Chapter 22 - Encounter

I Should Have Never Said No

Chapter 22

Chaerin POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing as I slowly sat up in bed, I rub my eyes  as my eyesight wasn’t use to the sun light that was shining into my room. I swing my foot over to the side of the bed as I heard a thud sound under my feet and look down to see my foot on the bipolar stomach.

“Yah, Hunchae can you get your feet off of me I can’t breathe”

I lifted my foots and brought it up to my chest as the bipolar sat up from the floor and starch his hair as his blonde hair was sticking up and messy from him scratching it.

“Who told you to sleep right there”

“Well I can’t sleep on your bed now can I?”

“Why didn’t you go sleep on the couch than”

He stood up and sat next to me

“Because I don’t want to be far away from you”

He was about to lean in to kiss me as I use my index finger and shove it at his forehead to push him back.

“Ouch Hunchae that hurt”

As he rub his forehead while making a pouty face.

“Aww did I hurt the erted bipolar”

I rub his forehead then he grab my hands and held them

“I’m not erted or bipolar, when are you going to stop calling me that?”

I stood up and poke his forehead again and ran to the bathroom and shouted

“When hell freezes over”

I shut the door and lock it as I could hear his foot step coming closer to the door he started to bang as the door.





Then it went silent I press my ears to the door as I tried to hear what was going on the other side of the door but it was silent.

“What is he doing?”

Then I heard clicking noises from the door handle.

“O crap”

I held onto the handle as the bipolar on the other side was picking at it. Then I heard the door click open as he shove his weight into the door as it made me stumble backward as he was standing right in front of me with a wide grin.

“Now I said come here”

I leap forward and grab me into his arm and started to kiss me

“Yah, bipolar let go no fair”

“No I won’t let you go until you call me oppa”






“What the hell, no”



“Stop kissing me”

“Not until you call me oppa”



I took in a deep breath and open my mouth

“Oppa can you let me go”

“Sure thing my Hunchae”

He loosen his hold on me but before I knew it he lean over and kiss me again and ran out the bathroom, I wanted to run after him and smack him across the head a few time but I was embarrass leave the bathroom. I closed the door and lock it as I held my now redden cheeks, I turn on the shower and took a shower.

Kwon Jiyong POV

After Hunchae finish her shower we both headed out to have breakfast as I called out the guys and she call out the girls to meet us up.

“So you two are officially together?” Seungri pointed at the both of us, we both nodded to his question.

“OMG I’M SO FREAKIN EXCITED” Bom got up and ran over to the both and wrap her arms around both of our neck as she hop up and down in excitement.

“Noona can you let go of our neck I think Chaerin is turning blue in the face over there.”

Bom-noona turn to look at Chaerin and notice the blonde hair girl was choking as she was trying to get the red hair girl arms off her neck.

“Sorry” Bom stood straight up and walk over to her seat next to Dara.

“Hey Dae why are you so quiet over there you haven’t said a word since we all met up”

Daesung look up from his seat and fake a smile at his friends.

“I’m ok, just tired from last night from going to the gym with Taeyang-hyung.”

“When did we”

Daesung jab into Taeyang side

“O yea we went to the gym last night”

“Really babe I thought you told me you were going to sleep on last night”

Dara now looking over to her boyfriend

“I was but Dae wanted to go work-out so I join him”


Dara nodded her head; a couple more minutes went by as everyone was in their own conversation when we all heard someone yell.


I turn around to see Joong Hyun-oppa walking over to our table I look over to the bipolar as he was staring down the person that was making his way closer to us. Joong Hyun-oppa stops a couple of feet away from me as he gave me a smile.

“Chaerin I knew that was you, I was going to stop by your place and see if you wanted to go grab something to eat.”

Then I felt the bipolar getting up and walking over to him.

“I don’t think Chae would be able to go out to eat with you right now or anytime in the future”

“And why is that”

As the two men stare each other down, then the bipolar walk over to me and stood by my side as he place his arm around my shoulders.

“Because she is my girlfriend”

I could feel my face getting red and I could hear snicker from around the table and I could see Joong Hyun-oppa eyes turn dark and scary.

“She never told me she had a boyfriend”

“We just started going out”

“Is that true Chaerin”

I look up at him


He was now staring at me his eyes piercing through mine then a smirk appear on his face.

“Well what’s the point of winning without a little competition?”

He then turns around and walk away, after he left the bipolar sat back down next to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

“What the is wrong with that guy?”

“OMG he is super creepy” As Minzy look over her shoulder to the now disappearing Joong Hyun

“So he was the guy that was super sweet and nice to you at the club.” Minzy, looking over at me pointing behind her.


I said as I look over at the bipolar who was now looking at me

“You sure can pick them huh?”

“What is that suppose too mean?”

“Well he a psychopath”

“And the girl you told me about is not?”

“Well at least she not stalking me unlike yours”


“KIDS, KIDS, KIDS calm the heck down”

As Taeyang-oppa said, while gesturing with his hand for us to chill out.

“Sorry oppa”

I said as I jab into the bipolar side with my elbow.

“Ouch that hurt Hunchae.”

We carried on as the day pass we all spent the day all together going to the movies and shopping in 3 more days will be the trip, everyone was excited and the bipolar was even more excited when he found out our cabin were next to each other. 

A/N: I mess up with the POV at the very end but I think you guys will know who is who but sorry for the very late update the weather here in Cali is getting wierd one day it's hot the next it start to rain so my body been sick. So sorry once again and I will update more often when I'm 100% better. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9