About time they realize


"This is SBS Inkigayo!" The MCs chanted together. "Today the match is between 4 minute, Amber and YG's new girl group, Diversity. 4 minute is leading for pre-total score, let's see the overall score now...Oh! It's diversity for the win for the third time getting a triple crown!"

Everybody in the audience roared and clapped for them, the other idols congratulated them and the girls erupted into happiness. Karina grabbed the mic"Ahh... Thank you so much for all the support we have been getting, we didn't expect it at all. We would like to thank our composers, YG and our fans!" Withe that, the girls bowed.

A few days ago, the girls were informed by their managers that because touch my body has been gaining more attention that they were anticipating, YG had decided to be typical and have the girls not perform something and can't nobody and instead promote with touch my body for two months rather than one. Although the girls weren't shocked by YG's new plan, they were slightly upset that the won't be able to promote for three months instead. There is one more week until they will finish their promoting and have won the total of 8 awards and their first triple crown just now. They were so happy that they sometimes even forget about them not liking each other and hug making everything awkward after that.

After their schedule had finished, the girls went home energetically celebrating their win. However, when they reached to their dorm, they saw their managers relaxing waiting for them. They bowed.

"Why are you here?" Sunhee asked coming off ruder than she had wanted to.

"We're here to discuss about the upcoming events after you finish your promotion." Chahye answered with the same amount of rudeness as Sunhee.

"As you know 4 months ago you four were chosen to become diversity, however, YG did state that in every comeback, there will be a new girl added to your group. This means that we will have to search for the new girl." Oscar explained.

The girls gasped. After all this time they had completely forgot about that. More specifically they had wanted to forget about it as they secretly all hoped that YG would be typical as always and troll about it just to make the other trainees work harder and not add another member. Although they weren't exactly close to each other nor did they like each other, they really had gotten well in the group and had actually started to fight less and share more. They were comfortable with each other. Adding a new member means, starting from the beginning- dramas, dramas and more dramas. They weren't so sure about how they were going to cope with their future new member.

"Have you decided who it is going to be?" Melissa asked breaking the silence of thoughts.

"No, but out of all the trainees, we had selected the top 5. After your debut promotion finishes in a week, you will have you perform with all of those five separately and us, the instructors and YG will decide who fits in the best. So you should started getting used to the idea of a new member right away." Chahye stated.

The girls nodded but frowned upon all the work and practice they will have to get through after their goodbye stage. This meant that they will have to perform 5 times with five different girls. How on earth were they going to achieve that?

"Can we know the names of the five girls?" Porsche asked drained.

"Not yet, it's going to be a surprise. Also, we expect for your girls not to be biased or picky, in the end, it is not your choice." Oscar said with sympathy.

The girls bowed their goodbyes as Karina gloomily shut the door. The air felt silent, it was as if nothing was moving. That moment was when the girls had imagined their future.

"Okay, this sounds weird but I actually prefer it with just us." Melissa said breaking the heavy atmosphere.

"I don't like you guys but, I don't hate you as much as I did before either." Sunhee stated.

"I'll miss us, all our pathetic dramas," Porsche started.

"Our different choices of food and room decorations," Karina continued.

"Our tiring and heated practice," Sunhee stated.

"And all of our memories that we have built although most of them were us fighting." Melissa ended.

Tears suddenly covered their eyes. This moment was the moment that these four girls had realized that no matter how much they fought, it actually brought them closer and made them sisters. That had realized that they weren't fighting because they hated each other, but instead because they didn't want to feel alone. All the feeling and thoughts they had from their first meeting had faded away as new feeling and thoughts crawled in. Those new feelings and thoughts were of them actually being happy and glad that they were with each other, that they had bonded so much that only thinking about a new member had made them realize it.

"I love you three." Karina confessed smiling widely. The girls all smiled and hugged each other happily. That night was their best night ever...

Next morning...

"PORSCHE!!!!!!!" Chahye screamed on the top of her lungs and she slammed her bedroom door open. In her bedroom, not only her but the other girls had also been sleeping because they had a celebration sleepover together. They all slowly woke up and bowed.

"Read this." Chahye ordered handing her iPad to Porsche. The page was of Allkpop titled "Kai and Porsche- dating or not". The news stated that there had been romours about the relationship of Kai and Porsche ever since Diversity debuted. Someone had apparently taken a picture when Kai was lending Porsche his umbrella when they had met for the first time. Then the coincidence of Porche choosing Kai as her partner in running man. The last straw was that apparently Kai had stated that his ideal girlfriend was someone who is an all-rounder, more on the quite and mysterious side rather than being loud and cheerful and had good looks. This all matched up to Porsche as she is the triple threat, is a woman of few words and also the visual.

Melissa slowly turned around shocked, "Are you and-"

"No!" Porsche shouted. "I have only met him twice, the umbrella picture was when he helped me out because it was raining heavily, the running man was my way of thanking him all we do is text to each other, sometimes call as friends, and his ideal girlfriend is nothing like me!" She shouted.

"It's exactly describes you." Sunhee stated.

"Thanks for the support." Porsche sarcastically remarked as Sunhee shrugged.

"Woah, this is the first time I've heard you talk so much in one go, she must be telling the truth." Karina stated.

"Okay. I will inform to YG so that he can state that they is nothing going on with you two. You will not meet him or have anything to do with him, even of they ask you about your ideal type, make sure it isn't anything like him. Also don't contact him at all! Exo has a lot of saesang fans, one could somehow hack into his phone and see your messages meaning even more trouble. I hope you understand and do as I say." Chahye ordered before walking away. The girls all looked at Porsche.

"So much for YG and SM are enemies." Sunhee muttered.

"It's okay, I'm sure everything will be set right soon." Karina patted her back.

"What Manager unnie said is true, exo does have a lot of saesang fans and Kai is also one of the popular ones in exo, I imagine having a lot of negative comments thrown at us when we perform in music bank tonight." Melissa imagined horrified.

"I'm deleting my Instagram account, looks like I've got thousands of bashes." Porsche said as she deleted it. "This must be how it felt to be Sojin from girls day when rumors started about her and D.O."

"Except we don't know if that's true unlike this one which we're sure about." Sunhee commented.

"You're a really great help." Karina stated sarcastically.

"The truth never lies." Sunhee stated with a smirk.

"What? Is that a new pick up line for boys now?" Melissa asked sending giggles around the room.

"I'm actually glad that there is going to be a new member, we've gotten so close because of it." Sunhee stated with a serious expression.

"And we are actually helping each other out on crisis rather that ignoring it." Karina added.

The girls smiled at each other, happy that they are finally on the same page...

A/N. This is by far my favourite chapter so far! Loved all the emotions in here! Okay so since there will be five applicants chosen, be sure to comment if you are hoping to still participate on this fanfic rather than being a silent reader. The five girls will be revealed in the next chapter!

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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie