Rescue Mission

She Doesn't Love You!

[ 5PM ]

Please be safe! Please be safe!                                                                                     Kyuhyun kept on muttering as he and Hyun Ji waited for Yoona to call. Hyekyu and her yaya was sent to her Aunt Sammie's house to stay safe. 

RING!! RING!!                                                                                                          the phone rang, Kyuhyun looked at Hyun Ji and waited for his signal. After receiving it, he quickly answered the phone, anxious to rescue his wife. 

Yoona, where is she?!                                                                                         he demanded from the other. Yoona just laughed and 

She's here with me. Don't worry. I won't touch her unless you DISOBEY me.                             Yoona smirked in the other line. 

I want you to come to XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX 92. You will get her IF you will obey EVER-Y-THING I tell you to. 'Kay? No police. JUST YOU. See you later, Kyuhyun-ssi.                                                                                                           she teased as she ended the call. 

DAMN!                                                                                                                       Kyuhyun cursed before listening to Hyun Ji's plan.



OOUUFFF!                                                                                                                  I almost wiped the floor with my face thanks to Yoona's leading. 

Nnngggg..                                                                                                                 I heard a groan from my right side. I looked towards the direction and saw Seohyun tied with the same thing I was bound in and was just waking up.

W-Wh-Where am I?                                                                                               she asked taking in the situation she was in. 

It's okay, my dongsaeng. Your husband to be will be here in a few minutes, 'kay? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!                            Yoona told Seohyun before laughing and going to the other room to get ready for Kyuhyun's arrival. 

Seo-Seohyun-unnie?                                                                                             I asked the girl bound the same as me. 

Ne. Oh. Hye Soo-ssi! What are you doing here?!                                           she asked after recognizing me. I sighed. 

Yoona-unnie. She took me as hostage in exchange for my daughter.           I told her. She gasped in horror. 

She... she took your daughter as her hostage?!                                                 she said, shocked at the knowledge of it. 

Deh. But, Kyu promised to rescue me. So, don't worry okay?                          I told Seohyun-unnie, trying to stop her from going to complete shock since she had a hard time since she was also kidnapped by Yoona. 

Okay. I'm just worried about my fiancee. Yoona beat him up pretty bad.                       she sadly told me. I sighed and smiled weakly, trying to be strong for the two of us. 

Ah. You finally came! Come in!                                                                             Yoona suddenly said. As she entered the room we were in, she directly pointed the  gun at me and motioned the visitor to come in. I thought it was someone else but it turned out to be Kyu. 

Kyu!                                                                                                                           I said, happy to see him. He almost ran to me when he caught sight of the gun pointed in my head. 

Stay there Kyuhyun-ssi. I need you to do something first.                                Yoona said, happily. 

What is it?                                                                                                               Kyu asked her coldly. 

Make love with Seohyun and impregnate her. Then I'll let her go. But you will stay and marry Seohyun.                                   Yoona said. The two girls who were bound, were looking in at the scene, with their mouths hanging wide open. 

WHAT?! NO DAMN WAY!                                                                                        Kyu exclaimed. Yoona then smirked at his apparent refusal. 

Oh-kay. Say bye-bye!                                                                                            she said before cocking the gun. 

WAIT! NO! I'LL DO IT!                                                                                            Kyu exclaimed, wanting to just divert the gun away from his my head. Yoona grinned, succeeding with the plan. She then pointed it at Kyu, 

Take her to the bed and untie her. No pretentious actions Kyu. Or else.                     she threatened. Kyu looked at me with eyes sorry for what he is about to do. He then took Seohyun in his arms and lifted her to the bed inside the room. He took off the rope she was tied with and slowly kissed her. I couldn't look at the scene before me. My husband is going to do this just to have me set free and staying alive. But I'll be dead once he disappears from my life. I guess it wouldn't make anything better. I just bowed my head, while crying hoping that this nightmare would go away soon. 

When suddenly,

BANG!!!!!                                                                                                            a gunshot was heard. I looked up and saw Yoona kneeling on the floor while holding her bloddy right hand. Kyuhyun snapped up and looked behind him, finding Hyun Ji assisting the wounded Yoona. When suddenly, 

BANG!!!!!                                                                                                           another one was heard and when he looked around, he found his wife, slumped on the floor while Seohyun was underneath him, holding a gun in his wife's direction. 

