Love? Or Nah? Part 6


After 2 hours that felt like 2 long years, Melody finally started waking up from her short slumber. She looked around her curiously wondering where she was. Slowly, all the dreadful memories started flooding back making her head throb.

"You alright?" Sunhee asked bringing a glass of water. Melody was surprised.

"Does this contain poison?" She asked trying to sound alright but failed because of the unstoppable tears was poured out of her eyes. Sunhee felt awkward as she would always be rude to her but reached out of a sympathetic hug and patted her back.  "I'm sorry, thank you." Melody half smiled as she received the glass and gulped it down in one go. Sunhee took the empty glass back to fill more water in. Melody then thought about what Taehyun was telling her about his feelings for Annabelle. She had hoped that he was lying but she knew he wasn't. The look on his face really backed up his announcement. The question was, why didn't Annabelle tell her? Then for a few minutes she thought deep and realized that she would have done the same if she was in her shoes, and therefore, decided to somehow get Annabelle to tell her the truth rather than confronting her about it.

Back in the composing room, it was the same old thing, Karina and Bobby acting like a couple and poor B.I being left alone. By now everyone had found out about Taehyun and Melody, they all pitied Melody a lot. Currently, Taehyun is in YG's office getting punished for breaking the rules as they weren't allowed too date. YG also wanted to talk to Melody but since for her it was before her debut, it was acceptable. As this situation was going on, Karina suddenly got a call from her best friend Crush.

"Oppa!" She screamed as it has been many days since they talked. Just like that they talked for ages making Bobby worry and jealous of how much Karina was open to Crush than with him. On the other hand, B.I felt like the heavens had finally listened to him and felt happier than ever. Then Melissa walked in covered in sweat as she just finished the choreography for Big Bang's new song and had also finally taught it to the trainer as she won't be able to due to Dancing with the Stars. 

"Ugh! I'm exhausted!" She shouted as she plopped down with her smoothie. Bobby smiled at her which she returned but when she saw B.I, her expressions changed. Looks like when something good finally happens to B.I, another bad thing appears. 

"How's it with unnie?" Melissa suddenly asked shocking Bobby. Bobby know what she was talking about just not how she found out. He then turned to B.I with a stern face.

"Don't look at me, she's the saesang fan!" He raised his hands up. Melissa tried to ignore him but couldn't.

"I hate you," she confessed not even looking at his direction. B.I smirked which sent the message 'same here'. "Oh well, you won't be able to follow me everywhere anymore, since I'll be in USA for a very long time." She continued on. B.I looked at her curiously, why would she go?

"Don't you have that show Dancing with the Stars? I love it, when I was in New York, I used to watch it everyday but I can't anymore." Bobby said in excitement. "Good luck!" Melissa turned to B.I expecting for a good luck from him but he just ignored her. She rolled her eyes and was about to leave the room but turned around to face Bobby.

"By the way, she loves horror movies, you should take her to see one." She suggested bringing a smile to his face as he gave a thumbs up. 

"Okay bye!" B.I shouted trying to get some alone time with Bobby so that they can actually finish what they are doing.

"Whatever," she murmured before walking away.

Sunhee was in charge of looking over Melody as Annabelle had gone for a photo-shoot it was meant to be for both her and Melody but because of everything that had happened, she had to go alone. 

"Is there anything you need?" Sunhee asked staring at Melody who was in deep thought. She looked up and shook her head. Sunhee decided to leave her be and go take a nice hot bath as it had been a long day and she probably wouldn't be able to take a bath whilst filming for roommate. During her relaxing, she got a call from Selfish . She groaned in annoyance, he ruined he atmosphere. 

"What?" She half asked, half shouted. "Ugh why do I even have your number?" 

"Amber told me that you will be in roommates," he stated.

"So?" She asked.

"Guess who will accompany you?" He asked in laughter. She thought for a second then realized that Changmin is also a cast there. What is wrong with my fate? She mentally asked.

"Why do you have to join?" She asked.

"You don't want me to?" He asked back.

"No! Actually yes, bring it on. I will embarrass you there." Sunhee announced.

"No it's going to be the other way around, I'll tell them all about your embarrassing stories!" He shouted.

"Boo you, I don't have one!" She stated smirking to herself. "You do! Remember the dress incident?"

"I've worn a dress in front of everyone before so it doesn't matter, even if you don't have one, I'll make one up!" He said.

"Bring it on!" She shouted.

Melody could hear her shouting from outside and laughed in response, it was nice to hear that she wasn't the only one having a bad time. 

Finally, Karina had finally finished her talk with Crush. She loved her conversations with him even-though it could be awkward at times as they used to be in a relationship before but decided that they were better as friends. What she didn't know was that Crush still had feelings for her and was trying hard to get her back. When she turned around she was Bobby who had a goofy grin plastered on his face. She was shocked so ended up screaming.

"If you're scared of that then how will you handle a horror movie?" Bobby asked in amusement. Karina frowned. What was he talking about. "I have two tickets to the cinema, you can have one as you like horror." He stated.

"OMG thanks Oppa! But how did you know?" She asked.

"A lucky guess?" He answered awkwardly, but thank The Lord she believed him. "So will you go?" He asked.

"Is this a date?" She asked before thinking then realized what she had said and blushed in embarrassment. Bobby smiled even brighter.

"If that is what you want," he explained. Karina was even more shocked now that he even agreed to her idea. She didn't know if he was joking or not but just stared at him looking for an answer. "Nah, just as friends," he stated feeling slightly sad that she didn't react happily when he basically just asked her out indirectly. She smiled and took a ticket.

"Wait, are we allowed?" She asked.

"Of course, Melissa talked to preside-" he stopped himself as he just revealed that he knew this from Melissa. She guessed it and just nodded in response since she didn't really mind at all. "Okay let's go then!" 

A/N woo another chapter! I'm trying to update everyday for about a week because I'm on a half term holiday, after that I will have to prepare for my exams so I might not be able to update then! Just saying in advance. Also I was thinking of using boy group songs as well as girl group songs for their upcoming first full album so if there is any suggestions, do tell me!

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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie