Weekly Idol Part 1


PD: We're going to start recording now

"Weeklyyy IDOL!!" Doni and Coni made their normal pose.

"Ahh... My Moon Cheyoung is here today," Doni sighed placing a hand on his heart. Moon Cheyoung is the famous character played my Annabelle in her most recent drama- the one that got super popular and got Annabelle to get best actress 2015 as their whole production won more awards like best drama 2015. {Song: If you by Big Bang- pretend it's her drama's OST}

"These girls are 2015's soaring rookie, our third YG guest, BigBang come already!" Coni shouted on the top of his voice.

{Song: Touch my body by Diversity}

"They are, YG's new and famous girl group, Diversity!" They shouted in unison as the girls entered the studio looking around in amazement. "Cheyoung ahh! Nega, nega! Sarangheyo arraso!?" Doni and Coni confessed using the famous line Kim Woobin's character used on her. Annabelle was caught off guard and awkwardly laughed as they tried to approach to her to get selfies but were stopped by Sunhee. 

"Ahh, these oldies trying to flirt with Belle," she sighed dragging them back.

"Ya! This girl has really got some confidence after winning the variety rookie award!" Coni shouted as he playfully pushed her aside.

"Do you want me to show confidence?" She spat back as they both backed away scared.

"Okay, ~!@#$%^&" awkward silence filled the room.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Melissa asked breaking the silence. DoniConi held their hearts.

"Ahh...it's okay, we're not at their level yet for them to know what this is." Doni said.

"As expected, they don't watch weekly idol," Coni sighed.

"Ahh, don't say that." Karina tried to make them feel better but failed.

"Have any of you watched this?" Doni asked.

"Oh, I watched Jiyong oppa's! But that was 2 years ago." Melody remembered as the other girls inwardly smirked. Trust Melody to bring up GDragon. {Song: Shake the world by GD}

"Jiyong is old school talk now! It's all about Cheyoung ahh!" Doni and Coni said flustering Annabelle again. {Song: If you by Big Bang}

"Ugh, I feel like her bodyguard right now!" Sunhee shouted making sure the two men weren't anywhere near Annabelle.

"How dare you take away our love!?" They retorted deep in their acting.

"She doesn't want to see you!" Sunhee spat joining in with them as the other girls laughed.

"When we say that, you need to introduce yourselves." Coni informed as realization hit the girls.

"Okay, ~!@#$%^&"

"Born to dominate, we are Diversity!" The girls shouted and bowed as the two men cheered at finally being able to get past that.

"Hello, I'm Diversity's leader Karina!" Karina smiled and bowed.

"Hey, I'm Sunhee." She cooly said.

"Tsk, look at her trying to act cool." Doni hissed as she shot at glare at him instantly making him regret what he said.

"Hello, I'm Melody! I hope you show us a lot of love!" She made a heart with her hands. DoniConi pretended to be struck by it. {Song: Cupid by Kara.}

"Hello, Moon Chaeyoung here!" Annabelle waved. {Song: Female President by Girls Day- another OST} "My name is Annabelle."

"Moon Cheyoung!" They screamed bending down to their knees.

"Shush!" Sunhee ordered. They instantly stood up and bowed making guilt rush inside Sunhee as she bowed back and tried to make them not so afraid of her.

"Hello, I'm the maknae Melissa!" She said and gave her signature smile.

"Ahh, dancing machine is here!" Coni said as they did her famous choreography- the one the SNSD and Sistar did in MAMA. 

"After nearly a year of debuting, these girls are here to promote their first full album, The Light!" Doni introduced. "It's amazing how artists usually come here before their actual comeback. We will be the first ones to hear it."

"Would you like to introduce your new song?" Coni asked.

"Yeah. Uhh. As our fans know, our songs will be separated into three months although our album will be released in midnight when it will be 2016 which, is in 2 days.our first song is Ahh yeah which is portraying iness in the woman with up beat music and unique dance moves. Hope you enjoy it and look forward to our next songs." Karina explained.

Doni started laughing. "Okay filming finished." The girls looked confused. "What? Karina ended this shooting with her last words?" He said as they laughed.

"What you just said needs to be saved till the end." Coni explained as she blushed and bowed.

"Ahh, this is harder than I hoped." She muttered sending more laughters in the studio.

"Would you like to show us a glimpse?" Doni asked as the girls got in their position. {Song: Ahh Yeah by Diversity} 

The two men fanboyed as they danced showing off their iness and copied the move where they leaned side to side as their circled their legs on the spot.

"You really should name this move!" Coni said when they finished.

"We'll let the fans decide that," Annabelle said.

"As expected, our Cheyoung has a big heart." Doni sighed flustering her once again.

"Stop making her uncomfortable already," Sunhee muttered earning a playful glare from the men. 

