
One Day in Love
Chapter 35

~Key’s POV

-I rushed to _______ room and she came running straight into my arms, crying. I put my arms around her and looked up. It was Victoria. She had a knife in her hands. I took _______’s hand and ran. We hid inside a staff room and I called 119. I turned to _______ who was clutching her bleeding ankle. It had a piece of glass in it. I reached to take it out, but she stopped me.

-“Don’t touch it. I rather we find a doctor.” She whispered, hoping Victoria wouldn’t find us. I realized we were still holding hands, and I squeezed hers. I looked up and saw her staring at our entwined hands. Suddenly, we heard footsteps and froze. The door opened and I saw Victoria. I carried _______ bridal style and started running outside. I saw a familiar car. It was Taemin and the rest of them. I pushed her in the car and went in myself. I locked the doors.

-“Start the car. Hurry before she comes.” Onew obeyed.

-There were tears in her eyes and she was clutching her ankle. More blood was dripping from it. It must have hurt. I hugged her and her head rested on my chest.

-“What’s going on?” Minho asked in confusion.

-“Victoria is on to us. She was chasing ________ with a knife in her hands. There is a piece of glass in _______’s ankle from the broken vase.” I explained.

-“WHAT!” They all looked and turned to us. _______ didn’t look like she wanted to say anything. She was to distracted by the pain.

-“You heard me.”

-“Hyung, that’s really scary.” Taemin said, shocked.

-“I can’t believe she would do such a thing.” Jonghyun exclaimed.

-“Where should we go?” Onew asked.

-“Another hospital. We have to get this glass out.” I could feel her tears soaking in to my shirt. I know she didn’t want to cry, but she was quietly sobbing. I pressed her head to my chest and her back. Her eyes were closed.

-“Hold on, we’re almost there.” I whispered. She nodded. In minutes, we reached the hospital and I immediately carried her to the emergency room. The line was moving fast, and I went in with her. I held her hand. The doctor took out a pair of tweezers and took it out. She winced in pain, squeezing my hand. I patted her shoulder. He bandaged her ankle and she thanked the doctor and we went out, still hold hands, I realized. We joined them at the foyer, and they were eating pizza.

-“Noona, are you ok?” Taemin asked. She nodded and we sat on the couch. Jonghyun coughed.

-“Listen _______, about the other day, we’re sorry.” He said. _______ looked confused at first, but then, she remembered and smiled.

-“It’s ok. I’m just glad things are back to normal, sort of.” She rested her head on my shoulder.

-“I’m guessing you guys made up?” Onew’s eyebrows went up.

-“Yeah. Do you want some pizza?” I said quickly. She shook her head.

-“How did you guys arrive at the hospital at the right time??” She asked as I reached for a slice.

-“I was kind of planning a party.” I answered.

-“I’m sorry it got ruined.” She reached for a slice.

-“You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want too.” Minho said.

-“No, I want to.” She started eating it with a tired look on her face.

-“_______, I think you should sleep in our dorm for a while. At least for tonight.” Onew offered.

-“Yeah, I’m worried.” I buried my face in her hair.

-“Is it okay with the rest of you guys?” I looked up to see them smiling.

-“No problem at all.”

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