The Haunted House

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

It was already the weekend, the girls arrived and ______ had a surprise look.

"So you're saying the place we're going to is an amusement park?!" _______ asked.

"Yeah...surprise!" ______ smiled.

"Why didn't you want to tell us?" ______ asked.

"We were scared that you might disagree." ______ said as she gave off a huge smile.

"How can we even disagree to that idea?!" _______ asked.

"Well...I'm not sure." ______ shrugged.

When ______ looked up, she then spotted Boyfriend walking towards them.

"I spy Boyfriend." ______ smiled.

"Hey, sorry we're late." Kwangmin smiled.

"What took you guys so long?" ______ asked.

"Ask Jeongmin and Youngmin." Minwoo said.

"Let me guess, Youngmin overslept?" ______ asked.

"And Jeongmin was so busy looking at the mirror." ______ smiled.

"You guys know them so well." _____ said.

"That because they used to date them before." _____ said.

"And?" Jeongmin asked.

"It's nothing." _____ said.

While the group was walking together, that was when they spotted a haunted house.

"We should go there first!" _______ suggested.

"I agree! I love haunted houses." _______ said.

Jeongmin then suddenly took a step back.

"No thank you!" Jeongmin said surprised.

"I agree with Jeongmin! I rather stay here." ________ said as she took a step back.

"Wae?! Unnie!" ______ whined.

"I'm sorry! I just don't like to go to haunted houses." _______ said shyly.

"Unnie!" ______ whined.

"Ande!" ______ shouted.

"Jebal..." ______ begged.

"Aniyo!" _______ said.

"Jeongmin, can't you please come?...Just this once! Please!" ______ begged.

"I am not sure..." Jeongmin said nervously.

"Jeongmin-oppa! Jebal..." ______ begged.

"Fine, just this once and I'm never going again." Jeongmin sighed.

"Araso!" ______ smiled.

"Now we just need ______." ______ said.

"Aniyo!" ______ said.

"What could go wrong?" Youngmin asked.

"I'm still not going!" ______ said.

"Come on, are you really that scared." Hyunseong asked.

"Yes." _______ said.

"She even proves it." ______ sighed.

"I'm still not going!" _______ said.

"Yes, you are going." Youngmin smiled at ______.

______ started to look up at Youngmin. Then, she started to make a surprise look.

"You wouldn't even think about it!" ______ said.

The girls and Boyfriend then made a confused ook at Youngmin and ______. After a while, that was when ________ started to make a run for it.

"_______!" _______ called out.

"Unnie get back here!" _______ called out.

Youngmin smiled and went after her.

"I'm not going!" _____ said.

Youngmin caught up and grab ______ from behind.

"You're still going." Youngmin said as he started to carry ______.

"Aniyo! Youngmin put me down!" ______ shouted.

"Nope, let go." Youngmin said.

Everyone nodded and smiled at Youngmin and ______.

"I really don't get them sometimes." ______ sighed.

"But they look cute together." ______ smiled.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see