"Anyway, moving on. Weekly idol's representative section, random play dance. Do you girls know about this?" He asked. The girls looked at each other.

"Yeah, Jiyong Oppa just danced to his songs." Melody explained as the other girls nodded. "It doesn't look that hard, he made it look pretty simple." 

"Don't you remember? He was hit by the hammer for failing. This really isn't easy." Coni said but the girls didn't take him seriously.

"How about we do this? Whenever someone makes a mistake Sunhee will get hit by the toy hammer by us?" Doni asked.

"Why me? Why can't it be you guys?" Sunhee boomed as Doni hid behind Coni.

"I've never once seen a girl like her." Coni laughed as the others joined in.

"Shouldn't it be Karina unnie since she's the leader?" Melissa questioned.

"Yah, your the centre of dance, you can take the hit." Karina spat acting as if she was angry.

"Let me rephrase this, I've never seen girls like them." Coni stated as they laughed.

"Normal people would say 'I'll take the punishment' but these girls are completely different." Doni said. "They have good variety sense."

"Melody can take it since she said it was easy so she should be confident not to get hit." Annabelle suggested as the others joined in.

"Breaking news! The girls of Diversity are caught bullying their own teammate." Melody shouted to the camera. "Spread rumors!" She continued, her hands typing on air signaling people to be sending hates.

The hosts or the staffs couldn't keep it in anymore as they all laughed at her sudden outburst. Even the girls laughed and started hugging her.

"She's the one man bully here!" Annabelle shouted.

"See, I'm called a man here! Type away people!" Melody screamed as everyone laughed even harder.

"T-this is the first time I actually have tears in my eyes from laughing," Coni stated wiping a tear from his eyes.

"There's no point in us being here, these girls are too funny!" Doni added finally being able to stand.

"Argh, why does it take so long for us to do anything? First the introduction and now this!" Karina shouted in annoyance.

"Okay, I'll take the punishment, you guys better do everything right." Melody warned.

"Of course it's you! You're the one claiming it's easy." Sunhee murmured as giggles spread across the studio.

"What do you want if you succeed?" Doni asked.

"Pizza?" Melissa suggested.

"It's okay these men are rich, we can get something expensive." Sunhee said as the hosts sighed but were to scared to say anything back.

"How about if you girls succeed the first time we'll get you everything you want from the restaurant that's next to this studio?" Coni suggested.

"Just order everything on the menu," Karina said as more laughter went around the studio.

"You girls sure are confident." Doni muttered.

Random Play Dance, START!

{Song: Ahh Yeah}

The chorus of Ahh Yeah started as the girls quickly ran to their positions with Melody in the middle. They flawlessly did their moves when the track changed to the second verse. The girls also aced this even singing on top of the music and saying adlibs in the middle. The song then went to the beginning which was not a problem for them as they aced this aswell.

"Ahh, so this is why they were so confident." Coni sighed in awe.

"Guys make it harder for them! We're gonna get robbed otherwise!" Doni shouted shoving the DJ away to handle the music himself.

At one moment the chorus was playing then it changed to the first verse. In a split second it went to Sunhee's rap and changed again to the last verse when the girls were too slow to react.

"Ahh... Unfortunately you girls were too slow." Coni said.

"Is it fair to change the place in a split second?" Karina complained.

"As per the rules of this game you did not succeed the first time." Doni explained.

"That's because you guys cheated and didn't even give us time to react!" Melissa shouted sitting down on the floor.

"That's just unfortunate." Doni fired back.

"Why don't you guys try it? And we'll do the music for you? How do you expect us to dance when you are changing the place every second." Annabelle shouted, her true personality showing off.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this even for Cheyoung." Doni said.

"We were doing so well! I say we succeeded!" Sunhee shouted.

"Yay food!" Melody jumped in excitement.

"Yah, no food!" Coni said.

"Since you guys cheated and forced us to lose, you guys are disqualified and therefore we win!" Melissa said.

"That's not how the game works!" Coni said.

"Then make us do it again and if we get it right in 3 tries we succeed!" Karina suggested.

"Aish, these girls make me crazy." Doni sighed signaling the DJ to do as Karina says.

"There is really no idol groups like them." Coni defeatedly laughed.

The song came again as the girls quickly got into their position and performed like it was the real deal. It changed to the chorus as they adapted quickly and continued their performance. The last change, to their surprise was Touch my body. Chaos started as Melody and Annabelle quickly ran to the back as the trio started shaking to the song. Even when the song changed the girls continued performing showing their good teamwork and exceptional skills.

"Succeed!" The hosts groaned.

"I'm gonna be bankrupted." Doni fake cried as he went to his manager to order him to buy everything from the menu in the restaurant next to the studio.

"Yeah!" The girls cheered group hugging.

A/N.  Bet you guys didn't expect this! Consider it a pre gift before the main deal!

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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie