Fried Rice

One Day in Love
Chapter Five

~Your POV

-“We’re here.” I heard I soft voice say. I opened my eyes to see Oppa smiling back a me.

-“Good, ‘cause I’m hungry!” I gave him his jacket back.

-“Me too.”

-We went in and sat down. “Hmm….I would like fried rice please”

-“Make that two”, I told the waiter. “You like fried rice?” I asked

-“I love it! But I an never figure out how to make it.”

-“Really? I love eating it and making it. I’ll make it for you and teach you someday.”

-“Someday? That would take forever!” He started at me with those puppy eyes.

-“Okay, fine. Let’s go to the supermarket to pick up the ingredients. And we can make it at my house!” I said.

-“Yay!” He said with a smile. The fried rice was really good. I couldn’t make it this well.

~Key’s POV

- The fried rice was really good. I hope I an make it as good as this for her one day. When we finished, I said “Ok! Let’s go to the supermarket now!”

-“Sure. So what do you plan on buying?”

-“Ham, sausages, green onion, eggs-”

-“Whoah! Hold on! Wait until we get there” she laughed.

-“OK, but I’m really excited. I love cooking.”

-“Really? Me too! I can’t believe a guy would like to cook.”

-“Ha ha. If I didn’t cook, I don’t think the other SHINee members would be eating home cooked food.”

-“Really? Then you should let them try your fried rice!”

-“Yeah. Oh, we’re here!” We entered the parking lot and parked close to the store.

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Hey! Update soon! <3<br />