Chapter One - First Day

I Should Have Never Said No


Chapter 1 
The alarm on the night stand started to ring throughout the room, slowly a hand reach out from under the soft fluffy white blanket that was covering the sleeping body, the hand move up then down then a little more to the left then Bingo!!! The hand smacks the alarm off the nightstand while sending it flying to the corner of the room. Chaerin sat up slowly in bed while rubbing her eyes she smack her lip a few time due to the dry mouth she had, she stretch her arms in the air and roll out of bed and made her way to the bathroom.
“Why did Monday have to come to soon?” 
She ask herself as she was drying her hair with a towel then she walk over to the alarm that was sadly smack to the corner of the room, she bent over and pick it up.
“Yah, if you didn’t wake me up this early in the morning I wouldn’t have hurt you mister clock”
She place the alarm clock back onto the nightstand and made her way down stair to feed her cat Phatty 
“yah, Phatty why do you eat so much huh? You keep getting fatter and fatter I need to put you on a diet”
Phatty just look at her holding the bag of food eyeing her to pour his food, Phatty start chewing at his food as Chaerin patted his head and place the food back in the cabinet. She grab her shoulder bag and slip on her shoes and made her way out the door before she left she turn around and gave one last look at her fatty cat, hoping he doesn’t destroy her sofa while she not home, she shut the door behind her and went to her bike that was lock outside her apartment building.
“Wow such a nice day out” she said out loud while stretching her arms out before getting her bike.
*o.k. Chaerin your first day of college you will be fine FIGHTING*
She thought to herself and got on her bike and petal herself to school.
Chaerin bio: Chaerin is a 20 year old 2nd year college student attending Seoul University majoring in music and fashion. She just moves back to Seoul from Japan wanting to start a new life in her father and mother homeland and getting to know her roots.  Chaerin come from a middle class family she not rich or poor but have a happy life and is happy and content with her life the way it is she doesn’t hope for more because she know she is lucky to have her life knowing there are other people out in the world that have it far more worse than her. 
On the other side of town
Jiyong push aside his blanket and sat up his eyes still closed as he scratch his head and slowly got up and made his way to his bathroom.
As he trip over a Soju bottle
“Dammit!!! My freaking toes”
He rolls his eyes at the stupid empty bottle that was on the floor and finally enters the bathroom. When he finish taking a shower he walk out with a towel wrap around his lower half he made his way to his closet and pull out his outfit for school it was a simple white v-neck t-shirt and a dark skinny denim jeans with a black biker jacket and his Christian Louboutin spike high top shoes .
“another boring day” He mumble to himself as he left his penthouse and got into the elevator, as he step out he was in the underground parking lot. He walk over to his white Bentley that was park right next to the elevator as he got in his car and drove off. 
Jiyong boi: Jiyong is a 23 year old 3rd year college student, attending Seoul University majoring in music production. He come from a wealthy family, him being the only child he was brought up getting whatever he wanted and no one ever said “no” to him at home or even at school he was mister popular whatever he want he get. 
I came to a complete stop in front of the school, admiring the giant stone gate that enclosed the school from the outside world, student were running around campus trying  to get to class or meeting up with friends  
*ok I need to go lock my bike somewhere HumMmMmMm where are the bike rack?*
Suddenly a group of student ran pass her making her lose grip on her bike and it fell onto the street.
“YAY!!! What the heck watch where you going”
She bent over to pick up her bike then suddenly a car sped pass her so fast knocking her down on her .  She glares up seeing a white car pulling into the student parking lot as she curse under her breath at it.
*watch if I find out who the owner of that stupid car is I’m going kick that person up and down this campus*
As she was about to get up a hand appear in front of her
“need any help?”  Chaerin look up to see a smiling red hair girl looking down at her, she was tall and very pretty with her red hair hanging all the way down to her waist.
“Ummm thank you” Chaerin smile back and grab her hand as the red hair girl help pull her up to her feet
“Hi I’m Park Bom but you can call me Bom” She smile at Chaerin
“Hi I’m Lee Chae Rin, but you can call me CL for short” Chaerin got up and dust herself off 
“O I can see it’s your first day here” Bom look over at her and handed Chaerin her papers that she gather from the sidewalk. 
