An Argument Between Kwangmin

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

"So that what happen..." ______ sighed.

"Yeah...and now I think Kwangmin is mad at me right now." _______ said.

"You still have feelings for him...don't you dongsaeng." _______ said.

"No! I moved on!" _______ lied.

"Are you sure about that _______?" _______ asked as she walked into the room.

"_______..." _______ said.

"We just wanted to see if you were ok?..." _______ said.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." _______ said.

"Of course! But, I have to admit it, you do have feelings for Kwangmin." _______ said.

"I don't..." ______ said.

"I'm sorry but, yes you do. You even prove it to him in the text." _______ said as she go through _______'s phone.

"Wait, she really send a message to Kwangmin that she has feelings for him?" ______ asked.

"Yup!" _______ said.

"Aniyo! Don't read it!" ______ said.

"We're just going to see it. But, you do have feelings for Kwangmin." _______ said.

"Well what about you and Minwoo?" _______ asked ______.

"Well for me, I moved on." _______ sighed.

"Not really..." _______ teased.

"Well....I'm done with Donghyun, so I moved on." ______ lied.

"Same here!" ______ agreed.

"Ok! I can tell everyone is kind of lying right now." _______ said.

Just then all of them started laughing.

"What about you? Do you still have feelings for Youngmin?" _______ asked _______.

"Well since ______ knows all of us are lying. Then, yes...I actually still do have feelings for him." _______ sighed.

"And she even told the truth." ______ smiled.

"That's because, I can be innocent. But, all of us actually do have feelings for them still." ______ said.

"I don't!" _____ lied.

"Aw...come on...just tell the truth. All of us know you're lying." ______ said.

"Ok fine, I do have feelings for Donghyun. Happy?" ______ said.

"Yes..." ______ smiled.

"But she's actually right. All of us can't actually move on." ______ said.

"Yeah...but what about U-KISS, I notice they have been liking us lately." _______ said.

"Kiseop and ______ get along great." ______ said.

"True...but, what us? Haven't you notice they been hanging out with us lately and being nice to us. I do like them...but, I can't actually do this when I still have feelings for the same person." ______ explained.

"Unnie, we understand what you mean." ______ sighed.

"This is going to be hard, we do want them back. But, what about Hara and her devil group?" ______ asked.

"We can think of something." ______ said.

"Besides, maybe we can ask ______ at practice tomorrow." _______ said.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see