MAMA Awards 2015


"You ready?" Karina asked the girls as they jumped impatiently back stage. According to the timings, there's and BTS's collab performance was going to introduce the MAMA awards. Melody peeked through the entrance as she saw the audience and artists making themselves comfortable. The cheering from fans were no joke, even when one artists looks back, the crowd goes wild. GDragon noticed her looking and waved making her blush. She then noticed Top nudging him and whispering in his ear which made him blush.

"Mel, we can't look!" Annabelle hissed pulling her back.

The girls put their right arms in the middle and took a deep breath. "Up or down?" Sunhee asked.

"Let's just go with gut feeling and see if we all match." Melissa suggested as the girls smirked making their choice.

"Born to dominate, we are Diversity!" The girls shouted and waved their hand in the air shocked to see everyone in sync with each other.

"OMG, we actually went the same way!" Annabelle remarked as the girls hugged each other. One of the staff came up to them and told them to get in place which they did.

The show will start in 5...4...3...2...1!

The crowd screamed and cheered from the back as the artists sat still nervous but excited at the same time.

From the floor, Rap monster, V and Jimin appeared along with a long table. Instead of trying to look like a girl, they decided to stick to their style and look like y boys as they added their own twist to the dance so instead of grinding on the table, they were doing their Just One Day dance. V sang the low parts of Melody as Jimin aced the higher notes. Rap monster made his own rap up instead of using Annabelle's original rap to hype up the crowd. When they finished, the lights turned off as from different parts of the stage, the girls were pushed up.

Even though they couldn't see each other just yet, they knew that all of them were smiling at each other and did their little cheer in their mind. The light first flashed on Karina who soulfully sang the chorus of I need you whilst doing a y dance to it which Melissa choreographed. Sunhee was up next as she made her own rap to fit the rhythm to I need you and wowed the audience with her puns and charisma. Next was Melody who sang her heart out in Bts Dope and exchanging winks with the audience. Annabelle then, again like Sunhee made her to rap to fit in with the rhythm of Dope which again wowed the audience. Whilst Sunhee's rap was laid back and contained a lot of rhymes and puns, Annabelle's was fast paced and energizing. Finally the light flashed to the centre stage were Melissa was, surprisingly, out of all the girls, she got the most cheers. Instead of dancing, she held her mic up and shouted.

"Are you ready?" The crowds grew wild screening 'Yes'. The other four girls joined her to the centre.

"Born to dominate, we are Diversity!" They shouted as the crowd cooed and started screaming their names. A week before, the awards,YG had officially stated that Melody and Annabelle were actually just a sub group of Diversity to shake the discussions away.

The girls then got into they positions and started they version of I need you and Dope. It was going to be a medley. I need you was fist up as Annabelle got up to rap Suga's part, after she was done, Sunhee then got up, with the support of Melody and rapped J-Hope's part. As the song progressed on, the girls did a y body wave which got the guys cooing. Soon, they flowed on to dope with Melissa in the middle. Instead of doing the original dance, Melissa had choreographed her own. Whilst her unnie's followed. It started with them in a zig-zag line with Melissa in the middle doing hip hop. Then Karina, did a Bach flip which got the crowd screaming. After the back flip was done, the girls disappeared, as the crowd wondered where they were the girls came in with motorbikes which they learnt two days before just for this. They rode to the end of the stage and sang to Dope including the crowd. Then they were done.

After that the screen changed to BTS's acting. They were all wearing military clothes and had been doing a powerful dance. As that got the audience's attention, J-Hope, Jungkook, Suga and Jin appeared on stage, turning their backs towards the audience. The remix of Touch my body came on as they skillfully danced as sang to it. Of course, Jin and Jungkook sang whilst J-Hope and Suga rapped. Since the original song doesn't have a long rap, they altered the song so that it was rap heavy. They kept the chorus the same as they waved they body's to each side and shook they booties like they have never don't before.

They part of the performance finally finished as everyone came on the stage.

"Everybody scream!" Rap monster shouted as the crowd did as he said. "This song shows our respect and love for all of our favorite group, BigBang!" He continues as the crowd screams even higher. Suga then starts it off with GD's line as everyone spreads out to different parts of the stage. As Melissa was pointing the mic towards the crowd, Jungkook joins her surprisingly as he was supposed to be on the other side of the stage. They send weird looks to each other before Melissa ignores him to sing her part. They all then skip towards the place where the artists sit and the beat drops to 'Wow Fantastic Baby'. J-Hope bows to Taeyang and pulls him up to dance which he gladly does. Melody grabs GDragon's hand and pulls him too. Unintentionally, he puts his arm around her as she hands him her mic so he can rap to his part along with Sunhee. Melody shook herself out of his grasp after Annabelle lightly pinches her so that they won't cause any rumors. Soon all of bigbang join the party as Karina gestured Bobby to come up stage as well. He got up and started dancing shyly before going back to his seat. Karina asks him to come again but this time, he declines. They all spread out to call random other artists. Sunhee went for Infinite but Changmin stands in front of her way and smirking as she begs him to go inside her head hoping that she could somehow read her mind. Instead, she grabs her arm and starts dancing along forcing her to join. Melissa went over to Girls Generation and Sistar as they danced to her iconic dance that she choreographed in Dancing with the Stars that got her a lot of popularity. Melissa blushed seeing that they knew her dance but joined in with them. Melody and GDragon continued dancing together as Jungkook joined in as he is a fanboy. Annabelle walks over to CNBlue and Infinite asking them to join in. Sungkyu and Hoya stands up first. Hoya skillfully did a y dance which got the crowd screaming whilst Sungkyu tried to be y but failed as L pulled him back because he got embarrassed for him. At first, Yonghwa shakes his head as he isn't a dancer but Annabelle pulls him out of his seat. He then slowly gets into the rhythm and she guides him. The other CNBlue members were shocked by how comfortable they looked which left them wondering if those two had known each other. Karina jolts as Sehun places a hand on her lower back before moving with her beat. As usual he had a poker face on but she knew that he was pissed at her. She saw Chen smirking from the corner of her eye as if he was saying 'I told you so!' Bobby then got jealous and stood up to dance with Karina again blocking the camera as he pulls her away from Sehun before pretending to laugh about with Jimin. Near the end of the song, Bts and Diversity skips back to the centre stage before ending their performance and bowing down to the audience before walking away as the main presenter makes his appearance sending the crowd wild.

"OMG that was amazing!" Melissa chirped happy about the fact that 2 of the 3 biggest girl groups actually knows her choreography.

"You're hyper today, all the yness is gone!" Sunhee jokes adding a gasp to exaggerate. Melissa pretends to slap her joining in with the joke as they both laugh.

"I can't believe it, it felt as if we were doing a showcase!" Melody said panting inbetween her words.

"And all the artists joined in, I was really worried that they might not want to," Annabelle added taking a sip of water.

"I'm so proud of us!" Karina remarks as they group hug.

"I really love seeing girls being all lovey and cute but we really need to go to the artist seats like now," V said interrupting them as they followed him.

Melissa planned on trying to sit near Girls Generation or Sistar to try and become closer to them however, Jungkook ruins it by sitting on the nearest seat to them. The second nearest was of course, next to him. She sighed as she plopped herself next to him trying to see if he would like to swap but he shook his head with a smug smile. What's worse is that on the other side of her was B.I who looked at her with the most amused expression ever. In the middle of questioning why she ever sat here in the first place, she got interrupted by a comedy skit between Gukjoo and Shingdong from Super Junior.

