Bitter-Sweet Reunion

One Day in Love
~Chapter 45

~Your POV

-What’s going on? Taemin would know? Right? I called Taemin immediately.

-“Taemin-ah! It’s me.”

-“Noona! What’s up? I miss you so much! Did you call Hyung yet?”

-“I did…”


-“But it just wasn’t how it turned out to be…I think he forgot me. He said he dumped me and I used him for fame.” I felt like dieing! What is this? A nightmare?

-“WHAT!!?!?” That boy needs to be quieter…

-“I know! What should I do?”

-“Come over to our dorm right now. He’s out so don’t worry about that.”

-“’Kat, see you soon Tar-Tae!”

-“Bye!” I fast-walked over to their dorm. I rung the doorbell to see four familiar faces, welcoming me like I was home from war…Well, it was hell…

-“Noona!!!!!!” Taemin hugged me.

-“_______!!” The rest came up and I hugged each of them. We went to sit on the couches.

-“I miss you guys so much! How are you guys doing?” I asked.

-“Great, until Taemin told us what happened.” Onew replied. I looked down.

-“It’s ok _______! I’ll make you my girlfriend instead!” Jonghyun winked at me and shot me a flirtatious smile. I smiled back, knowing he was joking.

-“Thanks, but no thanks. Anyways, back to the story. When I called him, I heard loud music in the background. Has he been clubbing?”

-“I think so..I’ve seen him come home late a lot. He’s been grumpier these days too? Anyone know what’s up with him?” Minho’s voice changed from knowing, to worrying.
Everyone shook their head. I was losing hope.

-“Why is he like this?” Tears started coming out of my eyes. Onew handed me a tissue and patted me on the back.

-“It’s ok_______. I think I know what happened….” We all looked up and faced him.

[A/N] Hey!!! I'm soryy I haven't been posting for a while!! I've been reading a lot of fan fics! And I realized, my readers, (you) read a lot of the same ones as me! Sorry! I also have a lot of homework these days..I'll try to keep up. This fan fac is coming to and end by the way. Then I'll start a Jonghyun one. (: Keep reading! -Tiffany

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