“aww yes it’s my first day here I’m a music and fashion major, what about yourself?” Chaerin ask
“hehe I’m also a music major, so how old are you CL?” Bom ask while helping Chaerin getting her bike off from the street/
“I’m 20” Chaerin smile back
“Wow you’re so young I feel old now hehe, I’m 27 I guess I’m your unni then” Bom laugh 
“unni thank you for helping” Chaerin bow
“haha no problem, yah Chaerin you hungry I’m starving you want to go get some corn with me?”
Before Chaerin can object Bom already grab her hand and start to drag her to the street cart that was park outside of the campus.
“Yummy that was so good” Bom rub her stomach 
“unni thank you for the corn but I have to get going I still need to find my classes” Chaerin got up and grab her bag.
“Hey don’t worry we’re in the same building so I’ll help you find all of your classes o.k. so don’t worry” As Bom got up and start to drag Chaerin once again.
“Hey unni by any chance do you know who drive a white Bentley at this school?” Bom tap at her temple for a couple of second before answering.
“The only person at this school that have that car is Kwon Jiyong, why do you ask Rin Rin?” 
*Rin Rin… old do I look Bom unni* Chaerin thought to herself
“well who ever that Kwon Jiyong is he almost ran me over this morning, and he was the one that made me fell flat on my ” As she flash back to what happen awhile back ago.
“Well he in our department he a music major also but he’s not someone you should pick a fight with” Bom told Chaerin.
“Why is that” Chaerin ask
“Well his family is really powerful they donate a lot of money to this school so the president and professors don’t dare question him.” Chaerin was heated hearing this.
“So even if he ran me over I couldn’t do anything about it”
“Pretty much” Bom answer back
Before Chaerin could voices out her outrage, two girls walk up to Bom.
“Bommie we been looking for you all morning” the girl with the short brown hair said
“Yea unni we been look all over the place where were you?” the girl with the purple hair said while holding on to the girl with the short brown hair. 
“I’m sorry I was showing Chaerin around our school and grab some corn” Bom laugh
“O hi I’m Sandra Park but you can call me Dara and this is Minzy” Dara said smiling at the newcomer
“Dara and Minzy are also music major Dara is my age so you can call her unni also but Minzy is a freshmen so she your dong-saeng” 
Chaerin smile at the two and bow greeting them, the four girls talk about the school and also about Chaerin living in Japan.
“Wow Japan I want to go visit there one of these days” Minzy said with hope in her eyes
“If you ever want to go I’ll go with you and show you around” Chaerin answer back as the four girls are walking into the music building.
“Ok let meet each other in front of the school for lunch” Dara said, all the girls nodded in agreement.
“ok I’ll show Chaerin her first class, we’ll see you guys later” Bom said as she and Chaerin went the opposite direction from the other two girls.  Chaerin was following Bom as she watches Bom skip along the hallway to Chaerin first class she couldn’t help but be amazed of how big and beautiful the school was each department have there own big building on campus and each design to each of the department. The music building has music note design into the wall the light fixture and even the floors.  Suddenly Chaerin came to abrupt stop almost crashing into Bom.
“What wrong unni?” Chaerin ask, Bom turn around and smile
“You’re here; this is your first class Rin Rin” Chaerin look over Bom shoulder to see a dark oak double doors with Music 101 written on the door.
“So good luck Rin Rin and I’ll see you around lunch time in front of the school ok” Bom said and patted Chaerin on the head and made her way down the hall and disappear around the corner. She took a step closer to the doors and grabs one of the handles and took in a deep breath before opening the door. As she poke her head in student were starting to settle into their seats she look around for an empty seat and found one near the very back of the room next to someone that was laying his head down on the desk. She made her way pass some people and over heard them talking.
“Who is she”
“She looks new here”
“She has some night legs” 
“eww look at what she wearing”
*ok Chaerin calm down don’t let these people get to you, you’re here to learn*
Finally she got to the seat and sat down and look over to her left and notice the man that was sleeping in his seat he had blonde hair and was pretty well dress, she couldn’t really make out how he look like as he tuck his face behind his arms, then she heard the door shut and walk in the professor with stack of paper in his hand.
“Good morning students welcome to Music 101 I’m professor Hyun”
Everyone got up from their seat and bow to him, and Chaerin notice the guy sleeping the next seat over didn’t get up and show is respect to the professor , everyone then say down.
