My friend Christy

One Day in Love
Chapter 15

~Your POV

-“Boy issues.” I sighed. Christy made me some coffee as we sat at the glass table to talk.

-“Thanks.” I said as she handed me the coffee. I took a sip. I nearly spat it right out. It was so bitter. She put the milk in, but not the sugar.

-“Bitter, isn’t t?” she asked, taking a sip of hers”. I grabbed some sugar and I dumped it.

-“Yeah it is.” I replied.

-“And that is exactly like love.” She said.

-“Huh?” I looked up from my coffee.

-“When I gave the coffee to you, it was bitter because I didn’t add any sugar. It looked like I did because I put milk in. Do you know what I’m saying?” She looked me in the eye.

-“So are you saying that things aren’t always what they seem to be, but when little something is added, then everything will run smoothly?”


-“So what should I do now?”

-“Well, I guess you should come clean, tell him how you feel, you know?”

-“I guess. Thanks Christy! You are the best friend ever” I said, hugging her.

-“You too. Call me after OK?”

-“Yup!” I went right back to work, with happier thoughts in my mind. And that way, I finished quickly. I was extremely happy after work, and went straight to the MV setting.
I saw Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun and Minho.

-“Hey _______!” they said as the walked up to me.

-“Hi guys!” I replied.

-“Looking for Key?” Jonghyun asked me.

-“Yeah” I answered, blushing

-“I’ll so you noona!”. Taemin said. He led me to a hallway. We started walking down.

-“Noon, your cooking is amazing! Call me every time you cook ok?” He said playfully

-“I would, if I had your phone number!”

-“Pretty noona doesn’t have my phone number?” I shook my head. So we exchanged phone numbers and continued walking.

-“Here we are! I’ll leave you guys alone!” causing me to blush.

-“See you later Tae-Tae!” I said. I turned around and opened the door. It was that girl, “Victoria” again. She was with Key…Oh my god! Were they kissing???? Tears stung my eyes as I began to walk down the hall. Their manager saw me and smirked, giving me an I-told-you-so look. Seeing that satisfied look on his face, I realized he was right. I would eventually get hurt. I ran out to the parking lot and sat in my car, crying. I saw my phone and decided to call Christy.

-“Hello?” a voice asked. It didn’t really sound like Christy’s but I was too depressed to care. I let every thing. I told her everything. She listened without a word.

- When I was done the voice asked “Are you talking about Key?” My eyes widened. Christy didn’t know about Key.

-“Hello?” The voice asked. “Pretty noona are you still there?”


-“Yeah. Noona, you didn’t answer my question. Are you talking about Key?”


-“Noona, your secret is safe. Don’t worry I won’t tell hyung, unless you tell me if you’re ok.”

-“I’m ok. Bye Tae-Tae” I said.

-“Ok, Bye noona, but if anything happens, tell us. We are willing to beat him up!” I giggled. With that, I hung up.

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