Chapter 25 - Camp

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 25

Chaerin POV

The bus finally came to a stop as my body jerk forward my eyes slowly lifted open as I was greeted by student getting up, stretching their arms in the air or yawning Taeyang-oppa was helping Dara-unni up from her seat, Bom-unni and Minzy where putting their things into their bags TOP-oppa and Daesung and Seungri-oppa was already of the bus messing around outside.

I fully sat up straight as I turn to my left and notice my still sleeping bipolar as a tiny bit of drool was forming at the corner of his mouth. I couldn’t help but giggle at his adorable face I nudge him as he turn over to the side I nudge him again as he finally open his eye.

 He slowly sat up and rubs his eyes and stares around then finally at me as she gave me a sweet smile, I reach my finger to his lip as I wipe the drool from the side of mouth.

“You have a little drool right there”

His cheeks turn a tint of red as I could tell he was embarrassed that I witness his non-manly side. He dusted his jacket as he stood up and reach out his hand to me. I grab his hand as he pull me up as he then grab my shoulder bag and his bag and place around his shoulder.

“You know the damage is done, I can still picture you drooling”

As I reach over and pinch his nose and meet up with Taeyang-oppa and Dara-unni as we made our way out of the bus.


Kwon Jiyong POV

*What am I going to do now?*

She saw me drooling in my sleep, how embarrassing as I palm my forehead, how am I going to make myself look manly in front of her now.

 I hung my head low as I made my way out of the bus the air was thicker up in the mountain I shield my eyes from the sun as my vision adjusted to the surrounding I could see student gathering under a huge tree to shield their bodies from the sun.

I look around for my friends and my girlfriend as I spotted them in a group behind the other students, I could see Minzy and Daesung waving me over to them as I step out and walk over to my friends.

I found my way to my blonde beauty as I snake my arm around her waist as I pulled her closer to me.

“Can you go 5 minute without being to touchy, touchy”

As she gave me a stern look I pouted as I tighten my arm around her he just kept looking at me.

“Nope I won’t let you leave”

“Hyung she not going to disappear if you’re not with her”

Daesung smile at me then went chasing after Seungri after he pours water on Daesung head.

“Well I’m not taking my chances”

I lean over and kiss her cheek, he slap my arm playfully as a smile appears on her lip.

*Gosh I want to kiss that lip so bad right now*

“Omg look at the two love birds, I think I’m going to be sick”

Bom-noona made a gaging sound as she pretended to be disgusted.

“Don’t act like you’re not jealous of this”   

I said to the red head

“Pshhh whatever I like being single”

“So you like being single or is it no one ask you out”

TOP poke fun at Bom-noona her face turn red as she clinches her fingers into a fist her cheek started to puff up.

“YAH, you stupid alien”

She started to chase the tall man around as he kept laughing at the red face red head.

“OK student gather around”

One of the professor said as everyone gather into a big group.

“OK the children you will be watching over these next 3 weeks will be here in 3 days so in these 3 days you are to learn about the surrounding area and getting uses to it, so you won’t end up lost with the kids.”

Everyone chuckle/giggles

“OK, OK here are you room keys and the list of student you and your group would be looking over and the project you will assist them with and also shower time and meal time.”

We made our way to our cabin to unpack and shower and change our two cabins were right next to the lake and were at the very end.

The girls went into their cabin to settle in as me and the boys went into our, it was pretty nice it has to small room and a living room area one room has two bed inside as the other room had a bed and a bunk bed. 

It was decided that Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri would get the room with the bunk bed and myself and TOP would get the one with the two bed because we were the oldest.

I unpack my things and hang up all my clothing and store all my belonging on the table and desk that was provided for us, also the cool think about out room was we had a deck that walk out to the back that overlook the lake.

I walk out as I took in the beautiful view in front of me as I look to my right I saw my Hunchae on their balcony he look radiant as her blonde hair sway back and forth as the wind blow gently through them.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her she was too beautiful for words, het Ivory skin glow in the sun as her fierce cat eyes was hidden behind her dark Ray Ban sunglasses her pouty lip were calling to me. Her chest heaving in and out her smooth legs showing as she wore some shorts.

“She has nice legs hyung”

I turn to the voice as I saw Seungri staring at my Hunchae I slap him across the head as I puch him back inside the room.

“What’s that for”

“For staring at my girlfriend”

“But she does have nice legs”

“If I catch you staring at her legs again I will pull your eyeballs out of it socket”

Seungri held up his hand to his eyes as he back away

“Gosh can you be anymore overprotected of your girlfriend”

Seungri then made his way out of my room and went to his room.


I turn to the voice as I saw TOP-hyung hanging up his thing in the closet

“I didn’t know you were in here hyung”

“Are you for real about Chae”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean are series about her”

“I am, why? What this all about hyung”

As I fully turn to face him

“I just wanted to know after her you were never series about anyone else”

“I know but she is different”

“I hope so I don’t want you to end up hurting her I like her”


“Calm your tiny down I mean I like her like a little sister”


As I calm back down.

