Unfolding Secrets

One Day in Love
Chapter 30

~Key’s POV

-Where did _______ go? I wanted to ask her to hang out with me…ok a date. I still like her. I turned left and saw no one there. I tuned my head to the right. No one was there either. Aish. Oh well, better catch up with them, or they’ll give me a long lecture about how she’s not worth it.

~Your POV

-I opened my eyes. Everything was pitch black. And it felt like a layer of cloth was on my eye. My mouth was open, I realized. There was a rolled up towel in my mouth.. I think. I was sitting on a chair. My arms and legs were tied to it with rope I think.

-“Awake I see.” A male voice interrupted my thought. I couldn’t make out who it was. But it was definitely not a SHINee member. It was raspy and low. I tried to talk, but only sounds came out. No words. He pulled the towel out and I started talking.

-“Who are you? What do you want from me?” I said.

-“You’ll know who I am when you see me. And I want your life from you.” -smack- Something hit my arm. It hurt a lot. I winced in pain.

-“What did I do to you? And I never heard your voice before.” -smack-

-“Yes you have. Think. And you didn’t do anything to me. You hurt my sister.” Another smack. I thought hard. Sister? I didn’t know anyone with a brother sounding like that.

-“Who is your sister?” I asked. Another smack. It really hurts, but I kept it in.

-“Victoria of (f)x.” -smack- Another hit. Victoria? How? It’s more like she was hurting me. Wait, her brother would e SHINee’s manager!

-“How?” -smack- I was starting to get dizzy. I wonder if I was bleeding.

-“You stole her dream man. Key was suppose to be her boyfriend, but you kept interfering. I warned you to stay away. But you didn’t.” -smack- This one was on my head. I was getting dizzier.

-“Now, I’m going to kill you by burning you, and this building down.” I smelled smoke and I out.


~Key’s POV

-I tried calling _______ in our living room. No one was answering. I sighed.

-“STOP CALLING HER!” Jonghyun grabbed my phone from me.




-“Stop Hyungs!! She’s not as bad as she think she is! She broke up with you because she’s jealous of Victoria Noona!” Taemin’s words echoed in my ears. W immediately stopped fighting and turned to him.


-“Opps.” Taemin covered his mouth and started to run. I ran after him and we ran to the balcony. I grabbed his arms and pinned him to the wall.

-“How do you know?” I asked.

-“She said she saw you kissing Victoria, and she was depressed, so she went to all her friend Christy but called me by accident.” I let go of him.

-“I never kissed Victoria..” I said.

-“Did she do that forehead thing to you recently?”

-“Mhmm.. wait, she does that to you too?”

-“Yeah, but I shake her off..”

-“What a .” I murmured. Then, Jonghyun, Onew and Minho came. I guess they heard us.

-“It seems we made a mistake?” Onew started.

-“We’re sorry.” Minho looked down. My phone started ringing. It was a text from Sungmin Hyung. “Have you seen your manager or _______? Christy is looking for her and our manager wants to speak to yours.” I texted back: “No, sorry.” I looked up to see no one on the balcony except for me. I leaned on the rail and looked at the scenery. There was a fire. Woah, a fire. I dialled 119 (Korean 911) and went to check it out. I ran and saw no one there. I went to see if anyone was there. It was an empty office building that was almost finished. I went to on of the rooms and saw a girl tied to a chair.

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