New Melody

The Colors of My World


선율= Seon-Yul or Melody...


It was the name that my late mother gave me. She was a pianist. As far as I could remember, she was beautiful, nice, patient and a kind mother for me. She had shared her love for piano with me before she died when my age was 13 years old.


Yes, my mom had died.


Ever since then, my conductor Appa and my composer/song writer Oppa were the one who raised me. Appa told me that my mom always wanted to have to name her daughter as Melody because she thought that the name was sweet and elegant. So she named me Seon-Yul. Beside, Appa name, Hae-Jo, had the same meaning with my name. 


Because I lived on the family who loved music, I became a musician too. I was good with piano, guitar and violin. Since I was young, I often played the piano with my mom or Oppa. I used to play the piano along with Oppa in guitar. And when Oppa became a song writer, I often listened to him. And eventually I started to help him with the music. If Oppa wrote a lyric, I will try to compose the music for him. And if he composed the music, I will try to give him ideas for the lyric.


And the next thing that I knew, both of us had become the well-know composer/song writer under the name New Melody. Tae-il oppa was the one that suggested the name because both of my name and Appa's name had the meaning of New Melody. Besides, the first person who asked our music said that the music that we created had gave the New Melody sound.


So ever since then, both me and oppa used New Melody as our nickname on Music Industry.


In the most of the time, oppa was the one who went out and met our clients while I was the one who stayed behind and thought of the new music. I rarely went out to see them. But every client that we had always felt satisfied with our music. So I never complained about that as long as I could make good songs.I loved music.


But then, there weretwo facts that every clients never knew about the composer under the name New Melody.


First... they never knew that New Melody was consisted with two personswhich were Tae-il oppa who always met them for short brief. And me, the one who create the music along with Tae-il oppa.


And second... they never knew that the one who work behind Tae-il oppa was actually a blind girl...


Ah, yes... I was blind. I was blind since I could remember.And that was the fact that made me chose to stay behind and remain unknown to the world.


Actually Tae-il oppa ever asked me to come with him to see our clients for so many times, but I always refused.


Why would they have to know that a blind girl is the one who create their songs?


Ever since I was a kid, I had learned that the society couldn’t accept disable people well enough. It was fine for me at my school since I was surrounded by kids who blind just like me. But when I stepped out from my school and my home, the harsh and cruel side of the world had waited for me.


For so many times, many students on my music school mocked me because of my blindness and for who I was. They told me that I shouldn’t learn music since I couldn’t read the music sheet. They told me that the teachers let me joined the school since I was Appa’s daughter.


The people on the street were not better either. Some of them were being kind and helped me. But some of them were not like I had expected them to be. On one time, some guys that I didn’t know came to me and almost dragged me somewhere else.


But then, a guy showed up and helped me by telling them that I was his girlfriend who had waited for him to show up. So he rounded his arm across of my shoulders and brought me away from them. I thanked him for helping me. He was a sincerely nice person.


Even though I was blind, I had learned to read people’s character through their voices. Somehow there would a point on their voices where they couldn’t lie about how they were. Tae-il oppa often told me that people would know how other people were through their eyes. So, I could say that I would know how other people were through their voices. Even if their voice would lie, I could still see how they were.


So this is my life…


My name is Shin Seon-Yul and my age is now 21 years old. I’m working as a composer / song writer under the name New Melody. But what other people wouldn’t know that I’m blind. And this is my story…


The life story of a young and blind composer.



It's just a beginning of the fic~ The new update and a little introduction about our girl character on the fic~ If you think that she's young, well, she's indeed young since her age was 21 and she's already becoming the well-known composer on the Korean Music Industry along with her brother.

For the readers who took a look, subscribe and comment, thank you very much!! Your comments are something that encouraging me to keep on writing~ for the readers who took a look and subscribe, thank you so much for subscribing. I really hope that you will enjoy the fic until its end. For those who read the fic, thank you so much for taking your time to look and read on the fic. I really appreciate that you took a moment from your busy life to look and read to my story. Thank you so much.

Enjoy the fic, everyone~

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aiggoo finally i finished this stoyr kkeke
D'AWWWWW -sheds a lot of tears-
Halimalikesrice #3
Omg! Beautiful ending! I'm so glad the operation worked out! I can't wait to read what other stories you have planned this was a very original piece! Thank you for the fanfic! <3
Aigoo!!!! I relly luv dis fanfic alot...its one of the sweetst fanfic i've ever come across... Kip up d good work.!!! Uo an amazing writer:):)^^
glad that they finally met and had relationship :) i thought that the ring was an engagement ring. haha
anyway you're welcome ^^
Omoooo it ended already? Kekeke
Thank you for your writing!
Glad they're together! ^^
Yey !!!! They together now !!! ^.^v aaaaiiiiggooo so beautiful story :) I'm glad that she could see now :) and ! They were together now :) aaaaiiiigggoooo so sweet !

Love it ! Jjang !!! Buiing buiing !
hmm maybe she was watching after all? there is such thing as streaming right? XD
Aawwwww ssooo sad :( :'( I can't help it ! I want to cry !! :( I hope they could. See each other again :(

Update soon :)