Chapter 15 - Do I like him?

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 15

Kwon Jiyong POV

I was woken up to the sound the doorbell ringing throughout my penthouse, I slowly sat up scratching my head I swing my feet off to the side of the bed as my bare foot touch the cold wooden floor as a sudden chill creep up my whole entire body.

“Coming, geez who can it be at this time” I pull my blanket around my shoulder and made my way to the front door and open it. There stood two men in black suit in front of me one was bald and tall the other was really pale a little shorter than the bald man, both had sunglasses on and had ear pieces in there left ear they both then bow to me.

“What are you guys doing here” The bald man then bow again.

“Young master your father need you to go to Italy with him at once” the bald man inform me


“For what reason.”

“He needs your assistant with a new project that he is involved in over there”

“But I told that old man already I’m done with the family business, don’t he understand that” I scratch my head in frustration. I knew these men won’t leave until I leave with them my father was a stubborn man and always get what he wants, I guess that where I got my stubbornness from.

“Ok fine I give up I’ll go pack my things real quick, how long would this take I have a school trip in 2 weeks”

“You’ll be back before then sir, it won’t take that long” Another 20 minute I pack my things and headed out with my father body guard and there was his car park in front of my building.

The guard opens the door as I slide in next to my father; I bow my head slightly to greet the old man.

“Ah-bo-jee what is this I told you I don’t want to get involved in your business anymore”

“Yah, Jiyong-ah how dare you use that tone of voice with your father” as he slap the back side if my head

“YAH, appa that hurt” still rubbing the spot my father hit

“How did I end up with a son like you? Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position to be the next heir to the family business?”

“Ah-bo-jee I told you the million times I don’t want the position of CEO to our hotel chain, I’m not interested in it my heart is in music.”

My father just look at me knowing this was a losing battle as we had this conversation a million time before and I always stuck with the same reply. My father never understood why I chose music then inherited out multi-million dollars hotel chain that we have all across Korea and overseas. I mean I must be crazy not wanting to but it was not my passion to sit behind a desk going over figures and data and graphs and projection sale. I would probably be one of those statistics of suicide that was cause by work. The rest of the car ride to the airport was quite as we boarded our family private jet plane, as I settle down in my seat I dig through my pocket to get my cellphone to text my friends that I won’t be at school for a week or two after I finish I was going to text Chaerin that I was going to be gone from school and tell her I will miss her but then my phone went blank.

“Dammit, my phone die” My charger was inside my lugged that was in the under belly of the plane. I mentally slap myself for being so careless.

Chaerin POV

Class has started as I took my seat near the window now I look over to my right and notice the bipolar seat was empty.

“I guess he not coming to school today” I shook my head lightly why did I care if he here or not. The class went on as it normally do I pull out my phone and scroll through my contact list and stop at his name *ertedBipolar* I was staring at it who know how long. Then I scroll to Minzy number and sent her a text message about meeting up after class to go shopping for the trip tha was coming up in a couple of week.


Do you want to go with my shopping after class today for our trip?


Of course Unni I am so down, where should I meet you up at?


In front of the school would be fine, let’s invite Bommie-unni and Dara-unni also.


Sound good I’ll text them right now 

I was tapping on finger on the screen as it was jumping back and forth from my message box to my contact. I look over to my right at the empty seat as a feeling of disappointment lingers in my mind.

I met up with the girls after class was over we then headed off to the mall to shop for trip. I pick up a black sleeping bag and a couple of long sleeve shirts and hiking boots and thick hiking pants and an first aid kit and a thick warm North Face jacket. All the girls grab similar things as I did as we found out the location of the camp was up in the mountains and it was going to be super cold as fall have already here the left are turning color and the warm weather was getting cooler as days passes.

“omo Rinnie why are you buying the emergency kit for, we are going to teach kids not going off to the middle of nowhere.” Bom pick up my mini pack emergency kit that I was planning to buy.

“unni you don’t know what might go wrong out there we are in the mountains not the city” She just place it back in the shopping basket as we paid for our things and went grab some food before heading back to school.

The girls and I headed back to school after we ate Bom-unni was in the back seat of Dara-unni car munching on her corn on the cob while Minzy was messing with her tablet I was in the passenger seat as I was staring out the window. I didn’t know why his face pop in my head I place both hand on either side of my head and shook it trying to get his image out of my head.

“Why are you in my head….get out” I shook from left to right

“Yah, Rin Rin what are you doing, your starting to freak me out” Bom-unni stuck her head between the passenger and driver seat.

“Seem like something or SOMEONE is stuck in her head” Minzy exclaim with a smirk on her face as I could clearly see her through the rearview mirror.

“Who? Who? I want to know” Bom-unni reaches over and grab my arm and start yanking on it like a little child.

“It’s no one unni I’m just a little tired that all” I gave a smile

“No I heard clearly heard you said, why are you in my head.” Dara gave me a side glance with a grin on her lip.

*damn this unni*

“It’s Jiyong-oppa huh?” Minzy said not looking up from her tablet, I almost choke on my own saliva when she said that.

“You like Jiyong?” Bom said

“No” I try to explain

“unni don’t lie to yourself, we already know Jiyong like you, don’t tell me you have no feeling for him at all” Minzy ask now looking up from her tablet.

“I don’t hate him but I don’t like him like that” Minzy just gave me a *yea sure* look.

“Just leave her alone Minji-ah” Dara said as she pull into the student parking lot.

We finish off the day at school as Dara-unni drop me off at home with all of the things I bought, I went to my apartment and open the door as Phatty ran up to me rubbing his fat little body against my leg.

“You’re hungry huh?”

I pour food for the fat cat as I headed to my room and plop down on my bed I pulled out my cellphone and went into my gallery icon and scroll down to search for what I was looking for and press my finger on it as it fill up my whole screen.

“do I like you” As his face overtook my screen, I smile at how cute he was in this photo, I then lay the phone on the bed as I closed my eyes and try to take a quick nap to get this person out of my head. 


A/N: Sorry again for not updating sooner been busy with school and work, it's hard to find time to write and update like I wanted to so I hope you guys can forgive me. :-) This chapter about Chaerin starting to disect her feeling for Jiyong, do she like him? or not? hummmmm. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9