The Bus

Another Truth


The Next Day

Eunji and Chanyeol woke up and get prepared to visit Woohun's grave. Eunji decided to wear a simple white top, with a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of white leathered slip-ons. She wore a gray sweater over her top. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. "I'm back." She said in front of the mirror.

She looked back at the shelves. There was one picture of Woohyun and her. A picture that reminded her of who she is and her past that made the person she was today. There was a picture of her gang and her when they were in the States, years ago, and a pic of CAP and her. 

Eunji was in her thought when Chanyeol knocked at her door. She went to open the door. "Oppa good morning." She said, smiling. "Are you ready?" He asked. She nodded in response. 

They went downstairs to have breakfast, Taejoon was away for his company business, he left this morning before his niece and nephew woke up. Meanwhile L will wait for them there, along with the rest of Infinite member. Later today, after lunch, Eunji and L will go meet up with L.Joe and Daehyun in Downtown. 

"Even when you work, don't forget to eat your meals every day Eunji-ah." 

"Got it Oppa. I am a doctor myself, even if I am not hungry I need to eat for the patients." She told him and Chanyeol nodded, pleased from her answer. 

"Let me ask you once Eunji-ah." He started, hesitating, being careful with his words also.

"Go ahead Oppa." Eunji said, knowing exactly where Chanyeol was going. She was amused inside but wanted to keep a serious face on the outside to play on the game.

"Are you really fine?" He asked. Eunji covered her face with her hand and let out a sigh, which was actually for her to not burst into laughter.

"Oppa." She called and removed her hand from her face. "It will always be something I do not want to have happened. But it happened and even if I continue to hold onto it, in the end, Woohyun will never come back." She said and patted her brother's shoulder. "I'm fine." She assured him.

They arrived at the location and L have already arrived and was waiting for them.


"We're sorry, during the surgery, your friend left." The doctor said as he went out of the operation room and took out his surgical mask. Sunggyu and Dongwoo were the first to stand up and went to him. Dongwoo grabbed one arm of the doctor, couldn't believe in what he just heard. "Doctor! You can't say that. Doctor!" He shouted and shook his arm. "Doctor!" Sungyeol said, approaching the doctor and wanted to hear something else from the doctor. 

"We have done our best. I'm sorry." He continued and looked away. "I'm really sorry."

"Aren't you a doctor?" Sunggyu asked, angry and grabbed his other arm. "You save people's lives! You can't let him die!" 

He apologized once again, feeling remorced and left. The member just stood there, looking at the nurses and resients getting out of the surgery room. Then came their friend's lifeless body. Woohyun was then brought into a cold chamber. Infinite didn't have the courage to go inside, seeing their friend's liveless body laying in there. They were leaning against the wall, in front of the chamber. Dongwoo went to sat on a bench and covered his face. Sunggyu hitting the wall behind him, blaming himself for letting Woohyun die, blaming himself for not being a good leader.


They walked to Woohyun's grave. Infinite put some flowers in front of his grave, and decided to leave Eunji alone a bit. They both walked passed her from behind, staring at her back when they passed by. Chanyeol hesitated before he joined the others. L was watching her, from a tree, miles away. Eunji, meanwhile, only kneeled down and touched the picture of her fiance, on the gravestone. She only stared at it for a while. L then got lost into his thoughts. 


"Please tell me the truth." Eunji one day said, in London, in a coffee shop. They went there after they finished their paper work. "What is it?" L asked and looked into her eyes.

"Have you ever... hated me for what I have done?" She asked, with a pause between her words. For a while, L only looked at her and took a sip of his coffee.

"For some reasons, I couldn't hate you. I never had. But the moment when I heard about Woohyun's death, I blamed you. Really. But quickly replaced by me, blaming myself." He answered and smiled sadly. 

"Thank you for telling me the truth." She said. That day was half of a year, after they have gone to London.


"I'm back." She whispered and hesitated before she continued. I'm sorry that I have left for so long, without even coming back to give you a visit." She said. "You can say I have been escaping. I really didn't want to face the truth. The fact you're dead. Not with me anymore. Because somehow, this happened because of me." She paused for a moment. "I missed you a lot during my stay in London." She said and was silent for a while. 

"I think I have changed. I actually became the old Eunji that is warm hearted. And it is because of you who made me love again." She said and smiled. "I will cherish our memories together in my heart." She then stood up and the rest came back besides her. "Thank you Woohyun. If there is such thing as another life, hope to see you again." She finished and she knew that a heavy weight have been lifted up from her shoulder and heart.

