
One Day in Love
Chapter 25

~Your POV

-I quickly paid and dragged my friends away.

-“Why? It’s not like you stole something.” Christy said.

-“Umm.. guys..” Kim pointed towards the boys. I ran.

-“_______!!! ” I heard my friends yell. I ran out of the food court and turned right. I saw my favourite store. But I couldn’t go there, they’d find me. I ran to towards the elevator but someone caught my arm. It was Taemin.

-“Taemin, let me go now or I won’t cook for you.”

-“Noona! Hyung is madly in love with you. Can’t you see? ”

-“That’s exactly why I have to run.” I pulled way from him and ran up the escalator. I sat by a bench. Then I heard a familiar sound. It was SHINee’s “Love Should Go On.” I turned around and saw Key. He saw me. I stood up to run but he caught me arm. He started singing “Please Don’t Go”.

-“_______. You can run, but remember I’ll always be waiting for you like I’ve always had. I will wait until you come back.” His words sent shivers up my spine. He let my arm go and walked away. Victoria appeared out of no where and clung to his arm. That’s exactly why I have to keep running.

-“_______!” I saw my friends.

-“Guys, sorry I had to ditch you. I got lost when I saw him and that’s why I tried to get you guys to leave.”

-“You made us run all around the mall looking for you!” Casey said.

-“Treat us to lunch!” Jasmine said.

-“Ok! Fine. But first I want to try something.” We walked around and saw a stage. I signed up. It was the SM audition.

~Key’s POV

-Victoria was so annoying. Aishh.

-“Victoria, I’m going to the washroom ok?”

-“Oppa! Hurry!” I walked and jogged away from her. There. Done. I got rid of her, at lest for today. I saw a stage there was a girl singing my favourite song we sung together, “Graze”. It was _______. I looked at the sign. SM AUDITION? She actually fit in SM. She can sing and dance. And it was suppose to be a plan for us to date. Her voice was beautiful. It was angelic. When it was over, I clapped extra loud, not that I needed too. Everyone clapped very loudly. As she walked out, she saw me and walked away with her friends. I went to a near by florist and bought a single red rose, just like I’ve done before and decided to look for her. But instead, I found Victoria.

-“Oppa? Is that for me?” she grabbed rose out of my hands and sniffed it.

-“Thanks.” She said with a smile. I wanted to say that it wasn’t hers, but I couldn’t do it. Her smile was all I needed.

~Your POV

-Auditioning felt great. It took stress off me. I was beginning to feel better when I saw Victoria and Key together, with a ROSE! WHY!!! Every time!!! It hurts!

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Hey! Update soon! <3<br />