Chapter 9 - Heartbeat

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 9

Chaerin POV

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing I reach my hand out from under the blanket and grab my phone, I lazily open my eyes to see Bom face on the screen as I slide my finger across and place the phone onto my ear.


“Yah!!! Chaerin where are you?”

“I’m still in bed”

“Do you know what time it is” I look over to the clock it was only 9

“unni I don’t have class until 1 today”

“I know that but today is the student meeting for the music camp trip” my eyes widen

“omo was that today?”

“Yes Rin Rin it’s going to start in an hour do you want me to pick you up”

“It’s ok unni I’ll be there in a little while I’m going to go get ready now”

I got out of bed and made my way to the shower, after the shower I change into some short and a t-shirt and a warm jacket and boots.  I headed over to the nightstand and was about to grab my keys when I notice a piece of paper napkin on the table I pick it up and unfold it to found a number written on it. shirt) jacket) short) boots)

“omo it’s Hyun Joong-shi number” as I remember back to the handsome man last night.

I took out my phone and save his number as I place the paper napkin in my bag. I grab the keys and headed out to meet up the girls.  

I made to school as Bom and Dara and Minzy waited for me at the gate engross in their conversation, as I was walking closer I can hear Bom telling Minzy and Dara about what happen last night.

“He was so cute and he kiss Chaerin”

“omo” Dara brought her hand to cover he mouth as Minzy was wide eye

“I can’t believe I was drunk that I couldn’t remember that”

“Excuse me Bom unni what are you doing?” Bom-unni halted in her stop and turn slowly giving me a smile she then made her way to me and place her arm around my shoulder.

“It’s nothing Rin Rin I was just telling the girls what happen to you last night…you know with that hot guy”

“omo you made it sound like I made out with him or something”

“Wait you didn’t?” Dara ask looking confused now looking at me then Bom-unni

“YAH!!! What did you tell them huh” I started to chase Bom-unni around in a circle wanting to get my hand around her neck.

“I……think…..I…..just…..over…..exggrated…..the….story…..a…..little” Bom not stopping and hiding behind the man-ki.

“Yah, don’t use the man-ki as a shield” I stop as Dara-unni grab my hand

“ok you two stop running around I’m getting a headache just watching you two as she pinches the bridge of her nose. 

We all sat down at the school drama theater where the meeting for the music department trip will be held. The great thing about this is Bom-unni, and Dara-unni, and Minzy are going to I was so excited that I have my friends going with me.

The theater was slowly filling up as I notice some student during my period and student from other music department.

“so did you call that guy yet?” Bom now leaning forward in her seat, her head turning to my direction as Dara-unni and Minzy did the same.

“Omo what’s his name and did you” I gave Bom-unni a glare

“no I didn’t yet and his name is Kim Hyun Joong”

“o yet so that mean you are planning to call him” Dara exclaim

“I will maybe later on today or tomorrow”

“omo someone playing hard to get” Bom clap her hand together in excitement

“ I didn’t get to see him” Minzy pout

“Yea you were to drunk” Bom smiled

“awww I wish I was there last night” Dara pout

“You were too busy with your hubby” Minzy said

Then a moment later we were join by Taeyang and Daesung and a few more minute TOP and Seungri also join. The meeting was about to start I guess the bipolar is not joining, well he probably to busy with the girl from last night.

“tisk…he such a ”

“Who a what?” Daesung ask as he was seated next to me, I rub the back of my neck and smile.

“Nothing oppa I’m just mumbling to myself about something” he just gave me a nod and turn to face the front. Then suddenly the door open as the blonde bipolar stroll down the aisle looking for something, his eyes met mine I could see a smirk appear on that pale face of his then I turn around.

Jiyong POV

I was a little late this morning as I got a call from Seungri nagging me where I was, because I was the one that drag them into volunteering for this. I open the door to the theater and look around look for familiar faces and there they were more like there she was looking back at me then suddenly turn away after our eyes connect. I made my way to the group of people and sat next to TOP hyung.

“Finally hyung the meeting about to start” Seungri whine

“yah!!! Stop your whining man-ki I’m here ok” I shot him a death glare as I saw him sitting back further in his seat. I look over to my right and I could see Chaerin and Daesung  talking and laughing with each other,

*she never like that around me*

*well I never gave her that option to laugh with me, all we do is fight with each other*

“you know if you stare any longer you might burn a whole into her” I look to my left to see TOP hyung face right next to me.

“hyung what the hell, why are you so close?” I tried to hide my embarrassment for getting caught staring

“You know Jiyong she hot and if you like her you should talk to her instead coming up with plans to piss her off.”