Before they leave, L stayed behind and turned to Woohyun's grave. "You need to watch over her and help her to be stronger. You're my good friend and I will help you protect her no matter what." He said before he followed his gang back to the car. They went to have lunch before they went to Chanyeol's workplace.

They went back to Coffee Pop around 2:50, where L.Joe and Daehyun were waiting for them. Since Infinite were here, they can replace L.Joe and Daehyun for half of the day. "Thank you." Daehyun and L.Joe said to Infinite. "Hwaiting." Sunggyu told to both of them. 

They walked out of the shop. Eunji and Daehyun were talking while L.Joe and L were behind them. "You've been transferred with Eunji everywhere she was sent to?" L.Joe asked. L nodded. 

"For 6 years..." L.Joe mumbled and Eunji turned to him. "Where are the others? Are they back?" 

"I think they will be at Coffee Pop at 5 today." He replied. Eunji nodded. She wanted to meet her "gang". "They will really be happy to see you. Death Note's leader have come back. Imagine how they will feel." L.Joe said. Eunji smiled. They went to Downtown, Eunji and L were surprised at how many things have changed. There were less gangsters in the street. "They are all gathered in one place now." Daehyun explained.

"I thought you were taking care of your father's business." L said to Daehyun. "I am. But like Chanyeol, I'm also working here for most of my time. I can take care of the business from wherever I am, technology allowed me to do so." He said and smirked. After that the two got their new phones, they walked back to the Coffee Shop. In front of them, there were 4 familiar figures walking. Eunji turned to L.Joe. "They are early." She said. "They are fooling around." L.Joe said. 

"Then while you play a prank on them, this guy and I will go back." L said and pulled Daehyun with him. "Neh. Have a fun reunion with your gang." Daehyun said to Eunji before they left. Eunji thanked them. "So Ricky is still like before?" She asked L.Joe. "Nothing have changed." He replied. "Easy to get into trouble whenever someone bumped into him." Eunji nodded, satisfied with this personality of her good old friend. She tied up her hair and put a cap over her head, then put on a mask she used when she goes out. "Let's play a bit before revealing my identity." She said. 

"What will you do?" L.Joe asked, exactly knowing what she is trying to play. She looked around and found a bicycle. "That will do." She said and borrowed the bicycle from its owner. With L.Joe behind her, she surpassed the four member of her gang and stopped right in front of them, to prevent them to walk any further. A step more and Ricky would have been hurt. "Yah!" Ricky did. The first to react to such action. He saw L.Joe. "Yah L.Joe who's that? He almost ran into me." He said and glared at Eunji. L.Joe shrugged.

Eunji got off the bicycle and put it on the wall. "Yah, he doesn't have any intention to apologize or what?" Niel asked while Chunji tried to surpress the anger that was rising up among the members. 'I've seen this figure before...' Chunji thought and he turned to L.Joe. Chunji smiled at his friend. He went besides him. Changjo also knew about it and silently joined the two, standing next to each other. Ricky and Niel still haven't recognized Eunji continued to argue.

"Yah, do you think I'm someone who will accept people like you doing this to us?" Ricky asked in disbelief. "You just decided to leave without an apology." Niel continued. "These two are really meant to be together. They read each other's mind." L.Joe said. "Also very slow." Chunji said and the three smiled and shook their head.

Eunji turned to them. "So what?" She asked. 

"Do you know who we are?" Niel asked. Ricky and Niel were standing in front of Eunji.

"Who?" Eunji asked, curious about their answer, also provoking them.

"Death Note. The gang that have been disganged, but still haven't been found out who their identity are. The one who still is number one." Ricky replied. "Then your leader is...." Eunji looked at the three behind the two. 

"Not here."

"So without your leader, you just come out and easily get into fight. She won't like that. I think your leader would prefer you guys to stop fighting." She said.

"Who are you to tell us this?" 

L.Joe, Chunji and Changjo couldn't help to not laugh at how slow they were. They bursted into laughters while Eunji shook her head and took off the mask and the hood. "Surprise. Park Eunji imnida." She said and bowed. Ricky and Niel just stood there and looked at her from head to toe. The three behind them cheered and went to greet her. "She's back." Ricky said in disbelief. 

Eunji went to them. "You guys if you fight, you're dead." She said. "NEH!" They responded and bowed. Eunji laughed. They did a group hug. "Welcome back!!" Teen Top shouted. They went to Coffee Pop and ordered some food delivery for dinner. Teen Top, Infinite, Eunji, L and Chanyeol were all having fun, just like the old times, 6 years ago. Once again, Chanyeol's employees, Daeun and Kwangwoo knew Eunji knows EVERYONE in Coffee Pop, except them both.