Karina sat beside Sehun to try and apologize but behind her was Bobby who kept glaring at Sehun and kept trying to get her to mover her seat behind. Why was he getting jealous of her trainee friend anyway? It wasn't like she was going make out with him? They weren't even an official couple so she didn't get why he was getting so annoyingly jealous over nothing? She tried getting Sehun's attention but he refused to give it to her, sometimes he can be so stubborn. In the end she gave up as she knew that he would have a lot of saesang fans around and if she tried any longer they would have bashed her for some lame and foolish excuse like 'she's a ' .

Annabelle sat with Melody behind Bigbang and in front of CNBlue. During the mini breaks, CNBlue members tried to see if her and Yonghwa knew each other so they told their story. Even Melody hadn't heard this yet so she was interested too. They then started smirking and saying that it was fate and they are meant to be which made them blush even though they scoffed at them for being annoying and delusional. GDragon kept throwing bits of confetti at Melody which she threw back. They were having their own fun despite the fact that they were caught on camera.

Sunhee had excused herself to go to the toilet. When she came out of the washroom, Changmin was standing there as of he knew where she was. Sunhee tried to ignore him but he blocked her way before trying to kiss her again. Sunhee pushed him back and was about to slap him when she saw a news reporter on her way towards the washroom. She stopped herself and walk off leaving poor Changmin to despise himself for being an idiot. Sunhee on the other hand was furious, why the hell would he try and kiss her again? Why was he doing this? She thought he hated her as she did him and the first time he kissed her was a mistake. She pushed her thoughts behind the back of her head and sat with Annabelle and Melody.

"Hello, I'm Rain!"

"Hello, I'm Boa!"

The announcers introduced themselves.

"As we all know, dance is a very important aspect in a song so this is the nominees for best dance group male!" Rain announced whilst the screen showed them all. Of course according to what the producer said, Bts won it. They all walked up the stage and gave their thankyou speech whilst some even teared up.

"Next up is the females!" Boa said as the screen showed them again. They girls took a deep breath and got ready to get up. They were pretty surprised and pleased at the same time to win against, Girls Generation, Sistar, Girls Day and Apink in terms of dance. "The winner of best female group dance of 2015 is...Diversity for Touch my body!" She announced as everyone cheered. Karina, Sunhee and Melissa stood up and walked up to the stage. Melody and Annabelle were so tempted to go with them but refrained themselves to. The trio bowed as Karina took the trophy.

"Ah... We would really like to thank YG, our sunbaenims, our managers and most importantly our fans who had supported us all the way. This trophy doesn't only belong to us but you too. Another person this trophy belongs to is our ex bandmate and sister, Porsche." When Karina mentioned her name, they all started tearing up. "Porsche unnie, we all made it together. We-" she couldn't take it anymore and now was trying to speak through heavy sobs.

Melissa came in between wiping her tears away. "Unnie, stay healthy. Thank you for everything." She said in almost as whisper.

"To conclude this trophy goes to everyone who have supported us and believed in us even when we had problems to deal with. We love you all, we live you Porsche!" Sunhee ended it as the girls walked away backstage to cry their hearts out.

After a few performances and more awards. It finally came to best duo as the nominees were airing on the screen.

"And the winner for best duo 2015 is, Rose!" Gary shouted as everyone cheered. Annabelle and Melody stood up and walked to the stage. They both bowed down and received their trophies together.

"Thank you so much to everyone, our fans, our family, YG, sunbaenims and the other Diversity girls. We really appreciate this and will do our best in the future!" Melody said smiling.

"Thank you again!" Annabelle added as they walked away.

They rest of the function went better than ever. Bigbang received a lot of awards and Ikon received the rookie of the year and 'stole' it off Diversity. They also joined in a lot of songs and dances and cheered everyone on. Finally, the MAMA awards was finished and they could finally go back to prepare for their comeback which was coming in 2 weeks time and they are already staring to tease it. However, because of their comeback they weren't allowed to participate in the YG family tour which was a shame but they didn't mind.

A/N woo it's finally done! Comeback's coming soon yay! 

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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie