Punishment Backfires??

She Doesn't Love You!


[ Kyu's POV ]

Where is that girl?                                                                                                     I thought as I glanced around their living quarters. When suddenly.....

Hey! Pretty boy... what are you doing in our room?                                             a voice whispered so seductively in my ear. Then her arms came out from behind me and hugged me close.

I... I.... I... was ju-just wondering.. if... if.. if....  I co-could take someone o-o-out for lunch..                    I stuttered feeling goosebumps on my skin as she roamed her hands all over my body, while feeling her hot breath in my ear. I could feel myself growing and straining to be released.

Oh... who is that someone?                                                                                  she whispered again, before biting a little of my ear. ! She's teasing me! I turned around and kissed her on her luscious lips and had a tongue fight. After a few minutes, she gave up, being breathless and wantony as she is, giving me access to her sweet hot cavern. My little jr. continued to grow hard making the zipper of my pants, a painful obstruction.

You.                                                                                                                             I said as I made my way down to , bruising her. Branding her again.

Me, you say? Ummm... I... Can't...                                                                          she mewled. I groaned in disappointment. I let go of her and she smirked.

Why? I want to have lunch with you. Even just for one time before I have my military training. Jebal?                    I said, using aegyo. She smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the lips. A hot steamy one at that with a little knee rub at my sensitive , making it harder than it was.

I want that too! But I have to do something with Sam-unnie at 2 PM. And knowing you, you wouldn't let me go.                     she said, caressing my face seducing me. 

Of course! How could I let you go? *reaches out to touch her but she backs out away from me* YAH! WE HAVE SOME UNFINISHED BUSINESS HERE!          I yelled at her. She looked at me, and finally got what I meant. She noticed the huge bulge I was experiencing. 

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Old man Kyu.. You forgot what I said in my last message?                                                    she said as she opened the doorand went out. Leaving me to ponder on what she said.  




Oh, really! You have a punishment for doing this to me!                                                           I yelled, running after her. I looked for her everywhere until...


Hmm... So this is where you've been all this time, huh?                                                  I told her who was staring out to the open sea of stars. She looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. 

Stars make me calm down especially with your songs ringing in my ears.                she told me, as she pointed at her IPad on her lap. I sat down with her and looked up to the sky. 

What are you thinking?                                                                                                        I asked her. She just shook her head and continued to stare at the stars. I turned her head so that she could look at me straight in the eye and glared at her. She sighed in defeat,

I was just thinking, now that we're back here in Seoul and well, you're going to your military training three weeks from now, should we continue on? I mean, your fans will get upset with you leaving, much more when they know that you're dating. And you're P.A at that too.                  she looked down, with a tear grazing my finger. I smiled, knowing how upset she is too, because of my early service. I grabbed her and kept her inside my embrace.

Just believe that I love you arrasseo? And I will believe that you love me too. We'll both believe in each other so that nothing that will come our way will become hard for us. I'll do everything for you, baby. I won't let you go, adachi? So, you better not let me go too.                       I soothed her. She nodded with tears still falling down her cheeks. I kissed her tears away, loving the feel of her in my arms.

Now, why don't we go inside. It's getting colder and you don't have your jacket with you.                             I held out my hand to her as I stood up. She gladly accepted it and directly went to her window which leads to her secret place, up there on the rooftop. 


I directly went to one of the skylights that I found at one time. It was a shortcut to her secret place. I need to surprise her this time. She was there, singing Shake It Up! my favorite. And looking at something on her hands. I slowly made my way to her back and gave her a back-hug.

YAH! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?                                                                                              she burst out, obviously shivering in cold. I smirked and gave her a warm hug again. 

Baby, you left me with a problem. Now you have to solve it, you know, you're the only one who can, right?                       I whispered in her ear. She shuddered and sighed, 

I know. But I won't. You still have to catch me!                                                                            she said as she ran to her window. I smirked since I knew that she'd be a little slow being out in the cold. I made my way to her room, only to find her struggling to get to the door but somehow, I felt that she was really cold and stiff. I grinned and entered the room.

Stop struggling. Let me warm you up.                                                                                        I said as I took her in my arms and put her on the bed. She looked at me as I focused on her lips.

You won't tease me, right?                                                                                                            she murmured with those brown eyes staring at my lips, and with her hands that were trailing the outline of my lips. 

Che. You don't need it. Because your punishment just backfired and you'll receive much more than what you did to me.               I told her before devouring her half-open lips and started to tear off her stupid shirt, the one she designed herself, which says:            









So, what do you think about the punishment? Kekekeke! 

lovesj kekekeke! unnie, next chappie is Sam-unnie's and Teukie's! :D kekekeke! 

Sam: Sarang, she told me something that I'm still pondering on and it has something to do with Teukie. Do you know what they're planning?

