Thear and the Royal Institute of Sorcery

SHINee's Magical Encounter
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In a different dimension from Earth lies Thear, a world of magic and fantasy. The landscape of Thear is basically the same as ours, only, they value nature as much as we value money, therefore, the place looks much like the ones we see in fairytale books and movies, filled with forests, glens and mountains and castles and quaint little buildings.




In the Heart of Thear, the Central City, lies the Royal Palace and all other very important structures and people of Thear. One very particular element of the Central City is the Royal Institute of Sorcery (RIS).



The RIS is a well-known school for sorcerers and other magic handlers to learn how to harness their powers. Students of all ages come to this school and have classes and tests like schools here on Earth, only in their case, its all about magic.


One Day,

"Faeora!" a girl with long, straight black hair shouted as she ran through the school gates heading towards the long, wavy, black haired girl she called. "Hey! be careful, Galathea!" Faeora shouted back. Galathea caught up to her and they both went to their first class together.

Inside the classroom, at the back of the last row, sat three other girls. "Good morning!" smiled Faeora at the three while Galathea waved at them from behind her. "Oh! Good morning!" replied the girl with the long, wavy brown hair "You're late" she added. "hehe ... well i kinda slept in a little, Lia" laughed Galathea. "Geeeez ... you always do!" yelled the girl with the long, chocolate brown-colored wavy hair . "Let her off, Annika ... we already know that she's always like that" said the one with the long, crimson-colored, straight-hair. "As expected of Freya" giggled Faeora "always so mature and final".

Before they had a chance to have further conversations, their teacher entered the classroom and immediately started their lesson. 


During lunch hour, on the grassy plain at the back of the school, the five girls were gathered in a circle while eating. "Darn it! Master Hex's last test was too hard! i dont think i even got half of those correct!!" complained Lia. "mmm!" nodded Galathea "that WAS kind of difficult" she added before she put another spoonful of food into . "Eh!?" gasped Faeora "even YOU found it difficult?! ... what's that gonna leave the rest of us then!?". 

They all sighed knowing that they have not been giving good results in any of their classes so far into the school season. 

"oooo! I have an idea!" Annika suddenly said, index finger up in eureka. Her four friends looked at her in curiousity. 


That night, when the school was empty of students and the guards were getting ready to lock up, five dark figures could be seen sneaking into the RIS's Grand Library. Stealthily, they managed to get inside without getting caught.

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 3: hahahaha... omg.... the part with Key wanting Minho to hit him cracked me up so bad.
jebaljebal #2
I love this!
Chapter 23: KYAA!!!!! LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH!!!!! I wish it has a sequel^^ This is my very first fanfic that I put all my feelings in and cried when SHINee cried ㅠㅠ I know it sound dramatic but... yeah~~ LOVE IT~~ ♥♡♥♡
Mawyna #4
Chapter 23: My pleasure, Sherina.. I love ' and Taemin dashed infront of Sherina'... Kekeke..epic!
Loved it .!!!
I just found this (because I was browsing around and remembered that I just subbed and commented on your one-shot).
I'm busy right now, BUT IT LOOKS INTERESTING! *_* Must read later~~~! :D
Waaaa!! I really loved it! *^*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a beautiful story :') i loved it <3
keep it up