Another sibling

The bridge

Myungsoo pov

"He'll be fine but we need your parents here."The doctor said."Haven't you guys figured out what the stupid poison is consisted of?"I said."We gotta have your parents' permission for that." "Can we see him?"I said and the doctor made way for Kyungsoo and I."Goodthing you had that 'thing' in his room,hyung.It sped up his trip here."Kyungsoo said.


*Jongin uncontrollably coughs*We were both panicking but I remembered about his stretcher."Kyungsoo strap him onto the stretcher and get his needs ready."I said and the kid obeyed.The ambulance came and all they had to do was carry the stretcher to the back.*end*

"Hey Jongin's at the hospital again."I said over the phone."Jinjja?! Wae?! We'll be there soon." Goodthing Suho is easy to talk to and now.......Kris."Hey Kris-hyung"I said"Hey what's up?"He answered."Uh Jongin the hospital again."I zaid and he answered with the same words that Suho said.And now for the last call........*deep breaths*Mom."Hey mom." "Hey Myungsoo,we've already gotten you a sibling but we can't take her home until next week."She said."Listen,Jongin's in the-wait did you just say her?!"I said."Yep it's a girl!!!"She squealed and I remembered what I called her for."Um mom we need you and dad at the hospital again." I said."Okay I'll be there."She said and I hung up.Next time,I'll just call dad.Aish

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Caramel_lover369 #1
Guys,the sequel is not as long as the first.
raespmg #2
I just found your story and i actually find the description intresting so i'll start reading the story i'm curious about what will happen :D
Caramel_lover369 #3
Chapter 19: Omg I just found out that Exo knows about asianfanfics.........and that exo m opens it usually!!!
Caramel_lover369 #4
Okay I know you can see the horrible mistake at the description but I'll really try my best so this story wouldn't and please stop ignoring me.