Fluttering Hearts

SHINee's Magical Encounter
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"So let's just get this cleared up before confusions start arising" announced Jonghyun "Freya is now Seul Mi, Annika is Seo Nyeo, Lia is Kyu Mi, Faeora is Mi Young and Galathea is now Sherina ... better start remembering that, guys and girls" he ended. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"You guys gave us such cute names!" smiled Galathea, now Sherina "Thank you".

One morning, a few days after SHINee's encounter with the 5 girls from Thear,"YA!! get up you sleepy heads!" yelled Key to the five sleeping figures on the floor of SHINee's practice room.

"What the heck, Key! ... its too early!" protested Seo Nyeo while all the other girls mumbled while slowly getting up.

"Sorry but people are gonna start showing up soon ... if they find five unknown girls sleeping in this practice room, its gonna spew trouble" explained Onew. "Ahhh ... we understand, we understand" nodded Seul Mi "Thanks for waking us then and sorry for troubling you to do so". "Not at all ... WE should be apologizing for having you girls sleep here" smiled Taemin as he helped Kyu Mi and Sherina stand up. "Its fine" replied Sherina "You're doing us a favor of helping us learn about Earth, after all".

"So then, girls! .. what are we gonna do today?" asked Mi Young "for the past few days, we've experienced the park, the mall, a school ... " she continued as she counted the places they've been with her fingers.

"ooooo!! i just had a brilliant idea!" exclaimed Minho with his index finger up in eureka. Everyone turned to him to hear it.

And so now, for some reason, that being mainly Minho, the girls have now been committed to hanging around SHINee for the entire day for them to see how it is like to be an idol.

"What are you gonna be doing today then?" asked Mi Young to Jonghyun as SHINee was prepping for a little dance practice. "Hmmm ... well, we have a performance, then an interview and a little filming for a show guesting" replied Jonghyun. Mi young nodded in understanding. "You'll learn AND see what those are as this day goes by" smiled Key as he did some stretches.

"AISH!" yelled Taemin suddenly, making everyone turn to see what was wrong. "What's up?" Minho asked the maknae. "the USB cable slid under the cabinet!" answered Taemin with a pissed-off expression.

"You dont have to be so scary about it" said Key as he got down and tried to reach under said cabinet "Hand wont fit" he added as he got up and scratched his head. "Then let's try lifting it" suggested Jonghyun as he positioned himself on one side of the cabinet. The other SHINee members did the same.

As SHINee tried in vain to lift the heavy, metal cabinet, Seo Nyeo giggled at their vain efforts and just snapped her fingers. With that, the cabinet floated in mid-air causing SHINee to back away in shock.

"Well? aren't you gonna go and get that cable thingy?" she said, smiling. SHINee was too distracted staring in awe at the floating cabinet to do anything else at the moment. Sherina sighed, walked over to where the cabinet was and picked up the cable "Here you go!" she said happily as she waved the cable in front of Taemin's face. Taemin got back to his senses and took the cable.

Seo Nyeo motioned her hand toward the spot where the cabinet was and the floating furniture descended and landed gracefully back in place. 

"YA!!" yelled Key which made the girls flinch "What the heck!?!!" he added. "WHAT??" asked Seo Nyeo "I just HELPED you guys!". "You almost gave us a heart attack! Why'd you have to do something like that without warning?!" hissed Key. And the two started a glaring contest.

"I-I thought you guys couldn't use your magic" Onew absent-mindedly said  to Seul Mi. "Oh!!! right! ... we forgot to tell you guys!" laughed Seul Mi as she just realized it. The SHINee members turned to her. "We all recovered from Magic Recoil a few days ago" she smiled "We can use our magic now".

"Well, THANK YOU for letting us know!" said Key, his voice b with sarcasm. "That was awesome!!" exclaimed Taemin, ignoring his hyung's rudeness "Can you show us more?" he added excitedly. But before anything else was done, Jonghyun urged s to proceed with practices first.

And so, as the SHINee members rehearsed their performance, the five girls stared in awe at them, admiring their fluid movements, sweet voices and moving expressions. And at that very moment, each of the girls felt some kind of spark churn their insides. Thoughts like "What's happening?", "Why do i feel so weird?" and "Why is my heart fluttering all of a sudden?" then flew all over their minds.

 Their practice went on and on for a while until SHINee's managers came and told them to get going. The five girls were introduced as SHINee's guests and were allowed to come along. During the ride on the way to the performance location, The girls were obviously getting excited as to what it is they were going to see.

"yaaaa ... " smiled Minho "you girls are pretty excited, huh?". "Of course, we are!" beamed Kyu Mi "What you practiced bac

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 3: hahahaha... omg.... the part with Key wanting Minho to hit him cracked me up so bad.
jebaljebal #2
I love this!
Chapter 23: KYAA!!!!! LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH!!!!! I wish it has a sequel^^ This is my very first fanfic that I put all my feelings in and cried when SHINee cried ㅠㅠ I know it sound dramatic but... yeah~~ LOVE IT~~ ♥♡♥♡
Mawyna #4
Chapter 23: My pleasure, Sherina.. I love ' and Taemin dashed infront of Sherina'... Kekeke..epic!
Loved it .!!!
I just found this (because I was browsing around and remembered that I just subbed and commented on your one-shot).
I'm busy right now, BUT IT LOOKS INTERESTING! *_* Must read later~~~! :D
Waaaa!! I really loved it! *^*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a beautiful story :') i loved it <3
keep it up