She Doesn't Love You!


( Kyuhyun is now working at the Foreign Affairs department and broke up with Hye Soo for a misunderstanding and is now dating Seo Joo Hyun. The SamKie couple has their own house about a few blocks away from the Super Junior dorms. Sam is now two months pregnant and is only assisting Eun Yi and Mi Rae with the housekeeping and paperworks. Hye Soo is helping her too but she's in the most delicate condition. )

Hye-ah, are you sure you're alright to go there? You shouldn't be doing lots of things you know.               Sam told her dongsaeng. Hye Soo only smiled and used her best aegyo on her unnie.

Unnie! Jebal? *puppy eyes* I want to get out of the dorm. And besides, I need the exercise.                   Hye Soo told her. Sam could only sigh in defeat and let her dongsaeng go. It was 5PM and the documents Kyuhyun needed was to be sent immediately. 

Arrasseo. Take care, you hear? You take a taxi and don't wander off. It's going to be night soon.            Sam reminded her. Hye Soo nodded and set out to Kyuhyun's condo unit. 


( Hye Soo's POV )

Wah! Out of the dorms at last! Hmmm.. I should go to the mall later after bringing this document to baby bo... oops I mean to Kyu-oppa. Okay, I gotta admit I haven't gotten over him yet. I won't get over him! He's the love of my life for pete's sake! I'd never do anything like that. But I guess he could change his mind. Sigh. I flagged down a taxi and told him Kyu-oppa's address. 


I went up using the elevator and went directly to his condo unit. I pressed the doorbell only to press it again and again. 

He's still not at home? Hmm... Must had a date with Seohyun.                           I told myself painfully. 

I should probably call him.                                                                                      I thought taking my phone from my sling bag. As I was about to dial his phone number, I suddenly felt dizzy. 

Baby, please not now.. I gotta deliver this to Kyu-oppa...                                  I muttered before slowling sinking to the floor, losing consciousness.



( Kyuhyun's POV )

5 PM! At last! I can go home! This day was pretty hectic. I'm so tired. And Seo-ah's in Jeju. Damn!                       Kyuhyun thought as he opened his car and drove home. On the way, he received a call from Sam. 

Yobeseyo? Ne, Sammie. What's up?                                                    I said after putting my headset on my ear. 

Kyu, the papers you asked? Hye-ah went to deliver it. Are you in your condo now? She's not replying to my text messages.              she said, panicking.

Don't worry, Sammie. I'm almost home. I'll bring Hye-ah home, arra? Now stop worrying and relax. It's not good for your baby.          I told her trying to calm her down. She sighed and

But she's more delicate than me. Especially now....                              she whispered before ending the call. It puzzled me what she meant by her last few words. "MORE DELICATE THAN ME. ESPECIALLY NOW." Aish. Whatever. I need to hurry home to check on Hye-ah. Yes, I still call her that. We're still friends and we're close. Though I feel that she's keeping something from me. After a few minutes drive to the condo, I arrived and parked my car. Went up using the elevator and directly went to my condo's direction.

Ah, she's here. Took her phone out? Hmmm.. Omo!                          I thought as I ran towards her direction, just in time to save her from falling headfirst to the floor. 

Hye-ah! Iruna! Hye-ah!                                                                              I told her shaking her. She must've been too tired but insisted to come here. Aish! Stubborn woman. I quickly picked her up and the things and ran to the elevator, pushed the button for the basement parking and rushed to my car and put her safely in the back. As I started the engine, I dialed Teukie-hyung's phone number and called him as I don't want to worry Sam anymore. 

Hyung, it's me. Palli... tell me, what's wrong with Hye-ah?                  I said as I went out of the parking space and started driving towards the hospital.

Wae? Did something happen to her? Tell me!                                        Teukie-hyung whispered fervently, with a panicking voice. 

Yes, I'm driving to the hospital now. Tell me what's wrong with her, damn it!                         I cursed because of my impatience. He sighed 

Arrasseo. We'll meet you there. All I can tell you is she's anemic. She's in a very delicate condition now. Bring her fast to the hospital, arra? I won't tell Sam about this but I'll get Kangin and Donghae to come with me. I'm putting it off. I gotta call her....                   he was muttering to himself before ending my call.

Aish! ANEMIC?! Why didn't anyone tell me before?! Okay, so I'm concerned... I know. I still love her, you see. But I broke up with her because she broke my heart. She cheated on me! And she had to do it with my hyung too! DAMN! 

I parked the car in front of the hospital and went in, carrying the still unconscious Hye-ah in my arms. 

NURSE! PLEASE HELP ME!                                                                     I yelled and they came with a stretcher. I laid her down and we all ran to the emergency room. 

Please wait here.                                                                                     a nurse told me. I stopped and tapped my foot waiting for the hyungs to arrive. 



Kyuhyun-ah!                                                                                                Leeteuk exclaimed seeing the uneasy form of the guy. 

Hyung! What took you so long?                                                              Kyuhyun asked his hyung. 

I had to get her. She needs to be here.                                                 Leeteuk said as he stepped aside to reveal Ah-ra behind him. 

Noona! What are you doing here?!                                                       Kyuhyun exclaimed being shocked at his noona's presence. 

I'm here to check on Hye-ah. What happened?                                  she said walking to the door of the emergency room. 

Well, she just fell unconscious. Fortunately, it was exactly when I rounded the corner to my condo when she did. I catched her and brought her here.            he explained to Ah-ra. She nodded and sat in one of the hospital chairs. 

