A Lost Child For Hyunseong

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

________ and Hyunseong were walking together and both of them didn't really talk that much. All of a sudden, they spotted a little girl crying and they walked over to her.

"Hey...are you alright?" _______ asked to the little girl.

"No...I can't find my umma or unnie!" The little girl cried.

She looked up and then she started to hug _______.

"It's alright, we'll help you find them." Hyunseong smiled.

"You sure you're ok with it?" _______ asked.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Besides, I feel kind of bad since she got left behind." Hyunseong said.

_______ looked at Hyunseong and she started to smile at him. The girl looked up at both ________ and Hyunseong and made a curious look.

"Are you guys together?" The girl asked curiously.

_______ and Hyunseong both made a surprise look and looked at the girl.

"Where did you learn that?" Hyunseong asked.

"My unnie told me about it." The girl smiled.

_______ smiled and she kneel next to the girl.

"As you can see....we're just friends." _______ smiled.

"Are you sure about that?" The girl asked curiously.

"Yes...just friends." Hyunseong smiled from behind.

"Dongsaeng!" Someone called out.

The girl looked behind and spotted her mom and unnie.

"Umma! Unnie!" The girl smiled.

"I'm glad you're alright." The mom sighed in a relief.

"Thank you." The mom smiled as she looked up at ________ and Hyunseong.

Both ________ and Hyunseong both smile at the mom and the girl. Yong Jae smiled until she looked up and spotted Hyunseong and _________.

"Hyunseong?" Yong Jae said surprised.

Hyunseong looked up and spotted Yong Jae.

"Yong Jae?" _______ said surprised.

Yong Jae then looked at _______ and that was when she made a suspicious look at her.

"Yong Jae, you know them?" Her mom asked.

"Nae...Hyunseong and I used to hang out before." Yong Jae said.

"What about the girl?" Her mom asked.

"We're actually enemies." _______ said.

It then started to become quiet since it was an awkward moment between Yong Jae and _______.

"I guess we should get going then." Her mom suggested.

"Yeah...see you tomorrow Hyunseong?" Yong Jae smiled.

"Yeah...sure..." Hyunseong said as he rolled his eyes.

Yong Jae then walked away and _______ was looking at her with a suspicious look. She then looked up at Hyunseong and made a sad look.

"You still have feelings for her...don't you?" _______ asked suddenly.

"Actually...no...I will always care about you. Even if you don't love me...I promise I will wait for you." Hyunseong said.

________ made a surprise look and she looked up at Hyunseong.

"Hyunseong..." _______ said.


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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see