Teukie: Honey, don't ask now.. Just wait for the next chappie. I'm sure you and Sarang will be very very happy! Kekekekeke! 

mauisj1kyu here's the punishment! kekekeke! what do you think?

Yesung: We have to enlist.. Just wait for two years, we'll be back again.. adachi?

Sungmin: PABO! *smacks him on the head* As if this story will last that much! *addresses mauisj1kyu* Don't worry. 4everlovingkyu will write more stories in the future, right dongsaenggi? 

ME: that's right! :D

cnbluefan why???

Kyu: You're shocked because I can be that sweet? 

Hye Soo: Sweet my . You're just erted!

Kyu: I can only be sweet to you! *hugs Hye Soo* 

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Hey:) nice story
lovesj #2
Aww, Super Junior babies are there interacting with their dads.. It's such a heart-warming chapter, I really wanted to seee it in person you know, it must've been a wonderful scene. ^^

I am so happy that the witches doesn't showed their ugly faces.. Tsh, Well, I am happy with the results that (we) they made and I am happy with it.. Ahahaha.. I am so touched with the marriage proposal.. It made my day.. OMG!! I wish that I would have like that one too..

Little Hyekyu's so adorable dancing with her mum and dad, I love the A-cha dance too. >.< Hyekyu's one adorable kid, like her dad..

I am so happy that you've included me and Sam in here. I am so happy, I am so happy that our crappy conversations are here.. hahaha.. this story made me laugh, cry, smile and a little hyper, which only means that this is the wonderful story. Well this story, made me a little y, It's all your fault dongsaeng. You even made me write two chappies. You know that I in writing , I can't describe i properly and I am not good with words and using it.so there.. I vow not to write those again.. Thank you for continuing corrupting my mind.

I do really hope that you make the sequel of this soon so that I can follow it like in this story.. well I a, following your story because you're one great author and not to mention a y one too. I really can't blame you for being like that, who wouldn't think of erted thoughts? they are all one effing HOT GUYS FOR PETE'S SAKE!! So I really can't blame you.

OMG!! I am so sad that you end this wonderful story, this is one of my favorites to tell you honestly, everyday I was really praying that you'll update this. I am always thrilled in reading it..

So good luck and keep up the good wwork!!

sjfangirl #3
What a great chapter unnie! And I do hope that there will be an SS8 and beyond in the future! I can't wait for your new fics!!!! FIGHTING!!!! :)
I really love you story~!!! :)
lovesj #5

I don't know what to do if Hye-Soo's not fine, Imma kill that witches!! aigoo!!
Kyu's such a wonderful husband for taking good care and not leaving her side until she wakes up.. >.<

Hye-Soo don't worry about little HyeKyu okay? his uncles are watching over her and the rest of the 'Super' babies.. *shibrows*, Those witches vowed not to come anywhere near you, Kyu an your little princess ever again..

I think that Ahra-unnoie, did enough damage and scared the living hell out of them, well, who wouldn't? I would be scared for my life when I encounter such 'EVIL' sisters.. O.o

Aigoo! you're ending this story!! but I voted for a sequel for this.. hahaha...
and most of your readers voted a sequel for this story!! ahahaha!!!

So you better fulfill your readers wishes for a 'SEQUEL' for this story!! hahaha!!

Update soon!!
lovesj #6
WONDERFUL!! WONDERFUL LADIES!! *standing ovation*

Serves you right Yoona and Seohyun, I told you not to mess up with us three!! If you think that scaring Hyesoo would scare us too..... YOU'RE WRONG!!
We're far more dangerous than the two of you, We warned you before hand that not to mess with HyeSoo and Kyu again, but you're a stubborn ladies.. Look at what happened with your precious faces,it's all gone,an so does your silky hair... tsk.tsk. I hope that you're learned your lesson, and never to appear in our lives again, and if you dare to go after out babies, I swear... I'LL GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF.. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH OUR BABIES ESPECIALLY HYEKYU!!

Wow, I never thought that being violent is so.......... DAMN GOOD!!! *smiles evilly like Kyu*.. You know, I think that this beats the "The Three Super Unnies"... I loved it when Arha-unnie scratched the beautiful face of Seohyun, and I love how Sam dragged the beautiful face of Seohyun on the floor, It was EPIC.. Sarang's a violent one too.. (so proud of myself), I wished that I did far more worse than damage to Yoona's face.. BUT may favorite part is when Ahra-unnie walked in to the scene, Seohyun and Yoona's scared of her.. hahah. Who wouldn't be scared with the "Evil Sister" of the "Evil Maknae"? I'll be scared too.. ahahaha..

Aigoo. I wonder how is HyeSoo now. I hope that she's fine and nothing bad happens to her. She has to be strong for Kyu and Hyekyu, they need her..

This is coolest chapter... hahah.

AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #7
Mwahahhahahahahaha thts the dlsme thing i wouldve done but worse