“hyung what are you talking about I don’t like her”

“ahuh and my hair aint silver” I just roll my eyes and face the front at the professor of the music department all made their way on stage and inform us on what the 3 weeks are about and what we need to do with the kids to help them to unsderstand music better.

The meeting took an hour and we were all inform that classes for today was cancel everyone was excited to not worry about class today.

“so where should we go eat” I overheard Daesung asking Chaerin

“I don’t know oppa you pick I’m not picky” I heard her reply back

*are they going to eat together?*

*What the hell Daesung?*

“When the hell did they become so close?*

“HUL you guys aren’t inviting us” Bom noona shouted

“No we were planning on everyone going” Daesung said as a small tint of pink appear on his cheek

“omo Daesung oppa are you blushing” Chaerin said and pinch his cheeks

*WHAT THE HELL* I wanted to strangle him

“omo what is going on between you two huh?” Taeyang said with his arm around Dara

“Nothing we’re just talking gosh, you people” Chaerin said in an annoy tone.

“haha we’re just messing Rin RIn” Dara ruffle Chaerin hair.

Chaerin POV

We were all going to eat at a burger joint near the school we decided to walk here instead of driving, it was only a 10 minute walk everyone was talking amongst themselves I was chatting with Daesung-oppa and Minzy about a new movie that just came out and I notice that the blonde bipolar was sitting there not really chatting with anyone.

*what’s wrong with him?”

“order 24” I saw the bipolar look at his number and got up and went to go get his order then a few minute later my number was call I got up and made my way up to the corner and while looking down at something that was stuck on my shoes I bump into someone.

“” I look up and saw the blonde bipolar standing there with his shirt soak from the soda on his tray spilling onto his shirt.

“omo I’m so sorry” he look piss then a few second later his eyes soften then walk to the counter and grab a few napkin and headed to the table.

“omg he super piss at me” I look over and could see him wiping his shirt as everyone was asking him what happen.

“o my gosh what should I do”

*wait why am I so worried*

“no Chaerin it’s your fault for not looking where you were going” I went up to counter and grab my food and added another drink to my order and fill it with coke and headed back to the table. I place the soda in front of him as he look up at me.

“I’m so sorry I’ll pay for the dry cleaning, and here a new soda” he just look at me and didn’t sat a word as she started to eat.

*WTH I was being nice and said sorry and you give me the silent treatment*

I sat in my seat and glare at him and stuff my food down my throat not caring if I was choking or not.

“umm Rin RIn you should slow down before you choke” I heard Bom voice but I didn’t care and just sat there probably looking piss off at the world then the blonde bipolar excuse himself as he was leaving early.

I didn’t understand him and got up and went after him

“Rin Rin where are you going?” I heard Bom unni yelling after me, I was outside and I look to my left and saw him waiting at the street light. I ran up to him as  fast as I could and then stop behind him and tap him on the shoulder, he turn around and was shock to see me behind him.

“what do you want” he said blankly, now I was super piss

*what is his problem* I caught my breath before speaking

“Yah I said sorry and even offer to pay for your dry cleaning, so what is your problem huh?”

“What do you mean” is he for real?

“I mean what this not answering me back and giving my silent treatment?”

“I didn’t know you care if I talk to you are not” I was stun

*why do I care if he talk to me or not?*

“I don’t care but I said I was going to pay for your dry cleaning and you didn’t give me an answer”

“You think I can’t pay for my own dry cleaning? Do I look not capable to do it?” he retorted back, I was at my limits with him I tried being nice and that didn’t work so if he want me to be a to him then I’ll be more then happy to.

I could stand being around him anymore then the cross walk light turn green I started walking back to the school as I was about to step off the curb I felt a hand pulling me back as I saw a car running the light and did a sharp turn.

I breathe in and out as my body shiver but the arm around me was warm and comforting I felt his warm breathe blowing at the top my head as his chin rested on the crown of head. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating, my face was press against his chest as I can hear his heart beat faster or was it mine?

“are you ok” I heard him ask I look up and his brown eyes staring into mine I don’t understand why but my heart was racing faster as he keep looking at me. Then I snap out of it as I was looking at the situation we were in, it look like we were embracing each other I push him off me gently and step a few step back.

“I’m fine” I look over at him slowly a smirk appear on his face then he took a few stop closer as he lean in closer his lips inches from my ear.

“I bet you like being press against me” Before I could register what he said he was already half way down the cross walk.

“YAH YOU BABO GET BACK HERE, HOW DARE YOU THINK I LIKE BEING AGINST YOU” I stomp my feet then notice a couple of people staring at me.

“hunnie is she crazy” a girl whisper to her boyfriend as they walk a little faster after eyeing me.

My face was heated as I cover my face and made my way back to the restaurant. 

A/N: oooooo Chaerin is feeling something and Jiyong is in denial right now as you can tell lol

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9