Chapter 17

By Your Side

As he roused from the heavy slumber, the first thing he was aware coolness of the stiff air in his room. He uncovered his eyes slowly before sitting up. He rubbed his knuckles onto his eyes and blinked repeatedly, trying to chase away his sleepiness. Just then he realise the presence of a sleeping figure by his side. Sooyeon had the side of her head planted in her folded arms which were glued on the bed. Most of her face was covered by her hair. Jimin stole a glance at the clock, and gaped at how long he had been sleeping. It had been 5 hours.

He then again pivotted his gaze on her sleeping face. And a tinge of tranquility flourished through his chest. He slowly reached for the strand of her hair that were covering her face and tucked it gently behind her ear. Then, he just stared at her exposed face. And he lost track of time.  Everything felt like it was stopping when he saw her face. He sighed, realising how much he had went on loving this girl. He was somehow terrified at his own feelings. He was somehow convinced that she didn’t have the same feeling towards him, and that scared him, a lot. But he couldn’t do anything if she wasn’t holding any feelings to him. And he was worried about how he was going to accept the fact, if that was to happen. What would happen between then if that really happen. That was the concern that was holding him from telling the truth  to her. He admitted, he was a freaking coward. But being turned back by her was his worst nightmare. Their relationship wouldn’t be the same if he confessed. At least if they stayed like this, he could be by her side, helping her whenever she was in need. Even though that means he would had to sacrifice his own feelings. But can he do that? Can he ignore the powerful feeling for her, when she was always by his side?

The mixed feelings was bubbling up him, suffocating him. He was really clueless on what to do with his feelings. His hand slowly reached out for her face. Asnd when it touched, he gently carressed her cheek. For some reason, all the concern that was collapsing against him miraculously flew away. He really wanted to stay like this.

The warmth that was lightly creeping against cheek chase her dreams away. She fidgeted before opening her eyes, only to find the source of the warmth was from Jimin’s hand. He was startled that she was awake and discovered what he was doing, but he didn’t move his hand. Sooyeon blinked repeatedly, before slowly sitting up straight, Jimin’s cold hand still glued on her cheek.

She stared into the soft glimmer of his lucid eyes, and for some reason, she could see the sorrow filling those eyes. She lifted her hand, placing in right on top of his hand that was still on her cheeks.

She didn’t know why she got the urge to did that, and she didn’t know why he did that in the first place. But the unreasonable action she did bloomed an unexplainable warm and pleasing feeling in every inch of her.

“Your hand is still hot.”

Sooyeon finally gained her sanity, and uttered those words.

She pulled his hand away from her cheek with a light smile that concealed her piled up feelings before gently putting it down gently.

“You must be hungry. Wait here.”

She rushed outside and closed the door after her. She leaned against the door with her palm on her beating chest. She was confused with her own feelings What was all those feelings supposed to mean? What was wrong with her?

Jimin eyed the closed door, an unknown agony was slowly spreading in him. The way she reacted first was giving him a slight hope and delight. But the words she uttered afterward had her hope crashed into million pieces.

Jimin scoffed mockingly at himself.

‘What are you thinking, Jimin? Just because she held your hand, doesn’t mean she likes you. You’re a , Jimin.’


The door was swung open and Sooyeon appeared with a tray of porridge and mineral water. Jimin trailed her with his gaze as she made her way over to him and put the tray on side table.

Then, extreme awkwardness took over. Sooyeon cleared awkwardly.

“Eat up.”

Jimin realised he had to do something to chase away the distubing awkwardness between them.

He stucked out his bottom lip in a playful manner.

“Feed me~”

She stared his pouty face in disbelief.


“I’m sick.. Help me.”

He stared her with glittering puppy eyes, pleading.

“You didn’t break your arm.”

He looked away after throwing her a sulking look.

“Then, I’m not eating.”

She huffed in annoyance before smacking the back of his head.

“Stop being chidish and eat.”

She said with a straight face. Jimin grinned sheepishly before grabbing the bowl of porridge. Mentally, he let out a breathe of relieve that Sooyeon finally acted the way she used to.

He ate a spoonful of the porridge, and dramatically gaped in amusement.

“Yah~ You can cook quite well. This is delicious.”

“It’s instant porridge.”

She stated plainly. Jimin stopped feeding himself, shocked, and quite embarassed.

“Oh.. I don’t know instant porridge can be this delicious.”

He said before gobbling down the porridge.

“Is it really delicious?”

She asked out of curiousity. She leaned forward, studying the porridge.

“You want to taste?”

Sooyeon looked up at him, he was holding a spoonful of the porridge, offering it to her.

Without a second thought, she leaned forward with wide opened. Jimin playfully retreated the spoon as soon as she was about to eat it. She sent Jimin a death glare as he tried his best to hold in his laughter.

She harshly grabbed his arm that was holding the spoon and pulled in near before devouring the porridge.

Jimin chuckled at her action.

“Mmm, This is delicious.”

“Did you finish studying?”

“No. I still have a lot to revise.”

“You’ll get good grades for sure. Mine will be horrible.”

Jimin let out a deep sigh and hung his low.

“I guess I will not join the tournament this year.”

Sooyeon nudged his arm.

“Don’t say something like that. You shouldn’t give up so easily.”

Jimin ruffled his hair.

“Okay, okay. You had been saying the same thing repeatedly.”

“That’s because you always think negatively. I just want to encourage you.”

She said with a raised voice.

“Why are you getting mad?”

“How can I not be mad? I was saying good things to you and you said that. I said that for your own good.”

Her voice was even louder than before. A glance at her face and he knew she was pissed off.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Don’t be mad.”

She ignored his words and looked away with her arms crossed.

Jimin clutched her hand, shaking it. Guilt and regret were blocking up in him.

“I’m sorry~”

She ogled at his pleading face and snatched her arm away from his grip.

“I’m going downstairs.”

She stated coldly before leaving him alone, embedded with guilt and anxiety.

He ran his fingers through his hairs harshly. He really didn’t mean to hurt her. It had never crossed his mind that his words would make her angry. She seemed to be really taken aback by what he said. She never been that sensitive before. Again, he cursed himself for hurting her.


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shuting2863 #1
Chapter 32: Will there be any updates again?