Eunji after she went back home with Chanyeol and Myungsoo, went to her room. She her laptop and a news caught her attention. It was about an accident yesterday, near Coffee Pop. "A kid was hit by a car yesterday, and a mysterious doctor appeared and used bricks to secure the kid's head. No one knows what his name is nor which hospital he was from." She heard the reporter said from the video. "The kid is now recovering in Seoul Medical University Hospital."

Few Weeks Later

Eunji and L were getting prepared for their first day of work as residents in Seoul Medical University Hospital. Eunji and L woke up at 6:30 AM to get ready, and to be able to go there early since they were new, they didn't want to be late. Eunji who usually doesn't wear dresses wore a white shirt and a black simple skirt. L was also wearing a white shirt and a pair of black pants.

They both went downstairs with their book on their arms. Eunji went to prepare coffee while L made some toasts. Eunji pourred the coffee in two travel mugs. L put some ham and salad in the toasts. He prepeared two servings and put it in a plastic bag. "Let's go." They said when they were done. It was already 7:45 AM. They each grabbed their coffee and their breakfast prepared by L. They went to a bus stop, near the house.

It was already rush hours and there was a long line of people waiting for the buses to come. Eunji and L's bus will come in 10 minutes, while another will come in 4 minutes, but this bus won't go to Seoul Medical University Hospital. They were discussing about the hospital as they waited. "We should visit before we start working." L said.

"Good idea." She said. She bite on her toast and nodded. "Very good. It's so nice of you to prepare breakfast for me." She said and smiled. "Thank you."

"Thank for your coffee too." He said. "We work good together." 

"We will see during our residentship." Eunji said.

The first bus came and half of the people went on it, while Eunji, L and few others stayed behind. They looked at their medical book for a while, they were wondering who will they work with. "I'm once again transferred to the same department as you, it's destiny." L said with a smile. "Like 6 years ago." Eunji looked at him. "Destiny? I really wonder if there's a thing like that in this world." She replied. They suddenly heard a car stepping on it break, trying to stop his car. Then three other cars hit each other and the bus that just left, ran into them. Luckily, the bus didn't flip over, but ony fell on it's side.

Eunji, L and the other who were waiting for the bus rushed to help. Those walking on the road went to help those who were in the bus. While those who were waiting for the bus went to help those who were driving. Only 4 people were from the medical field. Two of them were residents, which were Eunji and L. The two others were actually doctors, who got out of their cars and rushed into the scene of accident.

With the help of Eunji, L helped a woman who was driving the car to get out of the car, on the passengers seat there was a kid who was lightly injured, laying on the bottom of the seats. The mother and the child gained their conscious back and L quickly called the police then ordered for ambulances to come as quick as possible. First he helped the mother to stop the blood on her head. While Eunji helped the kid. Then they switched place. Eunji examined the mother to see if there were any other injuries that couldn't be seen, like bones fractures.  Eunji and L stood up after they are done and saw someone laying on the floor, behind a car, besides his bicycle. 

They both ran to him when they were sure the mother and the kid were alright. They faced him towards them. L was kneeling on the left side of the man while Eunji was on the right. The glass from the cars window entered his neck. They first need to move him to another place before they could start anything else. The boy was around 13 years old, unconscious. Both of them, with the help of few other citizens went to help them transport him to a place where they can help the young man. "Quick, we need to stop the bleeding, the glass avoided the carotid artery." Eunji said. L took out a handkerchief from his pocket and put it a bit further from the wound to stop the bleeding.

"There's possibility of lung and liver damage due to trauma." L said as he looked a the boy from head to toe. Eunji agreed. First she ed the boy's shirt, then she placed her ear on his chest to see if it is rising or not. She needed to assure the victim respiration. She searched for the pulse. "The pulse is normal." She infuse air through the mouth and noticed the right lung isn't working properly. "The chest is moving unevenly. " She said. 

"Possibility of Pneumotharax (trapped air that increase pressure on the traumatized lung)." Eunji and L said both in the same time. "What do we do? We need to fix that as quick as possible." L asked. L to verify if the blood has stop bleeding. "I will perform mouth-to-mouth, you go find the doctors." He said and she nodded.

Eunji stood up and searched around rapidly. She then ran to one of the doctors. "Excuse me Doctor... But we need a doctor to..."

"I'm sory, but this person here needs my help. It needs a surgery right now or he would die." 

