepy so the best idea is to be close to bipolar and our group. We are going to be like paper and glue for the next 3 weeks and hopefully when this end the two stalkers will get the hint we don’t want to be with them. I’m already worry that the bipolar will beat the living crap out of Joong Hyun-oppa even though I don’t like the guy I don’t want him to die in my boyfriend hand.  On the other hand if me and little miss anime had a faceoff I can beat the living day light out of her but I can’t really judge a book by its cover she could be a undercover ninja for all I know.

The bipolar wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to his body as I lay my head on his shoulder, I couldn’t help but think what if, what if he has to marry her and we end up breaking up, our little romance just barely started and now we have obstacle in our way. I could feel my body tense up and my finger form into a fist just thinking about it.

“Promise me one thing”


“Promise you won’t hurt me”

I felt his arm tighten harder around me as he place a kiss on the top of my head.

“I promise I will never hurt you”

I wrap my arm around his wait as we sat there as the sun rise into the sky making the dark black sky turn into a beautiful array of red, orange, yellow and magenta.


Kwon Jiyong POV

As I held her closer to me I knew no matter what those two plans have for I will never give up on my angry blonde lover. I can’t wrap my finger around why are these two were here together at the same time. Something fishy was going on and I’m going to find out what they are planning and if that don’t work I can come up with a few tricks of my own. Gosh sometime I’m too smart for my own good as I mentally gave myself a high-five.

“What are you grinning about?”

I look down at my blonde cutie as I told her my plan about finding out why those two are here and to get rid of them.

“Oppa you are so evil”

“You call me oppa”

As I cup her face in my hand and planted a kiss on her full lip

“And yes I am”


Another hour or so everyone else woke up and we all met up for breakfast as we were in a deep conversation a tray was place in between myself and Chaerin and I look up to see Hana squeezing herself in between us then another tray of food was next to her and it was that Joong Hyunguy as he was trying to sit next to Chaerin.

I stood up as Hana finally seated next to me, before she could grab my arms to sit me back down I pull my arms away from her grasp and made my way to Chaerin and pull her up from her seat and went over to the other side of the table TOP-hyung and Bom-noona got up and went to replace our empty seat next to the two intruder.


Hana whine

“Jiyong nothing missy preppy”

Bom look over at the whinny girl next to her

“Can’t you see your intruding on our meal?”

TOP hyung was on looking at that Joong Hyun as his fingers was tapping in a rhythmic motion on the metal table.

“We just wanted to say hello and to sit next to MY Chaerin.”

“I wanted to sit next to MY Jiyong.”

Hana said as she look over at me and smile I couldn’t help shivering at it as it gave off a sinister feeling.

“Well to bad little miss anime my boyfriend and I are busy talking”

She glances over at Chaerin as she had a glare in her eyes, Hana lifted up her right arm and pointed at Chaerin.

“She your girlfriend”

As she had a look of disgust on her face

“Really Jiyong-oppa, you could have done better than her, give me a little competition at least.”

Hana was now looking my girlfriend up and down was he giggle.

“I came here and expect to meet a hot model type not this.”

As her motion her hands up and down and started to giggle even more. I could feel my blood boiling and I could feel Chaerin next to me heating up in anger as I could see KILL in her eyes.

“I rather have a natural beauty then an over price plastic doll that can’t even compare to this blonde beauty right here.”

I could hear the noona’s and Minzy laughing their off at my remark at the now stun girl in front of me. I felt Chaerin hand squeeze mine as I look over at her smiling face.

Hana stood up and left the table as the Joong Hyun guy left after her.

“Oppa you are the best”

“Man you showed her”

Taeyang slap my back as I wince in pain from the contact.

“That was really sweet of you”

Bom flash a smile at me

“Oppa and Unni are the best”

Minzy clap her hand together.

“But what to do about those two”

Daesung look over in the direction were the two uninvited people disappear to.

“I don’t know but we have to keep an eye out for them”

Dara-noona was looking at me and Chae, it took us a couple of minutes to adjust back to eating and ignoring what just happen as another day of getting to know the area and learning what we are going to teach the student when they get here in a couple of days took a toll on us as we collapse in front of the lake.

Chaerin POV

“I have to go to the bathroom”

As I stood up and dusted myself off

“You want me to go with you?”

The bipolar ask I shook my head

“It’s right there I won’t get lost, I’ll be right back ok”

I made my way over as I went into the 4 stall bathroom as I enter there was the anime chick adjusting her make-up. She turns her head to face me as a grin appears on her face.

“Fancy seeing you hear”

Her voice lace with a hint of sarcasm as she push her lipgloss back into her purse and took a couple of step and was now a couple of inches from me.

“I not letting you have him that easy, he is mine no matter what he will end up being mine”

I could feel a rush of heat over taking my body as my hands started to tremble.

“You think his father will want a low class girl to be his son future wife”

She was looking at me up and down now

“Little Miss blondie I’ll save you the trouble, you will never be up to Jiyong standard”

 “And you are?”

She started to giggles and then looks up with her big round eyes into mine

“I’m perfect for him”

As she push past me and made her way out the bathroom. A couple of minute have pass as I finally made my way back to the group I sat down next to Minzy and notice the bipolar was looking at me he got up and came to sit next to me, he lean over and whisper into my ear.

“What’s wrong babe?”

“I met the anime in the bathroom”

His eyes grow big he grab my shoulders and force me to face him

“What did she say/do to you?”

“Nothing just said that I will never be up to your standard”

“Babe don’t listen to her ok she just angry I’m don’t like her and you are more than perfect for me, I’m the bless one to have someone like you in my life.”

A smile made its way onto my lip as I hug him


We both turn our head to the big group that was eyeing us now.

“How cute”

Dara squeal in excitement

“Man that was so cheesy”

Seungri laugh as he earns a couple of slap to the back of his head from the surrounding people. I couldn’t help giggling at how I’m so bless to have the perfect man and friends. But right now I have pans for those unwanted people I’m not going down without a fight.



I know I know it's been so long since I last updated I just been in a rut the last week or so, so I feel so bad for not updating sooner but hey never late the nnever right? So yea the two intruder are introduce here and what will happen to Jiyong and Chaerin after these two shows up?

*Another shout out to my bestie Michelle who is one of my silent reader *damn you* and here you go a chapter so stop blowing up my phone about updating gosh women I know I need to get on it. LOL but LOVE YOU SHELLY POO*

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9