Chapter 28 - Light

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 28 
Jiyong POV
I went to go get the rest of the group as we talk over the plan as the two uncurious people were sleeping in one of our rooms.
“Isn’t that a little cruel?”
“And you think what they did to me and Chae was better”
“But that just seem so mean”
“If we don’t do this they will never leave us alone”
Finally after another 5 minute of debt we went through with the plan the girls strip Hana and place her on the bed under a blanket then we went in and lay place Joong Hyun next to her under the blanket as well as Chaerin place his arm over Hana to make it look like they were embracing each other. 
We all pull out our phone and took a picture and left the room, soon they will awake to something surprising and they will for ever be out of our hairs. 
I couple of more minute we could hear movement inside the room then I look over to my Hunchae as we both smile.
“Count down 3...2...1”
All of use ran inside the room to see Hana holding a blanket against herself as Joong Hyun was on the floor with a pillow covering himself. 
“Omo what is this”
Bom-noona had a smirk on her face 
“Omg Joong Hyun-oppa I thought you only love me but I can see you have another in your heart” 
As Chaerin join in the teasing
“This can’t be”
Hana stood up and examine herself and then look over at us as she pointed at Chaerin
“You did this”
As she made way over to Chaerin and lifted up her hand about to slap Chaerin, but Chae caught her hands in time and push her back.
“Don’t even think about laying a finger on me, miss nice girl was out the window when you two drug me.”
Chaerin took a step closer to Hana as she took a couple of step back as her back was now press against the wall.
“So don’t think I won’t hit you back, and if you do hit me make sure I can’t get back up because if I do I swear you will regret it.” 
Hana eyes widen as she stare down at the floor, I finally step in as Hana and Joong Hyung was now looking at me, I pull out my phone and slide my finger across the screen and face the phone to them. 
“If you two think about pulling anymore tricks on me and Chaerin I will show this to your parents and the news. So I suggest you two pack your things and get out of here before you make the morning headline.”
The two look at each other as they gather all their thing and ran out from the room. As they were gone we all cheered that finally the pest are finally gone. 
Chaerin POV
I can’t believe they are finally gone the next couple of day was quiet and peaceful as we went about our days with teaching and watching over the students, Finally the last day at camp finally arrived as the student left the day before all was left was the college student and professor. We all made a huge campfire outside near the lake as everyone gather around it talking and hanging out. I was sitting next to my bipolar-oppa as we snuggle next to each other.
I look up at him as his eyes glow from the fire light.
“What is it?”
“I love you”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing he said that he love me, I look into his eyes to see if he was lying but there was no struggle in his word no lie in his eyes he really did mean it. I smile at him as I cup his face in my hands as I pull my face closer to his out lip were only an inch or two from touching each other.
“I love you too”
As I lean in and close the gap between us. A couple of hours went by as people told ghost story or played games some went off to bed or went out walking around. Suddenly Jiyong stood up as he reach his hand down in front of me I grab it as he pull me up onto my feet.
“Where are we going oppa?”
“It’s a surprise”
He led to the lake as we went to sit on the boating dock as we took off our shoes and sat down on the edge of the dock. I dip my foot into the cold water as a sudden chill run up and down my body.
“ this water is cold”
As I look over to the bipolar as he was trying his best to dip his feet into the icy water as well. He finally settle down next to me as he wrap his arm around my shoulder.
“So why did you bring me out here?”
“Just because I want you to all to myself”
I smiled at him
“When did you become so sweet”
“I’m always sweet”
“No your not, your cocky and conceited, self absorbent”
He place his palm over my mouth.
“Ok, ok, ok I get it I was an before but you change me for the better”
I laugh 
“That was so cheesy” 
“That how I roll baby”
He wink at me as I playfully jab him in the rib, we laid on the dock as we look up at the stars and he pointed out the constellations to me I was wrap up in his arms as my head lay on top of his chest I could slowly hear his heart beat getting faster and faster. 
“Oppa why is your heart beating so fast”
I moment of silent went by as I look up at him our eyes met. 
“Because the person that own my heart is near me.” 
I smiled at him as I slowly scooted up as out face were only inches away from each other, I can’t help to feel whole when I’m with him, he make me feel like I never felt before and I can’t imagine living life without him from this day on.
“And you’re the owner of mine”
I lean down and kiss his lip as I pull back for air at the corner of my eyes I could see light flickering I slowly sat up and notice the lake being lit up as boats with candles all over them drift slowly on the water covering every inch of the lake.
“Omo what is this, it’s so beautiful”
I couldn’t take my eyes off  of it as this is the most beautiful thing I ever seen in my life. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as he lay his chin on my shoulder.
“Do you like it”
I turn around and look at him.
“You did this”
He smile as he kiss my cheeks
“Yes and a little help from our friends and students and professors”
I could believe this he arrange this whole thing without me knowing it, no one ever done something like this for me and I knew that I will never forget this.
“But why”
“Should there be a reason?”
“I don’t know”
He pull me closer to him and turn me around to look at the flickering light as he wrap his arms around me again.
“Because you deserve this and more”
We both stood there in silent as we watch the boats drifting left and right on the lake.
“Oppa why are you so nice to me”
I can hear him chuckle lightly as he press his lip to my ears sending chills down my spin.
“Because I love you”
“I love you too.”
A/N: Thank you guys for following this story and for all of your comments I know I said there was going to be a couple more chapter but it seem like they been at that camp for to long and I think it was a good ending point for the story on the last day of camp. But no worries I will be working now on my second story so please look forward to that and I hope you like it. LOVE YOU GUYS.
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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9