"Deh." Eunji said and rushed to the other. But both of them were on their way to help an emergency. She bite her lips. "I will guide you. First, you need to release the air from the lung. You need a tube to do it." The second doctor she went to see said. "You have read about it, you can do it, you need to insert it near the lung so that it can start working once again." He explained. "You know where to insert it, I don't need to explain further." He said and cut open the side of the victim in front of him. Eunji understood and thanked him. 

She went to a cornershop and bought a x-acto knife, some desinfectant and non-latex gloves to prevent allergic reactions. She went back to L as quick as she could. "We will do it." She said. L hesitated for a second but nodded. "We will do it." He agreed. 

"I can't find a tube or anything else." Eunji said. 

"Use this." L said and took out a pen from his jacket. "The pen's tube is perfect." L said. They desinfect the tools they will be using and stared at each other. "Let's do it." He said.

They needed to do it or they would be charged for murder if the patient dies. Eunji took the x-acto knife and checked the rib cage of the victim. She opened the side of the victim, near the right lung, while L cleaned the blood that was coming out from the cut. She needed to insert the tube on the fifth intercostal space, on the rib, to avoid blood vessel and nerve damage. Her hands were shaking at first but she stopped a minute later. She inserts the tube in the cut she did, repidly but delicately. It was deep enough to insert it without problems. Blood flew on her shirt but they succeeded. And L high fived her. The ambulance arrived and L asked for a infusion set automatically. L lifted up the boy's head and inserted the steel cannula in the mouth of the boy and the boy started to breath normally again, but the abdomen continued to rise from the swelling. 

"It's a severe hemorrhaging in the abdominal cavity." Eunji said. "We need to perform fluid resuscitation." 

"The patient is in a hypovolemic shock, we need to give an infusion right now." L said, analyzing the situation, he then asked for an IO needle but the ambulance man doesn't have this kind of needle. "We can do an incision in the saphenous vein." L looked at her. "You sure you will do it?" Eunji asked. He nodded.

She desinfect the ankle and took the x-acto knife and held it to L. She went besides L and help him to clean the blood that will fall once she will do the transection. L took a deep breath and made a cut above the malleolus (the bone on each side of the ankle), Eunji used the coton to wipe the blood. He successfuly inserted the cannula and connected it to the intravenous line. Eunji and L fall backward, relieved the patient didn't died.

"We did a good job together." They high fived each other. The ambulance brought the boy away. They looked at the time and stood up quickly.  "Aish we're going to be late!" Eunji said. The doctor who explained to Eunji earlier came to them. "I can offer you guys a ride, I think you're going to Seoul Medical University Hospital right?" Eunji and L looked at each other. "I have business there also." He explained. "I would gladly offer you fuys a ride there." He continued.

The both residents thanked him and went to his car. It was silent for a while before the doctor opened his mouth. "Which department are you going to?" He asked as he looked into the mirror.

"Neurosurgery." They both answered. The doctor nodded. "That's very nice. It is a nice department." They agreed with him.

"It's your first day right? You're already late, you should go now before you go clean your shirts." He said when they arrived in front of the hospital. He quickly parked the car and opened the door for them. "Hopefully you arrive before your Chief." He said with a warm smile. Eunji and L bowed to him, with 90 degrees to show their respect and gratitude. They quickly ran into the building. The doctor looked at the name of this building.

'Seoul Medical University Hospital.' He read and walked slowly inside the entrance and took out his identification card. Shin JoonWoo was written.

Here is finally another chapter, please tell me what you think about it. Also, please do subscribe & vote!! Gamsahamnida! Next chapter: Deh Sunbae-nim?, a chapter where Eunji and Jr finally met! Stay tunned for any updates! By the way, there are some few modifications that I did, Eunji and L aren't interns but residents. Thank you once again for supporting this story for those who have read the 1st story and this one!  PS!! This chapter is inspired by the first episode of "Good Doctor". 

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kiikuu #1
Chapter 2: I miss this story so much T_T
I'll re-read it again hahah
naznew #2
Chapter 21: Taehyun have history with Mark?
naznew #3
Chapter 19: A bit touching story of Dr.Shin..
kiikuu #4
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update ~~^^
naznew #5
Chapter 18: wow..that crazy man...its acid?
diva-boo #6
why do they all like eunji like is this a battle
naznew #7
Chapter 17: hahaha..eunji make myungsoo worried with what she did..
naznew #8
Chapter 16: bwoh??? wae hoya? wae? why you broke up with seukhye???
Melissa1793 #9
Chapter 16: ya' know, because i read this story and the last wish, i started to think like a detective. seriously! i don't lie
Chapter 16: omo!!! seukhye and hoya broke up?