HYUN JI!!!!!!!                                                                                                      he shouted to his friend. Hyun Ji hurriedly came back to the scene after handing Yoona to one of his colleagues. He pinned down the grinning Seohyun while Kyuhyun rushed to his wife who was wounded on her right shoulder. The wound wasn't fatal but she might die because of blood loss. Kyuhyun hurriedly carried her to the car and drove to the hospital to have her treated. 

In less than three hours, Kyuhyun found himself in one of the private rooms, waiting for Hye Soo to wake up and be declared safe from infections by the doctor.

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Hey:) nice story
lovesj #2
Aww, Super Junior babies are there interacting with their dads.. It's such a heart-warming chapter, I really wanted to seee it in person you know, it must've been a wonderful scene. ^^

I am so happy that the witches doesn't showed their ugly faces.. Tsh, Well, I am happy with the results that (we) they made and I am happy with it.. Ahahaha.. I am so touched with the marriage proposal.. It made my day.. OMG!! I wish that I would have like that one too..

Little Hyekyu's so adorable dancing with her mum and dad, I love the A-cha dance too. >.< Hyekyu's one adorable kid, like her dad..

I am so happy that you've included me and Sam in here. I am so happy, I am so happy that our crappy conversations are here.. hahaha.. this story made me laugh, cry, smile and a little hyper, which only means that this is the wonderful story. Well this story, made me a little y, It's all your fault dongsaeng. You even made me write two chappies. You know that I in writing , I can't describe i properly and I am not good with words and using there.. I vow not to write those again.. Thank you for continuing corrupting my mind.

I do really hope that you make the sequel of this soon so that I can follow it like in this story.. well I a, following your story because you're one great author and not to mention a y one too. I really can't blame you for being like that, who wouldn't think of erted thoughts? they are all one effing HOT GUYS FOR PETE'S SAKE!! So I really can't blame you.

OMG!! I am so sad that you end this wonderful story, this is one of my favorites to tell you honestly, everyday I was really praying that you'll update this. I am always thrilled in reading it..

So good luck and keep up the good wwork!!

sjfangirl #3
What a great chapter unnie! And I do hope that there will be an SS8 and beyond in the future! I can't wait for your new fics!!!! FIGHTING!!!! :)
I really love you story~!!! :)
lovesj #5

I don't know what to do if Hye-Soo's not fine, Imma kill that witches!! aigoo!!
Kyu's such a wonderful husband for taking good care and not leaving her side until she wakes up.. >.<

Hye-Soo don't worry about little HyeKyu okay? his uncles are watching over her and the rest of the 'Super' babies.. *shibrows*, Those witches vowed not to come anywhere near you, Kyu an your little princess ever again..

I think that Ahra-unnoie, did enough damage and scared the living hell out of them, well, who wouldn't? I would be scared for my life when I encounter such 'EVIL' sisters.. O.o

Aigoo! you're ending this story!! but I voted for a sequel for this.. hahaha...
and most of your readers voted a sequel for this story!! ahahaha!!!

So you better fulfill your readers wishes for a 'SEQUEL' for this story!! hahaha!!

Update soon!!
lovesj #6
WONDERFUL!! WONDERFUL LADIES!! *standing ovation*

Serves you right Yoona and Seohyun, I told you not to mess up with us three!! If you think that scaring Hyesoo would scare us too..... YOU'RE WRONG!!
We're far more dangerous than the two of you, We warned you before hand that not to mess with HyeSoo and Kyu again, but you're a stubborn ladies.. Look at what happened with your precious faces,it's all gone,an so does your silky hair... tsk.tsk. I hope that you're learned your lesson, and never to appear in our lives again, and if you dare to go after out babies, I swear... I'LL GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF.. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH OUR BABIES ESPECIALLY HYEKYU!!

Wow, I never thought that being violent is so.......... DAMN GOOD!!! *smiles evilly like Kyu*.. You know, I think that this beats the "The Three Super Unnies"... I loved it when Arha-unnie scratched the beautiful face of Seohyun, and I love how Sam dragged the beautiful face of Seohyun on the floor, It was EPIC.. Sarang's a violent one too.. (so proud of myself), I wished that I did far more worse than damage to Yoona's face.. BUT may favorite part is when Ahra-unnie walked in to the scene, Seohyun and Yoona's scared of her.. hahah. Who wouldn't be scared with the "Evil Sister" of the "Evil Maknae"? I'll be scared too.. ahahaha..

Aigoo. I wonder how is HyeSoo now. I hope that she's fine and nothing bad happens to her. She has to be strong for Kyu and Hyekyu, they need her..

This is coolest chapter... hahah.

AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #7
Mwahahhahahahahaha thts the dlsme thing i wouldve done but worse