Chapter 20 - Coming Home

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 20

Chaerin POV

“So when are you coming back?”

“In a couple of days, but after what happen today I might come home sooner.”

From the sound of his voice I can tell something was bothering him so I decided to ask.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing get pass you dose it?”

“Well I can tell in your voice”

“Wow didn’t know that you knew me so well”

I rolled my eyes and spoke into the phone

“Well the only tone I ever heard from you is your arrogant, self-center, playful, mean, bad mouthing self. So anything from that I could guess something up.”

“Well I’m sorry for being a jerk to you all those time; I guess I forgot how to treat a girl that I really like.”

“Really with all of those girls you had been with you don’t know how to treat a girl?”

“You have to understand Hunchae that when I’m with them I’m just playing a game and that side of me is not me: not my true self anyways but when I’m with you or just you being around me I can’t seem to act right.”

A smile was playing on my lip after hearing him saying those words to me, so I cause him to act a fool when I’m around who would have thought that.

“So the night at the club you went with the girl.”

“Before you get your in a bunch, I did not sleep with her all I did was took her drunken to a hotel and left her there and left that’s all.”

“Whatever just drops that subject then let’s get back to you what’s bothering you?”

“Well the reason I might go back home is because my father is setting me up over here to meet his business daughter out here. I’m pretty piss about it, please don’t get any idea I like her or anything because I don’t the only person I like is you that’s all.”

“OK because of one girl your running back over here, she sound a little scary”

“Hell yes she is I had to meet her today and well she turn from this innocent girl to this blood thirsty demon as I turn her down and told her about me in love with some else.”

“Wow that …………….wait what?”

“She turns into a demon”

“No after that the part you said you were in LOVE with someone”

“Oh that part haha”

“What’s so funny?”

“Well I sort of just said to make sure I got my point across to her”

I didn’t know why I was upset that he told a lie to her about loving me but it did hurt a little bit, but I shouldn’t because we just barely sort out our feeling for each other and him telling me he love me right now would be scary and out of the blue.

“haha I see I was about to say”

As I try to play it off like he would be crazy if he did say he was in love with me.

“haha yea I would sound crazy huh”


“So anything interesting happen to you today?” 

“OMG don’t remind me about it”

“I guess that a yes”

I told what happen to me today with Joong hyun-oppa as we both came to the conclusion that we both a somewhat crazies suitor after us. I was glad that be both talk it out and put it out in the open instead of hiding from one another and it might end up ing up what we are starting by hiding things from each other.

Kwon Jiyong POV

I place my phone on the nightstand as I lay there smiling from ear to ear thinking about my Hunchae. I have to get out from here I can’t stay another day if my father try to plan another meet and greet with that crazy girl. I stood up went and grab my lugged and place it on the bed I went over to the closet and start grabbing my things and shoving it in to it. Another 10 minute I was done I call the airline to book my ticket and luck for me they have a plane leaving for Korea in an hour.

I went downstairs to the lobby to call for a cab and as I hop inside the cab my phone started to ring, I look down at the glowing screen and saw my father name. I silent the phone and shove it into my pocket and told the cab driver to take me to the airport.

Another 30 minute I was on the plane heading back home I closed my eyes to take a quick nap as my Hunchae face appear in my mind before I knock out.

Chaerin POV

I heard a knock at the door I stood up and made my way to the door.

“Who is it?”

“Delivery for Miss Lee”

I heard a male voice on the other side of the door, I slowly open the door and peer out and notice a man in a brown jumper suit with the logo of a flower shop that I always pass by on his shirt with his name underneath that.

“Miss Lee?”

“Yes that’s me”

“I have a delivery for you”

He held a basket of flower fill with Lily, sunflower, Daisy, roses in red, pink and white I took the basket of flower and the man turn on his heel and left. I lifted up the basket and notice a card attach to the basket handle and lift the flap and read who it was from.

To: Chaerin

You will be mine.

From: Kim Joong Hyun

0_o;;; *O CRAP*

I place the basket of flower in the trash can that was out in the hallway and made my way back to my apartment.

*Thank god he didn’t have my number*

I shut the door and lock the locks on my door and went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich as I finish my sandwich I call up the girls to come over to keep my company for the night as I was feeling a little nerves about the pretty boy stalker. We had a sleep over at my apartment as I told the girls about the stalker and how me and the bipolar were talking more and getting along a little bit better than before; more like a lot better than before. 

“omo our little RinRin is in love” Bom said bouncing on the bed in excitement.

“I’m not in love unni” I gave her a stern look

“Yes you are, you just don’t know it yet.” I just shook my head at her

“CL-Roo I’m so happy for you” Dara hug me; squeezing the air out of me.

“Unni I can’t breathe” As she let me go and gave me a *I’m sorry* look.

“I knew you two had a thing for each other but it was just hidden under all that fighting” Minzy plop herself on the bed with a bowl of popcorn. At the sight of the bowl Bom-unni reach over as she grab a handful of popcorn and shove it all into .

“Unni calm down we have a lot” Minzy said as she gave Bom-unni a *what the * look.

Two hour went by as we talk abouy boys, school and the trip that is coming up but the number one conversation that night was about me and the bipolar. I can’t blame them to question everything and ask me a lot of question because who would have thought the two people that dislike each other so much could have fallen for each other, because I was surprise as they were. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9