“Alright let’s go get the girls and go eat”


Chaerin POV

I swear I heard a noise coming from the boy’s balcony but I guess I was hearing things as there was no one there. I headed back inside as I was rooming with Minzy in the smaller room and the two older unni’s were in the bigger one.  Minzy just finish placing all of her things on the table as I were walking in she then turn to me and smile.


She sat down as she a once over at her accomplishment.

“I don’t know how you can unpack so quickly unni”

I smile at her as I sat down on my bed.

“Well I guess it help that I’m a clean freak lol”

“Just like Jiyong-oppa”

Minzy gave me a teasing smile


“You two are like made for each other”

The young girl laughs as I could feel my cheeks getting warmer

“Shut up”

“Hey guys the boys are here to go with us to go eat”

Dara call out from the living area

We meet up with the boys in front of our cabin and headed out to the cafeteria.

“What is this crap?”

The bipolar lifted up a spoonful of something that looks like oatmeal with chucks of what look like meat in it.

“Its food just eat it”

I told him

“I can’t eat this”

“Then starve”

“How could they feed us this it look like something pigs would eat”

“Hyung stop complaining we’re not at a 5 star reasturant”

Daesung said as he shoves a spoonful of it into this mouth

“It’s not that bad”

He smile 

“Wow it’s actually pretty good, I mean it don’t look appealing but it’s good”

Bom said as she started shoving food into as well.

“Unni slow down the food not going to run anywhere”

I said worry she might choke on her food

“But I’m so hungry”

As she shove a biscuit into

“Noona you’re going ot choke”

TOP watches in awe at the small female across from him shoving every piece of edible thing into . So was everyone else at the able for that matter I turn back to the bipolar as he kept poking and shoving his food around on his plate.

I had enough as I didn’t want him to end up passing out from not eat as I lean over and whisper something into his ear, his face brighten up as he started to shove the food into his mouth.

“He’s eating”

Dara pointed at the bipolar

“How did you do it Chae”

Bom said as she was now looking up from her food.

“It’s a secret”

I smile as everyone at the table look at me then back at the bipolar as he ate almost every single thing on his plate.

After everyone finish eat lunch we decided to head out to look around the area we made sure to bring water and a compass just in case any one of us got lost.  The bipolar kept on insisting for us to go alone I could handle his nagging anymore so we went on our own and decided to meet up in an house at the big oak tree at the side of the camping area.

We were walking on a killing path near the camping the path was steep on either side of the path was full of tree and bushes the path was dark as the tree branches and leave provide shade on the path. The bipolar stop abruptly as he pulled on my arm. I turn to face him as a playful smirk appears on his face.

“So what about that deal huh?”

I knew that was the reason he wanted us alone


“Yes now it’s quiet and dark an no one is around”


“You promise Hunchae”


“You promise”

“But if I didn’t you would have eaten”

“You promise”

I mentally slap myself for promising him this


He then grabs me around the waist as he pulls me in closer to him he lean down and close he space between us as he press his lip on mine I could feel his hand roaming around my back as I could feel his hand making it way under my shirt.

“Hey I said we can make-out not you trying going for second base”

He pouted but went back to kissing me after another minutes of making out thing got a little more heated as the kiss deepen as both of us battle for dominance but in the end he won. I was press up again one of the tree as his hand massage my back, I had my arms around his neck as he slowly kiss the side of my jaw as he lower himself down to the crook of my neck then down to my collarbone as he started to nibble and on my flesh.



I was in taking air as the next minute it was would be push out of his touch and kiss

“Do you want me to stop?”

I knew if we kept going things might get out of hand, but at this very moment I don’t want him to I wanted his touch his kiss I wanted him.



We turn to the sound as it was getting closer we straighten ourselves and fix our shirt and hair before heading back down the path.

The bipolar lean over as his whisper

“Best make-out session EVER

I slap him on the arm as my cheek grew warmer we met up with the group as they waited for us at the end of the trial.

“Damn where did you two hike to?”

Seungri ask while gulping down a bottle of water

“Just up this path”

The bipolar pointed up the path we came from.

“Ok let’s head back to wash up”

Taeyang-oppa said as he grabs Dara-unni hand as they started to lead the group.

The bipolar was in front of me talking to TOP, Seungri and Daesung-oppa, Minzy and Bom were next to me.

“So what happen huh?”

Bom ask in a very quiet voice

“What do you mean?”

“You guys didn’t just hike huh?”

My eyes widen

“What we did”

“Unni don’t lie”

Minzy smile at me

“I’m not lying”

“Then what is this”

As Bom-unni pull down on the collar of my t-shirt to reveled a dark red mark on my collar bone

“That wasn’t there during lunch time”

I pull my shirt back up to cover the mark as my face turn red

“It’s nothing we just you know”

“Have a big make-out session”

Minzy giggle

As we got back to our cabin the girls bombarded me with question and it even got worse when Dara-unni found out so I told them the promise I made to the bipolar so he would eat his food.


“That’s so ”

Bom clap her hand together

“My poor ears”

Minzy shook her head

“That all you guys did right?”

Dara ask

“Yes unni”

An hour later we headed to bed as I laid there thinking back to the hike with bipolar I couldn’t help but smile as my heart started to pace faster. I shook my head and turn off the light and went to bed. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9