After 30 minutes, a doctor came out.  

Ah, Ahra-ssi. Good thing you're here. I was just about to call you. Regarding about Hye-ssi's condition, she's totally fine. She just needed some rest. By the way, have you guys helped her drink the milk?                                      Dr. Rin, a close friend of Ahra, asked the others. 

Well, doc.. About the milk, she really can't down even one gulp. She can sip only once and if she drinks more, she pukes it out. We've been trying to find another way to make her drink but we don't know anymore tactics.                     Leeteuk said. 

Ah, did you try the kiss method?                                                    Dr. Rin asked them. They all shook their heads and looked away. 

They can't do it. They all have someone that won't let it happen.                 Ahra told her friend. Kyuhyun, who couldn't relate stood up and 

Okay. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? WHAT IS REALLY WRONG WITH HYE-AH?!                     Kyuhyun said frustrated. Dr. Rin looked at him and raised one eyebrow. 

You don't know? Why, Kyuhyun-ssi, I assure you, Hye-ssi and your baby are both alright. It's just that they both need some rest and the milk for pregnant women.                                                                                                          Dr. Rin said, shocking the latter. 

SHE'S WHAT?!                                                                                            Kyuhyun exclaimed in surprise.





cnbluefan *bows 900* OMO! KAMSAHAMNIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D



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K-pop_lover123 #1
Hey:) nice story
lovesj #2
Aww, Super Junior babies are there interacting with their dads.. It's such a heart-warming chapter, I really wanted to seee it in person you know, it must've been a wonderful scene. ^^

I am so happy that the witches doesn't showed their ugly faces.. Tsh, Well, I am happy with the results that (we) they made and I am happy with it.. Ahahaha.. I am so touched with the marriage proposal.. It made my day.. OMG!! I wish that I would have like that one too..

Little Hyekyu's so adorable dancing with her mum and dad, I love the A-cha dance too. >.< Hyekyu's one adorable kid, like her dad..

I am so happy that you've included me and Sam in here. I am so happy, I am so happy that our crappy conversations are here.. hahaha.. this story made me laugh, cry, smile and a little hyper, which only means that this is the wonderful story. Well this story, made me a little y, It's all your fault dongsaeng. You even made me write two chappies. You know that I in writing , I can't describe i properly and I am not good with words and using it.so there.. I vow not to write those again.. Thank you for continuing corrupting my mind.

I do really hope that you make the sequel of this soon so that I can follow it like in this story.. well I a, following your story because you're one great author and not to mention a y one too. I really can't blame you for being like that, who wouldn't think of erted thoughts? they are all one effing HOT GUYS FOR PETE'S SAKE!! So I really can't blame you.

OMG!! I am so sad that you end this wonderful story, this is one of my favorites to tell you honestly, everyday I was really praying that you'll update this. I am always thrilled in reading it..

So good luck and keep up the good wwork!!

sjfangirl #3
What a great chapter unnie! And I do hope that there will be an SS8 and beyond in the future! I can't wait for your new fics!!!! FIGHTING!!!! :)
I really love you story~!!! :)
lovesj #5

I don't know what to do if Hye-Soo's not fine, Imma kill that witches!! aigoo!!
Kyu's such a wonderful husband for taking good care and not leaving her side until she wakes up.. >.<

Hye-Soo don't worry about little HyeKyu okay? his uncles are watching over her and the rest of the 'Super' babies.. *shibrows*, Those witches vowed not to come anywhere near you, Kyu an your little princess ever again..

I think that Ahra-unnoie, did enough damage and scared the living hell out of them, well, who wouldn't? I would be scared for my life when I encounter such 'EVIL' sisters.. O.o

Aigoo! you're ending this story!! but I voted for a sequel for this.. hahaha...
and most of your readers voted a sequel for this story!! ahahaha!!!

So you better fulfill your readers wishes for a 'SEQUEL' for this story!! hahaha!!

Update soon!!
lovesj #6
WONDERFUL!! WONDERFUL LADIES!! *standing ovation*

Serves you right Yoona and Seohyun, I told you not to mess up with us three!! If you think that scaring Hyesoo would scare us too..... YOU'RE WRONG!!
We're far more dangerous than the two of you, We warned you before hand that not to mess with HyeSoo and Kyu again, but you're a stubborn ladies.. Look at what happened with your precious faces,it's all gone,an so does your silky hair... tsk.tsk. I hope that you're learned your lesson, and never to appear in our lives again, and if you dare to go after out babies, I swear... I'LL GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF.. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH OUR BABIES ESPECIALLY HYEKYU!!

Wow, I never thought that being violent is so.......... DAMN GOOD!!! *smiles evilly like Kyu*.. You know, I think that this beats the "The Three Super Unnies"... I loved it when Arha-unnie scratched the beautiful face of Seohyun, and I love how Sam dragged the beautiful face of Seohyun on the floor, It was EPIC.. Sarang's a violent one too.. (so proud of myself), I wished that I did far more worse than damage to Yoona's face.. BUT may favorite part is when Ahra-unnie walked in to the scene, Seohyun and Yoona's scared of her.. hahah. Who wouldn't be scared with the "Evil Sister" of the "Evil Maknae"? I'll be scared too.. ahahaha..

Aigoo. I wonder how is HyeSoo now. I hope that she's fine and nothing bad happens to her. She has to be strong for Kyu and Hyekyu, they need her..

This is coolest chapter... hahah.

AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #7
Mwahahhahahahahaha thts the dlsme thing i wouldve done but worse