Love? Or Nah? Part 8


Karina entered the dorm as silently as possible so that she would not disturb the other girls but in front of her, they were all awake and the managers were present too. She quickly bowed.

"Is this the time to be here?" Chahye shouted fuming.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize the time." She whimpered as the girls pleaded to Oscar to control Chahye. Oscar nodded as gave her a drink but she threw it away.

"As an idol you cannot go out on dates even if they are friendly dates, do know how much rumors will go around?" She asked sternly.

"We both were in disguise." Karina tried to explain but Chahye wouldn't listen to a thing she was saying, her perfect night was now officially ruined and became the most dreadful night ever. After Chahye had finally clammed down, they started talking about their future first comeback. They were going to have a full length album and because Karina and Annabelle composes, Sunhee and Melody writes lyrics and Melissa choreographs, whilst they are having their individual promotions, they will have to somehow be able to communicate and produce their album. This album is to show that diversity doesn't need any one else and every song in their album will be done by themselves. The only thing the YG and their managers will do to help out is choose their main song and of course costumes and music videos will be done by the production team. They will have their comeback first thing in 2016 so they needed to start preparing as soon as they can. 

Time was going quick and they had no time to prepare...

The next day was the day where Melissa was leaving to the US. As soon as she woke up the girls prepared special breakfast for her and also gave her a present. The present had a collage of all the girls selfies in a self made album. She was so thrilled and happy by everything and the rest of the girls were proud of their maknae.

"Are you leaving right now?" Sunhee asked.

"No I have to go to the YG building first because the driver will collect me from their." Melissa replied.

"Then we'll go with you!" Melody shouted, she had completely changed from the days before as she mentally forgot about Taehyun. 

They first place that Karina went to after reaching to their destination was of course her second home, the composing room. This time Annabelle had also come so that they can get started on their upcoming album. And as always Bobby and B.I was their. B.I hated Melissa for telling Bobby that Karina liked horror movies because all Bobby ever talking about since yesterday was about his kiss! What Bobby didn't get was that B.I didn't care! Karina smiled at Bobby when she saw him, of course she felt awkward as she practically rejected him
last night but none of that mattered at that moment.

"Oh, has Melissa left yet? I need to say something to her!" Bobby asked.

"She's just in president's office, he had to have some last words." Annabelle replied.

"So is it true? The rumor." B.I asked making Annabelle want to run the hell out of the room.

"Don't make her awkward Hanbin, let's go say bye!" Bobby shouted pulling him along. B.I didn't want to but he rather be with Bobby than be with Karina and Annabelle.

"Don't worry about him." Karina smiled making Annabelle breathe in peace again.

Sunhee and Melody headed straight to the lyrics room but to only see winner in there. Melody and Taehyun made eye contact, she wanted to break it off but couldn't. She decided that she won't be awkward and so she bowed at them which they all returned.

"Let's go." Sunhee ordered as soon as she saw him.

"No, Noona we'll go." Seungyoon said.

"It's okay we can both work here." Melody stated making them all shocked. "We can go to that corner over their unnie don't bother moving," 

"Are you sure?" Sunhee asked as she nodded and pulled her along inside with her. Mino nudged Taehyun as Taehyun looked unwillingly at him. Seunghoon then glared at him compelling him.

"I'm won't," Taehyun blurted out. Melody and Sunhee lifted their heads up to see him. The rest of the members all glared at him. "I mean, I'm sorry for everything that I have don't to you Fly, I really am," he confessed half assedly.

"This is really your idea of an apology? It's pathetic who would forgive you for that!?" Sunhee shouted trying to protect Melody.

"I forgive you." Melody stated. Everyone stared at her shocked, why would she forgive him for what he's done. He also didn't properly apologies to her. "I'm not a type of person who sticks to the past, Taehyun Oppa, what you have done has only made me stronger so I thank you for that," she continued as the rest stills couldn't believe what she was saying. Even Taehyun himself was shocked, he never realized that Melody was actually really nice and kind hearted, unlike Annabelle who hates his guts.

"You are really something else." Sunhee commented.

"You idiot, why would you ask her that?" Bobby asked B.I who really didn't regret it.

"Since Taehyun hyung would tell us, I decided to ask her, I don't see anything wrong with it." B.I  replied monotonely. Bobby just face palmed at that comment, when B.I has an opinion on something, nothing can change it. Melissa came out of YG's office after receiving her schedule and bank card that she would be able to use in America. She smiled when she saw Bobby.

"Melissa Angelique I declare that I am officially in love with you for yesterday!" Bobby shouted and ran up to her to hug her.

"You need to tell me what happened Oppa, Karina unnie wouldn't say a word," Melissa stated. Bobby and Melissa then fantasized about the kiss last night between him and Karina leaving poor B.I to be the third wheeler, AGAIN! He tried to be patient since it was her last day before going for a long time but got too annoyed.

"Okay, bye!" B.I shouted breaking their conversation.

"Don't be rude Hanbin," Bobby said treating him like his child. 

"Whatever et," she said still angry about that fact that B.I didn't even say good luck when everyone else had said it.

"He's been getting a lot grumpy lately, can't figure out why," Bobby stated cluelessly. He was so oblivious to the fact that B.I is grumpy lately because of him.

"But what he said is true, I need to get going," Melissa said as other YG artists came to wish her good luck and say bye to her. Because she is the youngest, she was the eye candy of Big Bang and 2ne1. They all hugged her and said their own byes, Seungri (the flirt) even gave her a kiss on the cheek which made B.I wince in horror. 

"Make us proud baby blue eyes!" Park Bom shouted at the top of her voice. She nodded and was now ready to leave as everyone else left to continue with their work. Bobby and B.I also left to go back to their room.Before Melissa left B.I came back and knocked on her window.

"What do you want?" She asked suspiciously.

"Good luck," it was all he said before coolly walking away again. Melissa inwardly smiled as she rolled her window back up...

A/N new chapter, for the next few chapters, they will all be leaving to have their individual promotions. After that will be a flash forward where they will have a comeback as a five so please suggest songs for their album! Also because a person doesn't only have one love intrest in their life, I am asking you to write down other people and also some sort of a relationship with them or you can put ac which stands for author's choice, also please put all the love intrest's in order of the one you most want.


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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie