Chapter 19 - Trouble

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 19

Kwon Jiyong POV

I can’t shake this feeling that something wrong was going to happen and guess what I was right my father had this plan so well that I didn’t know this was going to happen, I knew he wouldn’t have drag me to Italy for business this man live and breathe work he can handle this with his eyes closed. I was now sitting across from his businesses partner daughter that I didn’t really remember her name. The room was silent the only thing you can hear my fingers taping on the glass table in a rhythmic pattern. 

“It’s been a long time Jiyong-oppa”

The girl with a short bob haircut said to me while giving me an innocent smile as her cheek was a powder pink. I internally roll my eyes that I knew the old man will pull something like this.

“I’m fine”

I said as I took a sip of my coffee that was in my hand my eye averted to the open window as I was trying to focus on anything else besides this train wreak that was about to unfold in front of me.

“Kids we’re going to go to the winery you two can catch up and get to know one another”

As my father and his partner stood up from their seat my after then bend down as he whisper into my ears.

“Don’t screw this up, and show her a good time”

He then stood up straight smiling at the girl sitting across from me and gesture his friend to the door to leave us alone. The room was silent again as the she was now playing with the sleeve of her shirt looking up at me every so often.

“oppa it’s so nice to see you again”

As she smiles at me as her eyes averted to the sleeve of shirt once again.


As I gave her a *when did we meet* sort of look, I can tell she was a little disappointed that I can’t recall our encounter but she plaster a smile on her face before she spoke.

“We met at your mother birthday party last year, don’t you remember?”

I tried to recall what happen at my mother birthday party I recall my father and mother trying to force me to dance with their friend business partner daughter as the whole night I was playing hide an go seek with them and finally met up with the boys as we ditch the party and went to a club that night instead. Also I recall my father and mother giving me a lecture about leaving and something about meeting my future wife or something or other.

“Oh I’m sorry I can’t recall”

I said blankly her face now looking gloomier then ever I wanted to chuckle at the poor girl that was sitting in front of me.

“Oppa, do you want to go have some dinner?”

“I’m not hungry”

“Then do you want to go for a walk?”

“I hurt my ankle yesterday”

“Then do you want to…”

I cut her off before she could say one more thing

“I don’t want to do anything with you so please just leave me alone”


“Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Let me tell you one thing I have a girlfriend back home and I love her so whatever my old man is planning with your old man will not work because I don’t like you.”

“You love her now, but that don’t mean you will love her in the future” Her now innocent domineer disappear as a playful smirk appear on her lip, her arms cross over her chest.

“What do you mean?”

“One thing that I’m good at is winning and I always get what I want no matter what is it” Now she stood up walking over to me as she lean her body over me with either arms on either side of me pinning me to my chair.

“And you Kwon Jiyong will be me new prize I will make you mine no matter what, so you should just dump that 3rd rate girl you like and be mine?”

I stood up as she stumble back a couple of feet as she gave me a look of shock

“I will never dump her because she a million time better then you, you should just give up on your stupid little game and get off of your high horse because any guy that will end up with you is the most unluckiest guy in the world.”

I turn around and walk out of the room leaving her alone in the room as I hope I got my point across to her.

Not knowing the young girl inside the room sat down at the now empty chair that Jiyong occupy as a smirk appear on her lip as she slowly rotate slowly to the face the door that Jiyong exit from as her finger now tapping on the glass table.

Chaerin POV

I woke up early today in a very happy mood, maybe it was the weekend or maybe I get this whole day to myself or maybe just maybe it was the conversation with the bipolar last night, but after feeding Phatty and cleaning up around the house and doing laundry I headed out go grocery shopping. As I step out of the building I was greeted by white powder snow decorating the side walk and the street. The tree was cover with snow as people were walking around with their winter jacket on as kids were out at the park across the street building snowman and making snow angel in the snow.

“Hey Chaerin”

I turn to the sound of my name being called as I was greeted by a tall smiling man.

“Joong Hyun-oppa”

“Hey beautiful long time no see”

As he walk over and gave me a hug

“What are you doing here?”

“I was in the area and was hoping to run into you”

*was he stalking me? O_0*

“Oh I see so how have you been oppa? I’m sorry I haven’t contact you I been really busy.”

“I understand, but I hope you not to busy today I wanted to see if you wanted to finish our date that we didn’t get to finish?”

“Umm oppa I would really like to but I have to tell you something”

I took in a deep breath before letting out all the things I needed to say.

“I don’t think we can see each other anymore because I’m falling for another guys and he really like me and I really like him and I want to see where we are heading, so I’m really sorry oppa I hope you understand.”

I took in another deep breath to replace the one I use up as I look up at the now confused oppa in front of me. Then his smile disappears and was replacing with a blank face that I couldn’t read.

“No worry Chaerin, that don’t mean I will give up”

“I’m glad you under…….WHAT?”

He then step closer to me as she whisper

“You like him and he like you but that don’t mean your together or marry yet so I still have a chance, so with that window of opportunity still open I’m still going to fight for you and trust me I don’t give up easily.”

He then turn on his stop and walk to his park car, I shook with a little bit of fear with his last words as I watch him get into his car and drove off.  What am I supposed to do now, what is up with this guy he can’t take a no for an answer dose he.

Throughout the day I felt like someone was watching me or maybe I was just freaking myself out I came home to find a box in front of my door as I pick it up and made my way inside my apartment. I place the package down on the kitchen counter and place the bag of grocery next to it as I sat down at the stool and pull the package into my lap and examine the package there no sender on the box. So I place it back on the counter as I gave it a look over once again.

“I don’t think I should open it”

*could it be a bomb*

I place my ear next to the box and there was no ticking noise so I was safe for now.

“Who could have sent this?”

I jump at the sound of my phone ringing as I place the palm of my right hand over my heaving chest to calm myself down then dig into my bag and pull out my phone. I smile as I saw the bipolar name on the screen.


“Hello my sweet Hunchae”

I could stop smiling after hearing his voice and this nickname that he calls me by, but I have to compose myself and not give in to his sweet talk.

“What do you want bipolar”

“Is that any way to greet your boyfriend?”

“Hul, who said you were my boyfriend?”

“O wait I never ask you huh?”

I heard him laughing at himself over the phone at his own mistake, was it a good idea that I told him I like him.

“Anyways what do you want I have things to do”

“O yes I was wondering if you got my package”

I look over at the package that was on the table

“It’s from you?”

“Yes it’s from me who else do you think it’s from?”

“Well there no sender name on it I thought it was a bomb or something”

“WOW Hunchae you been watching to many CSI episode”

I roll my eyes at his comment then I place the package on my lap and open the box I pull out a bunch of wrapping paper until my hand hit the object that was hidden inside the box I pulled it out as black velvet box was now in my hand. I slowly lifted the lid and inside was a silver butterfly necklace.

“omo it’s so pretty”

“It remind me of you when I came across it and wanted to get it for you to remember be by”

“I don’t know what to say….thank you”

“Do you like it?”

“I love it thank you I don’t know how I will repay you”

“I know a way”

After 10 minute of bickering back and forth we made it nowhere.




“No, I won’t say it there has to be another way”

“The only other way is if you were here but you’re not so the other way is this.”

“I can’t I can’t do it”

“It’s not hard at all you need to do is just say it once.”


“Yes once”

“Then you will never bring it up again”

“I promise unless you want to”

I took in a deep breath as I utter the word I thought I would never say to him

“O…p…p…a..thankKkk YouUuU”

“Oh come on Hunchae you could do better than that”

I took in another deep breath and slowly said it again

“oppa thank you”

I could hear him yelling in excitement over the phone as the butterflies in my stomach did a 360 inside. 

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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9