Chapter 12 - Text

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 12

Chaerin POV

I woke up to the sound of a rooster echoing throughout my room, my eyes shot open as I sat up in bed, what the hell is that noise then I look to my nightstand and notice my new phone vibrating and the rooster sound coming from my phone. I pick up the phone off the nightstand and notice I have one message un-read on my phone.

“who could this be, I didn’t give anyone my new number yet” I slide my finger across the screen as his face was still plaster on my wallpaper I was to lazy to change it so I just left it there and I’ll change it later. I tap on the message icon and on the new message.

From: Unknown

Good morning so do you like your new phone?

Who is this? The only person that knew I have a new phone was the person that bought me this phone. O my gosh is this him texting me?

From: Unknown

Is this who I think it is?

From: Unknown

I can be whoever you want me to be babe…lol 

From: Unknown

YAH!!! You blonde bipolar I’m not playing games with you.

From: Unknown

Gosh do you always wake up this angry?

From: Unknown

No, and why are you texting me?

From: Unknown

Why can’t I? I bought you the phone and I just wanted to see if you like it or not.

From: Unknown

That don’t matter if you bought me it or not, that didn’t mean you can text me. I have to deal with you at school and when we are with our friends now I have to deal with you through the phone, if that’s the case take the phone back.

From: Unknown

YAH!!!! Hunchae why are you so mean to me huh? I’m trying to be nice and all I hear from you is ing ing ing.

From: Unknown

Because you make me want to at you, and who is being mean to who? Huh, aren’t you always the one picking a fight with m?  AND DON’T CALL ME HUNCHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Unknown

O.K. O.K. I give up I’m throwing up the white flag you win ok, so can we be civilized for once and try to be freinds?

Be friends? Hummmm I never thought of being friends with him, can we even get along for that matter? We are always fighting with each other I don’t know how to act any differently around him then to be a to him. I guess for the sake of our friends I can try…..right?

From: Unknown

O.K. we can try but I’m not grantee anything with you.

From: Unknown

That’s great because I don’t think I can survive another one of your attack, So I’ll save your number under HUNCHAE then, my heart warming HUNCHAE.

From: Unknown

I’m not no one Hunchae you bipolar.

From: Unknown

OoOoOo someone getting mad again, so what’s my name going to be huh?

What will his name be hummmmm???????????????????????????????? An idea pops into my head as I type down on the screen.

From: Hunchae


From: ertedBipolar


From: Hunchae


I smiled at my last text I sent him and place my phone on the nightstand as I got up and went to wash up. Today I didn’t have class so it was a free day, after washing up I texted everyone my new number and texted Hyung Joong-oppa if he wanted to grab lunch today. He said yes so now I’m getting ready and he will be here to pick me up in 20 minute.

He texted that he was waiting down stairs, I grab my purse and made my way out of my apartment as I walk outside he was standing there against his silver Audi with a angelic smile on his lips. I couldn’t help but stare at how handsome he looks.

“Wow Chaerin you look great” I smile at his complement he open the passenger side door for me as I got in. He slip into the driver seat and started the car.

We stop in front of a fancy restaurant as he got out and open the car door for me.

“thank you” I said as I was getting out  I look up at the place where we are suppose to have lunch this place is to fancy for my taste, I wouldn’t have mind if we just grab coffee or a sandwich somewhere.

“oppa this place look really fancy” he smile down at me as he gave his keys to the valet

“Really? It’s more like a 2 star restaurant to me” REALLY? Omg, how can a two star restaurant have its own waterfall and valet parking? If this was a two star then the places I been eating was a dump then.

“oppa are you sure we can just go get a sandwich at this place I know near the school?” He looks at me and smile.

“I don’t ever step inside those kinds of places, it’s too cheap for my taste” I look over at him

*to cheap* is he for real?

“Come on lets go inside” he grab my arm and pulled me in with him.

Kwon Jiyong POV

I place the phone down next to me on the couch as I smile at her last reply. I stood up and made my way to the refrigerator and rummage inside to see what I can eat.

“Nothing” I closed the refrigerator door and went over to the coffee table and grab my car keys and grab my phone off the couch and headed out. I need to pick up some food before I starve to death I stop by this small deli shop I always go to when there nothing to eat at home. I went inside and order a sandwich and grab a bottle of water and chips for the side and went to sit down as they make my sandwich. I was looking out the window at all the people passing by as I notice the restaurant across the street was busy setting things up for lunch. Then I notice a silver Audi pulling up to the front as a tall male step out as he made his way to the passenger side.

“hummmm that guy look familiar” Then a blonde hair girl step out of the car, my eyes widen as the girl was no other then Lee Chaerin.

“What is she doing here, with him?” I was tapping my finger on the table as I watch him grab her hand and pull her inside the restaurant.

“Sir your order is done”


“SIR” I look up to see the waitress holding up a bag

“O sorry” I grab the bag as she walk always; I pulled out my phone and start typing away.

Chaerin POV

10 minute have already pass and I’m ready to pull my hair out, all he been talking about is how rich he is and how expensive his new condo cost and on and on and on he went. He is totally different from that night at the club, what happen to the sweet Hyung Joong-oppa I met that night.

He kept talking and to be honest I wasn’t listening.

*this was a bad idea* Then I felt my phone vibrate on my lap I look up to see if he notice and nope he was still busy talking about himself. I place the phone on my lap and glance down and slide my finger across the screen and his name pop-up on the message box.

From: ertedBipolar

Hunchae are you cheating on me?

What is this bipolar talking about and why is he texting me again?

From: Hunchae

What do you want bipolar, I’m busy.

From: ertedBipolar

I ask, are you cheating on me.

From: Hunchae

What are you talking about Jiyong? How am I cheating on you? The last thing I remember you have to be my boyfriend to ask me if I’m cheating on you.

A couple of minute went by and no message, I guess he got tired of playing now, I look up and Hyun Joong-oppa was now shoving his phone in my face showing me all his vacation picture that he took 2 weeks ago in London.

“if you want I can take you there in my private jet” He then continued about how much the plane cost and all the upgrade his did. Then I felt the phone vibrate in my hand.  I slide my finger across the screen and read the message my eyes widen as I almost drop my phone on the floor.

From: ertedBipolar

O.K. Then do you want to be my girlfriend? 


A/N: OMG what will Chaerin say kekekekekekekeke now the fun part begin.

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9