Shopping and Cooking

One Day in Love
Chapter 6

~Your POV

-“Come on! Let’s go.” I said, tugging his arm.

-“Coming, coming.” We went in and got a basket. We needed ham and sausages, and some peas and carrots. We stopped at the produce isle to get the carrot.

-“How many do we need” he asked.

-“A small one. Choose one with a darker texture.”

- “This one?”

-“Yup.” We walk to the packaged meat section. We got ham and sausages. We went to the frozen foods section and got the peas.

-“Do you have any green onion and eggs at home?” he asked.

-“Yup. So what else do you want in your fried rice?”

-“Nothing I guess. So, we can leave now.”

-“Sure. Let’s get in line.” We went home and got to work. Cutting the ingredients was boring, but we played SHINee songs in the background. We sang along.

-“…….her whisper is the Lucifer.”

~Key’ POV

-We were having fun singing, but then I stopped to drink water. Then heard her voice was amazing! The water almost came out of my mouth!

-“Are you OK?” she asked.

-“Yeah, I’m fine. But, as that you singing?”

-“Of course silly! If it wasn’t you, then it has to be me. We are the only ones here.” She replied.

-“Your voice…..I-i-it’s beautiful.”

-“Ha ha! Thanks.”

-“No, I mean it’s good enough to debut with. Do you want to audition?”

-“Really? I guess I could give it a try. Anyways, put the rice in the pan.” I did as I was told.

-“Ok, put the ingredients in. Now mix.” she ordered. “Now put the egg in there. Yes, now he green onion.” Fie minutes later, the fried rice was done.

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Hey! Update soon! <3<br />