*what an * she thought to herself
“Today we have a new student joining our school all the way from Japan miss Lee Chaerin would you stand up and introduce yourself to the class” The professor ask
*Gosh I hate this part of starting in a new school* 
“” she curse under her breath that no one can hear as she rose up slowly and every head turn to her
“hello my name is Lee Chaerin I use to live in Japan with my parents but deicide to move back to Korea for school and a new life, I hope everyone will treat me nicely” She bow before sitting back down and notice the guy next to her finally woke up and was looking at her she then froze for a second and look at him straight in the eyes, the corner of his lip curve into a smirk and lay his head back down to sleep.
“what the hell was that about” but she had to admit he was very handsome he had smooth skin and his blonde hair suit him very well but that smirk *what the hell was that about* she just shook her head lightly and start to focus on the professor that was starting to lecture the class.
Class was finally over and Chaerin started to pack her bag to leave until a voice stop her.
“hey” Chaerin look back to see the blonde hair guy standing up looking at her
“hi…..can I help you” Chaerin ask
“I was wondering can I borrow your notes I didn’t get a chance to write them down”
*are you ing kidding me* Chaerin thought 
“umm well if you would have stayed awake and took notes like everyone else in class then you wouldn’t need to ask me would you” Chaerin said in the nicest way possible to him
“o come on it’s not like I’m asking you for free I’ll give you 100 bucks if you let me borrow it” At this point Chaerin was fuming from the head and can already picture herself with her hand around his neck choking him out.
The young man shook his head and look at her in astonishment like no one ever utter the word “no” to him before.
“What?” he ask
“I said no, next time take you own damn notes”
“YAH!!!! What is your problem huh I was asking nicely to borrow your notes don’t need to be so uptight” The young man said his voice getting louder by the minute
“I said no so deal with it” Chaerin stick out her tough at him and walk off
*I will get you Lee Chae Rin, no one I mean NO one ever say no to Kwon Jiyong* as a playful smirk appear on his lips. 
Kwon Jiyong POV
I suddenly heard the seat next to me creak and knew someone was sitting next to me. I didn’t care so I stayed in my sleeping position waiting until class was over.  Then I heard the professor telling the class about a new student.
“Today we have a new student joining our school all the way from Japan miss Lee Chaerin would you stand up and introduce yourself to the class” The professor voice echo throughout the classroom then I felt someone shift in there seat next to me, I hear her curse under her breath a smile crept on my lips.
“hello my name is Lee Chaerin I use to live in Japan with my parents but deicide to move back to Korea for school and a new life, I hope everyone will treat me nicely” Her voice was soft but powerful I don’t know why but I lift my head up and look up at her she has long blonde hair that hang down half way down her back. 
*I thought I was the only one that pull off  blonde hair, I guess not* She had on fitted skinny jeans that hug her curves and a big lose black and white strip sweater over a white tank top and some white high top shoes and a couple jewelry to finish off her look. I had to admit she was pretty cute she doesn’t dress like a lot of the girl here either wearing super short shorts or short skirts or VERY girly outfit. She had her own taste mixing a bit of feminine and masculine pieces. She suddenly turn her head at me and look straight into my eyes and then look away and sat back down in her seat, I could help but smirk at her then lay my head back down so she won’t get any idea I was checking her out or something, even though I sort of was.
Class ended and I forgot to take notes I had a major headache from the night before of all the drinking and partying that happen in my penthouse last night. I look over and saw her packing her bag before she got up and left I ask her if can borrow her notes. Guess what she said……just guess she said NO, who in the world do she think she is saying no to me I’m Kwon Jiyong dammit. She got up and left leaving me speechless, then a smirk appear on my face no one say no to me no one.
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Chapter 28: I can't helpppp XD so sweetttt #reread
Chapter 22: Ohgoshh..this story getting more and more interesting XD i love it! Haha
Chapter 28: Still wonder what will jiyong's daddy do. Kkkk
addy88 #4
Chapter 28: Omooo this is sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 28: Oh... the ending is so sweet... opoa make me like that too... im so jealous... SKYDRAGON forever...
Chapter 28: Cuuuute :) Nice story :)
Chapter 28: Kyaah! So cute >.< CAN YOU MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE? This is so nice ❤
chaedony #8
Chapter 28: Such an adorable story! Definitely one of my favourites :)
1234567891 #9