Chapter 13 - The Mission

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 13

Kwon Jiyong POV

From: Hunchae

What are you talking about Jiyong? How am I cheating on you? The last thing I remember you have to be my boyfriend to ask me if I’m cheating on you.

I read her message on the screen and she was right, I wasn’t her boyfriend I’m not her lover I didn’t have a right to question her. I tap my finger faster on the table as a couple of people around me gave me an evil glare for making so much noise. But just imagining her with him or any guys for that matter make me boil inside.

“Do I like her?” The question slip out of my mouth involuntary as I stop tapping my finger on the table as I took in a deep breath, can it be true me the playboy Kwon Jiyong like that blonde psycho? I sat there thinking over the conclusion I stubble upon as I pick up my phone and type a message I thought I will never type to any girl.

Chaerin POV

The screen went blank as I sat there re-thinking what I just read, is he for real? Is he pulling my leg? Why is he asking me to be his girlfriend? Not once she showed and type of romantic interest in me. So why all of a sudden he asks me this question that I can’t even wrap my brain around it.


“Chaerin” I look up to see Hyung Joong-oppa staring at me.

“Are you ok?” he ask

“I’m fine oppa I’m just not feeling too well right now”

“Omo do you want me to take you back home?” I didn’t want to be rude and just leave in the middle of the date, but another 5 minute with him I would probably went into the bathroom and drown myself and now on top of that I have his message that’s been popping in and out of mead the last 5 minute.

“Can you please oppa?”

“sure” We got up and made our way outside as the valet brought his car up I didn’t even wait for him to open the door for me I went and open it myself and got in. He drove me back home and we bid our farewell as I went inside my apartment I drop my bag on the floor and drag my feet over to the couch an plop down on it as Phatty jump up and lay on my lap.

“Phatty mommy is so confused right now; I think mommy brain is going to explode.” The fat cat just laid there his paw. I rolled my eyes at how such an easy life this cat has all he does is eat, sleep and be played with, no worry in the world at all.

I pull out my phone and re-read the text message again and again and again, what should I say? Or should I even write back at all?

Kwon Jiyong POV

It’s been 10 minute since I sent her the message what taking her so long? Did I freak her out? Does she think I’m playing with her? Is she mad? These entire questions kept popping in and out of my mind I was going to write another message as the saw the front door of the restaurant open and the tall pretty boy walking out with Chaerin behind him, they both got into his car and drove off.

“Did she see my text message?” I got up out of my seat and headed back home once in awhile I would take a glance at my phone hoping a text message notification bow would appear. One hand on the steering wheels as I tug at my hair with the free hand in frustration.

“Why am I letting one girl getting to me like this?”

“Come on Kwon Jiyong your better than this, you’re the most wanted guy in your school you can get any girls your want, why are you letting this one girl bother you? Ash!!!”

I pull into the underground parking to my building park my car and headed to my penthouse on the top floor. I toss my keys and wallet on the dining table slouch down on the couch as I pull out my phone out of my jacket and slide my finger across the screen.  

Chaerin POV

I took a warm shower as I was walking out to the living room towel drying my hair I heard my phone meowing now. Yes I change the annoying rooster sound to a cat meowing, I walk over and pick up my phone and there was a message from the bipolar.

From: ertedBipolar


I sigh deeply and sat down on the couch as I started to text him.

From: Hunchae

You know it’s not funny toying with a girl emotion like that.

From: ertedBipolar

Who said I was messing around, I’m asking you for real Hunchae.

I stare at the screen as something inside of me just spark at his message.

From: Hunchae

How do I know that it’s real, you’re a player, you always pick on me, you never once been nice to me, we are always fighting, so how am I suppose to answer you when all I can remember between us is us fighting.

Kwon Jiyong POV

She was right I haven’t been really nice to her, but on the other hand she was never nice to me either but there was something about her that I don’t want any other male near her. But I was at my limit in hearing her answer.

From: ertedBipolar

Just tell me if you want to or not.

From: Hunchae


My eyes widen

“WHAAAATTTTT she said no, TO ME? How dare she I am KWON muttaflucken JIYONG” My finger was typing at lightning speed as I press the sent button.

From: ertedBipolar

What do you mean NO?

From: Hunchae

No, as in not I will not be your girlfriend, do you not know how to read?

Never once in my life I was ever turn down by a girl and I will not let this blonde girl tarnish my rep.

“Game on blondy my new mission from today on, TO MAKE LEE CHAE RIN MINE.” 



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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9