A Cold Act

One Day in Love
Chapter 47

~Key’s POV

-“Jonghyun’s new girlfriend. Pshhh. Like I care. Maybe I do….Seeing his arm around her iterates me. Why? I never even met her before. Then why does she look so familiar? Maybe I met her before that store label hit my head. I laid on my bed. Right now, this is too much for me to handle. I am getting thirsty and I went past our living room where the lights were dim and they were making out. Augh! They should get a room and do this somewhere else. Somehow, I want to punch Jonghyun. I wonder why…

~Your POV

-Jonghyun set the lights dim and inched his face incredibly close to mine.

-“Key always gets water about this time every night. Just stay like this. It should make him jealous and he would remember again.” I nodded and stayed completely still. I heard Key’s movements, opening the door, walking to the kitchen, the cabinet opening, the glass hitting the counter, the sound of the water pouring, silence, him rinsing the cup, closing the cabinet, him walking back to his room and the door closing. On that cue, I moved away from Jonghyun.

-Do you think that worked?” I whispered. He nodded. I mouthed “Thank you” and he mouthed, “You’re welcome” and I stood up and walked out the door. I went back to my dorm and climbed in to bed. It was too tiring for me to handle right now.

-As usual, the next morning, I went to train. I usually get everything perfectly, but today was totally the opposite. I forgot all my dance steps and lyrics. I was feeling really stressed.

-“Take the day off. You earned it.” My dance choreographer, Mi San told me. I nodded, grabbed my things and went off to the SHINee dorm. These days, I have my own set of keys. I went in to see it was empty but Key sitting there calming drinking tea and leafing through a magazine.

-“HIYA! What took you guys so long! I was waiting forever and..” He looked dup to see it was me.

-“What are you doing here? Jonghyun isn’t here you know. Next time, call us before you come. We don’t like having visitors come up to our dorm all the time. And who gave you the keys anyway?”

-“I’m here to find my BOYFRIEND who happens to be out. Onew gave me the keys and for your information, you friends LOVE me here ok?”

-“Well, I don’t.” He got up and went to his room. Great. No what am I going to do. I guess I’ll cook. I checked the fridge. There wasn’t anything I could work with. I found some peas, a carrot, some canned corn and ham.
I began making something I haven’t made in a long time. I was finished and I left it there so they wouldn’t be hungry. When I was about to leave, the boys came back.

-“Noona, you came?” Taemin asked. I nodded.

-“I cooked, you can eat now.”

-“Aren’t you going to have some?” Minho offered. I shook my head.

-“I gotta go, sorry. Bye!” I left.

~Key’s POV

-I opened my door to see that pain in the leave. I saw the boys eating hungrily in the kitchen.

-“What are you guys eating?” I asked.

-“Something my lovely GIRLFRIEND made.” Jonghyun smirked. I walked over to the stove to see what it was. Fried rice.

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