Fright for Seohyun.... *evil laugh*

She Doesn't Love You!

[ After a few hours ]

Kyuhyun keeps on pacing back and forth outside the emergency room. Dizzy looking at his dongsaeng, Leeteuk took his arm and told him to sit down. Kyuhyun sighed and sat down without further ado. Just then, 

Kyuhyun-ssi.                                                                 Dr. Rin called out as she exited the emergency room. Kyuhyun, alert as always, ran to her. 

Doc, is she okay? Are they fine? Please tell me they are..                        he said, with tearful eyes. Dr. Rin sighed and nodded.

They're okay, Kyuhyun-ssi. It was a false alarm. But she's only two weeks away, so I want her to stay here in the hospital so that we could monitor her more carefully. Will that be okay?                                          Dr. Rin told him. He sighed in relief, nodded and wiped his tears away. Then Hye Soo-ah was being transferred to a private room. Everyone went to her room and when she was settled, Kyuhyun directly went to her side and held her hands as she slept. Tears streamed from his eyes as he waited for Hye Soo to wake up. The others sat on the couch, waiting for the latter to open her eyes so that their nervousness can finally disappear. 



Kyuhyun already fell asleep after crying too much. He was still holding on to Hye Soo's hand and slept by her side. Only the SarWon and SamKie couple remained and stayed guarding the couple. Sarang and Sam was chuckling and giggling with themselves as Siwon and Leeteuk went out to buy some food.   Then Kyuhyun woke up with a start. He looked at the two ladies and sat with them on the couch.

Sammie, Sarangie, I need to go. I'm going to pack some clothes for me and bunchie.. and for our baby too. Can you please look after her for a while?       Kyuhyun told them. They hugged him and nodded. He smiled at them and went home. Both Sarang and Sammie still stayed in the couch since they have a hard time standing. 

[ Sam's POV ]

Ugh. I swear, if I see that stupid Seohyun, I'm going to choke her.                               I whispered to Sarang as I look at my dongsaeng on the hospital bed sleeping. Perhaps she fainted because of worrying over that matter that stupid Seohyun said. 

Don't worry, Sammie. Imma help you.                                                                                Sarang whispered back to me. I looked at her and we both grinned evilly. 

Dang, Seohyun, you messed up with someone dangerous.                                         my Teukie growled as they came in. He and Siwon were holding three plastic bags full of fruits for the three of us. Well, we eat a LOT! Especially with three nagging husbands who doesn't want anything junk to pass our lips. But we love it. 

Oh, she did... She did...                                                                  Sarang and I chorused then laughed. Teukie handed me an apple while Siwon handed Sarang with strawberry. At 5 months, she's almost the same size as I am. Kekekeke! This is what we get when we three, me, Sarang and Hye-ah, gather and just eat. Suddenly, 

O-o-oppa? Unn-Unn-Unnie? Where are we?                          Hye-ah said. Teukie and Siwon suddenly went to her side.

Hye-ah.... We're in the hospital. You fainted and we brought you here. Dr. Rin said you have to stay here until your due date.                     my Teukie explained. 

Oh... Boo... He went to Seohyun-unnie huh?                            she said, with a dead voice. Teukie looked at me and I motioned for him to help me. He came and helped me stand up. 

Hye-ah.... please don't think like that. He went home to get you some clothes since you're going to stay here for two more weeks.          I said. She nodded and suddenly stared into space. Sarang came with Siwon and held her hand. 

Hye-ah... please listen to us. They didn't do it. If Seohyun's pregnant, then it's not his. Seohyun's just playing with you.                      she comforted our dongsaeng. She looked at us and suddenly her eyes which lost their spark, had that spark again. Her frowning face, slowly turned to smiling. 

Jinjja? Are you sure?                                                                    she asked making perfectly sure. We all nodded and suddenly tears came to her eyes. I wiped her tears on the right side while Sarang wiped her tears on the left side. She sighed and laid back comfortably on the pillows. 

Oppa, do you have pears?                                                         she asked our husbands. They both laughed and Siwon took one from the plastic bag that they brought in and gave it to her. Sarang and I went back to the couch and sat down to eat our fruits too. 

I'm back! Is she still....                                                                Kyuhyun came in and saw his wife eating with us. He hurried to her side and...

Bunchie! Please don't listen to Seohyun.                               he said, holding her hand. She made a tsk-ing sound and gave him a "not-now" look. The four of us laughed and we knew that she didn't want to talk about it when there's someone else around. And in her mood, she's gonna be pissed off when you push it. Teukie helped me up and Siwon helped Sarang up and...

We're just gonna take a walk in the garden downstairs. We're going to stay here in the hospital too since we need to be checked up. We'll come back ater 30 minutes arrasseo?                                                                     I told them. They just nodded and we went out. 

Sammie, is it okay to leave them?                                          Sarang asked me as we found a nice spot under a tree and sat on a bench while waiting for the two boys who got us some milk. 

It's okay, Sarangie. Besides, they need to be alone.               I told her. As I searched for the boys who were taking a bit too long, I spotted a familiar face that was about to come our way. 

Sarangie, look who's here. The devil herself.                           I smirked, motioning to the figure. Sarang took a look and smirked too. We both stood up and waited for her to almost pass us. That's when we took action. I stretched my arms forward as if telling Sarang how to do it. Then I suddenly swung it towards Seohyun, who was shocked. 

WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!                                                         she shouted at me. I smirked and played innocent. 

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you there. I was just showing Sarang here how to whap a b*tch in the face.                       I told her, smiling. She huffed and combed her hair into place with her hand. That's when. 

What are you doing here by the way, Seohyun?                     Sarang asked her through gritted teeth. She gulped down and

I'm here to visit someone.                                                         she said, gutsy and proud. My eyebrows shot up.

Oh, really. Who, may we know?                                               I asked her. 

Your dongsaeng.                                                                        she said to me, fluffing her hair. I took one step toward her and..

You. Take. One. Step. Into. The. Hospital. And. I. Promise. Seohyun. You're. Going. To. Be. Dragged. Out. By. Your. Hair. With. Your. Beautiful. Face. Cleaning. The. Floor. Adachi?                                                                   I said to her still smiling. Apparently, she got scared and slowly backed off, almost running to her car. 

Done and done.                                                                       Sarang and I said as we cleaned our hands with a hand sanitizer. The two boys came and was curious at what we did that we had a satisfied smile all the while. 










cassie10 HERE IT IS!!!! 

mauisj1kyu FIGHTING!


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K-pop_lover123 #1
Hey:) nice story
lovesj #2
Aww, Super Junior babies are there interacting with their dads.. It's such a heart-warming chapter, I really wanted to seee it in person you know, it must've been a wonderful scene. ^^

I am so happy that the witches doesn't showed their ugly faces.. Tsh, Well, I am happy with the results that (we) they made and I am happy with it.. Ahahaha.. I am so touched with the marriage proposal.. It made my day.. OMG!! I wish that I would have like that one too..

Little Hyekyu's so adorable dancing with her mum and dad, I love the A-cha dance too. >.< Hyekyu's one adorable kid, like her dad..

I am so happy that you've included me and Sam in here. I am so happy, I am so happy that our crappy conversations are here.. hahaha.. this story made me laugh, cry, smile and a little hyper, which only means that this is the wonderful story. Well this story, made me a little y, It's all your fault dongsaeng. You even made me write two chappies. You know that I in writing , I can't describe i properly and I am not good with words and using there.. I vow not to write those again.. Thank you for continuing corrupting my mind.

I do really hope that you make the sequel of this soon so that I can follow it like in this story.. well I a, following your story because you're one great author and not to mention a y one too. I really can't blame you for being like that, who wouldn't think of erted thoughts? they are all one effing HOT GUYS FOR PETE'S SAKE!! So I really can't blame you.

OMG!! I am so sad that you end this wonderful story, this is one of my favorites to tell you honestly, everyday I was really praying that you'll update this. I am always thrilled in reading it..

So good luck and keep up the good wwork!!

sjfangirl #3
What a great chapter unnie! And I do hope that there will be an SS8 and beyond in the future! I can't wait for your new fics!!!! FIGHTING!!!! :)
I really love you story~!!! :)
lovesj #5

I don't know what to do if Hye-Soo's not fine, Imma kill that witches!! aigoo!!
Kyu's such a wonderful husband for taking good care and not leaving her side until she wakes up.. >.<

Hye-Soo don't worry about little HyeKyu okay? his uncles are watching over her and the rest of the 'Super' babies.. *shibrows*, Those witches vowed not to come anywhere near you, Kyu an your little princess ever again..

I think that Ahra-unnoie, did enough damage and scared the living hell out of them, well, who wouldn't? I would be scared for my life when I encounter such 'EVIL' sisters.. O.o

Aigoo! you're ending this story!! but I voted for a sequel for this.. hahaha...
and most of your readers voted a sequel for this story!! ahahaha!!!

So you better fulfill your readers wishes for a 'SEQUEL' for this story!! hahaha!!

Update soon!!
lovesj #6
WONDERFUL!! WONDERFUL LADIES!! *standing ovation*

Serves you right Yoona and Seohyun, I told you not to mess up with us three!! If you think that scaring Hyesoo would scare us too..... YOU'RE WRONG!!
We're far more dangerous than the two of you, We warned you before hand that not to mess with HyeSoo and Kyu again, but you're a stubborn ladies.. Look at what happened with your precious faces,it's all gone,an so does your silky hair... tsk.tsk. I hope that you're learned your lesson, and never to appear in our lives again, and if you dare to go after out babies, I swear... I'LL GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF.. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH OUR BABIES ESPECIALLY HYEKYU!!

Wow, I never thought that being violent is so.......... DAMN GOOD!!! *smiles evilly like Kyu*.. You know, I think that this beats the "The Three Super Unnies"... I loved it when Arha-unnie scratched the beautiful face of Seohyun, and I love how Sam dragged the beautiful face of Seohyun on the floor, It was EPIC.. Sarang's a violent one too.. (so proud of myself), I wished that I did far more worse than damage to Yoona's face.. BUT may favorite part is when Ahra-unnie walked in to the scene, Seohyun and Yoona's scared of her.. hahah. Who wouldn't be scared with the "Evil Sister" of the "Evil Maknae"? I'll be scared too.. ahahaha..

Aigoo. I wonder how is HyeSoo now. I hope that she's fine and nothing bad happens to her. She has to be strong for Kyu and Hyekyu, they need her..

This is coolest chapter... hahah.

AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #7
Mwahahhahahahahaha thts the dlsme thing i wouldve done but worse