Love? Or Nah? Part 9


Annabelle and Melody fell asleep as soon as they reached home from hectic performances, the more annoying thing was the fact that even though they would always be nominated to win, Exo would always end up taking the crown. In the kitchen, Karina was making dinner for the girls making sure not to make too much since Melissa wasn't present. Sunhee on the other hand was making sure that she made the best of her last night in their dorm for a while by banging everyone's doors and getting everyone's attention, she even had Melissa go on Skype so that she could be included as well.

"What is it unnie?" Melody asked half asleep. 

"We're having a pamper night! Come on I bought lots if face masks!" Sunhee insisted dragging everyone out if the room. The girls groaned as they sat. One by one the girls cleaned their face first so it is Forest. Then they each chose a face mask and started applying them on themselves. Even Melissa from the airplane had done the same as it didn't matter since she was only with a couple behind who was sleeping in the first class flight.

"Selfies is a must!" Melissa shouted from the laptop as she got her Polaroid camera out and took a selfie of all of them with masks. They girls laughed at their faces.

"I'm warning you maknae, don't you dare show anyone those pictures!" Annabelle warned as Melissa acted like she couldn't hear.

"I think that we should take this time for our leader to actually tell what happened at their date since she didn't have 'time' yesterday" Sunhee announced emphasizing the word, time. Karina instantly blushed at the thought and smiled awkwardly.

"I would say it but it will be better to hear it from you unnie!" Melissa provoked.

"You know?" Melody asked instantly.

"Bobby Oppa told me," she announced.

"Okay fine, we kissed!" Karina blurted out looking down shyly. The girls squealed and hugged her.

"So are you two an item now?" Melody asked. Karina shook her head making everyone confused.

"She rejected him for her leader duties, he said that he will wait though," Melissa explained.

"He really did tell you everything," Sunhee commented.

"It's my charm," Melissa showed off making Karina slightly jealous that Bobby trusts her with all his secrets. After all the squealing and fantasizing, the girls finally decided to end their midnight feast and go to sleep as they had a long day ahead of them.

When Melissa went out to the airport, she was shocked to see so many fans waiting for her. It was like a dream to her but also hell since she hadn't bothered to put any make up on. She still managed to smile and pose with all her fans, she even received gifts and her favourite, Black Forest cake. Her hotel was amazing, it had swimming pools, and 5 star restaurants and everything she could ever imagine. But because she was already from a rich family, this felt like one of her family outings minus the family and outing making her feel alone. As she was going up to her room, she unknowingly bumped into someone. She was so shocked at his appearance, it was Luhan who was an ex member of Exo. However, she wasn't so sure that it was actually him so she kept staring at him suspiciously.

"I'm so sorry," he said bowing to her which she returned back.

"Are you?" She asked before getting cut off.

"Oh sorry, my names Luhan, I'm not sure if you know me but-" again Melissa returned the favor of cutting him.

"I know you, how are you here?" She asked curiously.

"I'm actually shooting for a Hollywood movie," he explained.

"So the rumors were true," she added as he nodded. "I'm Melissa Angelique," she introduced herself.

"I know," he replied softly. She then moved out of the way so he can go through but when he did, it was the the room next to hers which she found really awkward. "I guess we're neighbors!" He shouted trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"I guess we are." Melissa replied back before going her room.

Back to Korea with the other girls, they were all giving Sunhee their goodbyes even though they will see her still. To her surprise, Changmin had offered to pick her up from her dorm. As soon as he arrived she waved back to the girls and went inside the limo. 

"The is here!" Changmin joked.

"Whatever, I'm too tired for your immature attitude today," she stated as she massaged her temples, then her shoulders, then her legs, then back to her temples. Because of their pamper night, she didn't get any sleep at all last night and also ended up falling from her bed.

"Awww, is Sunhee giving up now?" Changmin teased as she gave him the coldest glare she ever had. He then noticed her being in pain which made him feel bad. "Where does it hurt?" He asked reaching for her temples but she slapped his hands away and continued giving him that upgraded glare of hers. He didn't care but instead held her wrist tightly reaching out for her temple again giving it a good massage. Sunhee couldn't believe her sight, he was actually being nice to her all of a sudden, what in the world did he eat to make him sick? "Better?" Her asked. Sunhee smirked and decided to take advantage of the situation. She pointed at her shoulders indicating to massage her there which he did. Her eyes started dropping and she fell asleep. When she felt a smack on her head. "Ya! I see what you're doing here!" Changmin shouted as Sunhee laughed girlily, let me say this again, GIRLILY! She never did that, EVER! The truth was that because Sunhee is half asleep, she couldn't control what she was doing. This however did have a huge impact on Changmin as his heart suddenly started beating faster seeing her act feminine in front of him.

Since both Sunhee and Melissa have now officially left, the girls left were in the composing room since Annabelle forced Melody to write lyrics there instead of going where Taehyun was. The atmosphere there was wasn't normal at all. The normal thing was for Karina and Bobby to flirt with each other whilst B.I being the third wheel. Another normal thing was for Melissa to constantly come in and out making B.I annoyed yet happy to see her so that he wouldn't be the third wheel anymore. But this, was way out of the normal, B,I actually had Melody and Annabelle talking it him as Bobby would try and and a conversation with Karina but she would feel awkward and join in with the conversations with B.I. It was as if she actually realized that he even existed. B.I even learnt his lesson and did not talk about Taehyun for the whole time. So now, Bobby was the one left out. He constantly looked at the door expecting Melissa to come in any moment and finally get rid of the awkwardness with him and Karina but got sad when realizing that she won't. Nevertheless, she still looked up with hopes whenever the door made a noise.

"Oh, Melissa sent me a text!" Karina squealed. "Guess what? Luhan from Exo, I mean who was from Exo is in the room next to her!" She announced as all ears perked up.

"Really? Isn't she a fan of his?" Melody asked.

"Yeah but apparently she doesn't like it because of the Porsche incident with Kai, she thinks that people will suspect them for dating and she will end up like her," Bobby explained.

"How do you know?" Annabelle asked.

"I've talked to her already, Hanbin was with me," Bobby explained making Karina even more jealous at their close friendship.

"Yeah, she was freaking out like it was the end of the world." B.I added.

"I would feel so bad for her if it did happen," Melody said thinking about the horror of it. Annabelle then got at text from Chahye which made her smile. She nudged Melody to see the news. The message stated that Annabelle was going to be the lead character in an action drama and that she had meet the director straight away so that she can have more information. "OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Melody shouted hugging her best friend. The other looked and congratulated her as well. The day was going well for her.

A/N.  New Chap! How do you like Melissa and Luhan? Also yay for Changmin for his newly found love, lol!

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i miss this story a lot <3
hello hello C:
happy new year!
waiting for a new update! <3
i'm here to wish you and everyone who is still reading this story these days a merry christmas :)
onlyfoolsfallinlove #4
looks interesting.
Chapter 34: Yeah everyone forgot that Karina is a lead rapper too
Coni so mean made one member mess up shame
Comeback in 2 days woo
Wait after that comeback another member joins duh duh duhhhhh
Drama is going to start
Love the chappie