Chapter 14

We Are Childhood Friends
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Chapter 14


"Appa and Eomma like their son and we've met him.. Since you don't have a boyfriend, we want him to marry you.." 


Right after her father spoke, Dabin immediately looks at her parents. She gulps down her saliva and secretly holds her finger with the ring Yixing gave her under the table. 


"A-Appa.. W-why ?" Dabin asks with her ready-to-cry voice. This is the last thing she wants to hear. It's okay for her to try to make it work if she's single and she doesn't love any man.  The problem is she's "engaged" to the man who she loves very much and they plan to tell their parents soon. She doesn't expect her parents will tell her about this nonsense arrangement. 


"We show your photo to his parents and they like you so much.. They also want to meet you soon.." This time, Mrs. Choi adds making Dabin to look at her mother. 


"Besides.. I know you honey.. You don't have a boyfriend.. We want you to get married.." 


Dabin clenches her fist holding herself from bursting out. She wants to tell her parents that she and Yixing are in a relationship and he's already proposed to her but she holds herself from talking when Mrs. Choi talks. 


"Ask Yixing to find a girlfriend too.. Remember you and Yixing told Eomma, you guys wanna get married on the same day together.. So we will have two grooms and two brides on that day.." Mrs. Choi happily says as she clasps her hands not noticing the changes on her daughter's face. 


Yes. They did joke about getting married on the same day when they were teenagers but Dabin doesn't know her mother takes this matter seriously. Dongwook on the other hand just shuts his mouth up since he's too young to interfere but he knows his noona doesn't like their parents' idea. 


"Eomma.. Don't do this.. I can find my own husband.." She says still looking down not daring to look at her mother's eyes. 


"Aigoo Dabin ah.. You'll like him.. Eomma and Appa don't know when we could see our grandchildren.. That's why we want you to marry him.. Please.. Accept him ne ?" Mrs. Choi persuades her daughter before her husband touches her hand. 


"Yeobo.. Stop it.. Let Dabin thinks first.." Mr. Choi says and looks at his daughter who's looking down at her rice bowl. 


"What thinking yeobo ? He's a good man.. Has a good job and from a nice family.." The old woman continues talking without even taking care of Dabin's feelings. She then looks at Dabin before talking. 


"Eomma really hopes you'll accept him ne ? Besides, Eomma and Appa want him to be our son in law.. It's okay.. Love will come once you got married.." 


Dabin just keeps her head down while her mother talking. Sometimes she wipes off her tears and cries without making a sound. She then lifts her head and stands up making her parents even Dongwook to look at her. 


"I'll go upstairs.. Thank you for the dinner, Eomma.."


"Dabin ah! Think about that ne." Mrs. Choi says a little bit loud when Dabin disappears from her sight. 


The girl straightly goes to her room and locks the door as soon as she gets inside her room. She leans against the door slowly going down until her touches the ground. Dabin then hugs her legs closer to her chest as she buries her face in her lap while crying. Why ? Why this thing happens when they finally are going to tell their parents. She can't just reveal to Yixing that she's going to marry someone that she even doesn't know. 


She lifts her head and looks at her finger that has a shiny ring symbolizing their unofficial engagement. She doesn't want to break Yixing's heart but at the same time she doesn't wanna hurt her parents too. 


"What to do, Bei ?" She muffles while touching the ring. Not long after that, her phone rings indicating there's an incoming call. She wipes her tears stained and stand up heading to her bed where her phone is. Dabin bites her lips when she sees Yixing's name on the screen. She hesitantly picks up the call and puts it on her ear after clearing . 


"Baby ?" Yixing's voice is heard through the phone. His voice sounds really tired and yet he still calls her every night.


"Yes, Bei ?" Dabin answers and quickly stands up to check herself on the mirror before going to her windows. She opens the curtain and a light smile appears on her face when she sees Yixing through the opposite window. 


"Have you eaten ? I just arrived home.." He asks her and immediately Dabin thinks about her unfinished dinner and the arranged thingy. 


"Y-yes.. Just had dinner.. What about you, Bei ? Have you ?" She asks him back while biting her lips as she feels her tears want to fall. She doesn't want to make Yixing questions her later. 


"I'm so tired.. I feel like I wanna just sleep.." He tells her that makes her worried. He always ski

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Will be updating tomorrow hihi


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22 streak #1
Chapter 16: Sheees all those emotions
22 streak #2
Chapter 44: I’ve been reading this for two days ( cause Netflix is distracting me so bad) hahaha! Good story! They are both made for each other
it's a beautiful story ,full of emotions.. I seriously laughed,crazily smiled ,sadden,and even in the brink.of tears while reading it.. the fluff n regrets - ^^ thank you so much for suggesting this fic
Chapter 44: Thank you for the lovely ending to you story. I am sorry to read that you had so many struggles to overcome however you have given us a wonderful story. Thank you.
Chapter 44: that was so beautiful! thank for write a happy ending. I will miss Yixing bei, Dabin and the baby twins!
MyuuLuv17 #6
Chapter 44: And happy new year to you!! Hope you have a wonderful first day! <3 And thanks for giving us the opportunity to read this story!
Chapter 43: Update soon autornim
Chapter 43: TT__TT please let Danbin live! she deserves to have a happy ending with her babies and Yixing!
chichiba #9
Chapter 43: Don't let dabin die please...
Chapter 42: why is she hiding her feelings and why do i feel like she's going to leave the babies and lay. please have a safe delivery of the babies