Chapter 41

You've Fallen for a Bad Guy

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It was against Niel to hurt his own best friend, but he had no choice or right to refuse. He followed Taesuk and left with the others, leaving LJoe lying on the ground.

* * *


"You really have to wake up already. Your father got jailed and do you know that LJoe have been hanging out with that nurse named Jane?" Chunji asked when Nana was still on coma. He was also holding her hands and he was weeping. "Don't you love him? So, wake up before Jane steals him from you...What do I now? You're still in coma but things are getting worse. Mr. Jang in prison and then LJoe..."

Chunji closed his eyes and wiped his tears. He let go of Nana's hands and stopped what he was doing when he noticed her moving her fingers one by one. He widened his eyes and looked at Nana.


Nana woke up, looking at the lights first then turning her head to Chunji.

"What?" She simply asked and looked around; she could still feel the pain when her father shot her. The image of LJoe's back went back to her. "Byunghun-ah!" she got up and felt the pain, Chunji quickly helped her lay down.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine...Where is he?" Nana glanced up at him.

"You mean...Lee Byunghun?"

[End of Flashback]

Jane slowly put the medicine and water on top of the drawer beside Nana who was sitting up on her hospital bed. She was taking glances at her blank face, but it seemed like Nana didn't even notice her. She pulled a small bottle from her nurse uniform's pocket and dropped some on the water. Then she put back the bottle and grabbed the water, she was going to give it to Nana.

A while ago, when Jane heard from Chunji that Nana is awake, she hastily called Taesuk and told him about the news and then she went to Nana's room when Chunji had gone to buy Nana something to eat.

"Are you okay, Ms.?" Jane asked and offered the water to Nana. Nana didn't hear her at first but when Jane waved a hand in front of her, Nana looked at her and flashed a smile.

"Oh hello." Nana greeted her with a sound of frustration. Jane handed her the water and she extended her hand to take it. She thanked Jane and looked down at the water. Jane had the feeling that she would fail to make Nana fall asleep, her whole body trembled as she became nervous looking at Nana like that.

"Jane..." Nana mumbled under her breath, Jane almost jumped when she called her name.

"Ye--yes?" Jane stuttered. Nana looked at her again, then at her nurse uniform. She looked at Jane's identification card and looked away.

"You're the nurse who was always hanging out with Byunghun..." Nana went on and smiled.

"Huh? Yeah... Something like that." Jane replied in frustration.

"Then...Do you know where he is right now?"

"No." Jane lied, eager to change the subject. "You should drink your water now."

Nana stared back at her, curious. "You sound like you know something..."

For a long time, the two just stared at each other until Nana burst out laughing.

"I'm kidding," Nana said and drink the water.

Nana tasted something terrible, she felt like falling asleep. Jane took the water from her and waited for Nana to fell asleep.

"Why am I feeling suddenly...sleepy?" Nana mumbled and fell asleep.

* * *

LJoe was recovering fast from being beaten, he struggled to get up and when he was on his feet again, he wiped the blood away from his lips. He was about to get out but then he Niel and the others came in.

LJoe looked up at them. CAP put his finger on his chin and chuckled.

"Trying to escape? You won't think about that anymore," CAP said and showed Nana who was behind him. LJoe's eyes jolted open, he tried to speak but Niel hit his face. He groaned and glared at them.

Nana, who was awake from the moment they arrived, only looked at LJoe for she could not speak because of the handkerchief covering . Her hands were also tied behind her and Taesuk was gripping her arms so that she wouldn't try to run away.

"Let her go..." LJoe managed to say.

Taesuk pushed Nana down. She tripped and fell over LJoe.

LJoe hugged Nana and they both cried. Taesuk thought it was funny to watch them like that. He eyed his men to close the door and he then moved a little closer to them.

"Save the drama later," Taesuk said in a low voice. LJoe glared up at Taesuk, hugging Nana closer to him. "Kill her, Byunghun..."

Nana's tears fell as she listened to them. She didn't want to die but she could feel that she's going to die right there. She wanted to move away from LJoe but she loves him too much that she didn't want him to stop hugging her. She shut her eyes closed, her face so wet.

"No. No, father. Just stop this, enough!" LJoe shouted.

"You know I don't want to stop. I love doing these things... For revenge. For your mother." Taesuk said.

"My mother doesn't want you to do this!"

"She wants me to kill those who treated you like dirt, don't you know?"

"You're the only one who treat me like dirt..."

Taesuk laughed and then glared down at LJoe. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at them. It was impossible that Taesuk's eyes were watering; his hands were shaking as well. He wanted to pull the trigger but seeing LJoe's tearing up eyes like that... He couldn't.

"Do you have any idea...that I loved your mother so much?" Taesuk's tears fell, LJoe just stared at him. No matter what, he didn't want to pity a petty person.

Taesuk gave Niel a side glance, he nodded his head, "You guys guard outside." He commanded and turned back to LJoe. Niel followed the instruction and as well as the others, leaving them there.

"Your mother...She didn't even appreciate my feelings..." Taesuk smirked, "I don't know why I still love her until now that I want to have revenge on everyone who didn't appreciate her and you. For short, you should be thanking me and you should be with me but what are you doing? You're on that girl's side. That's why... You will die here with her. That's what you want right?"

"Revenge?" LJoe asked and clicked his tongue. "You think that's the right to do? Revenge isn't the way, father."

"Then what is the way???!!!" Taesuk yelled, his nose flaring. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA, LJOE!"

"You just have to forget about this, father... My mother wouldn't want something like this to happen...She wouldn't want many people to die just because of her...I wouldn't want any of these to happen either. I don't want to be a murderer... Mother wouldn't want us to be murderers!"

Taesuk got annoyed and started yelling, he pulled the trigger and didn't notice that LJoe grabbed his hand upwards. No one got shot because LJoe stopped him. LJoe tried harder to stop Taesuk. They stared deep into each other's eyes for long.

"Nana! Get out of here!" LJoe shouted while still staring at Taesuk.


* * * Listen to this song while reading <3



Chunji stopped the car and took the box with him. He arrived to the warehouse where the enemies took Nana. Jane was with him too, Jane was the one who told him the location.

Chunji and Jane found Niel and the others standing outside the warehouse. They quickly hide themselves behind a bricked wall.

"What do we do now?" Jane asked.

"Not to worry. Niel called me earlier, he's got a plan." Chunji said and took his phone. Earlier, Niel called him to come with an item he asked him to bring. The two of them made a plan to finish Taesuk and they had to complete that plan no matter what. He dialed Niel's number.

Niel answered the phone and walked away from the others. He needed a quiet place to talk with Chunji.

"I'm here..." Chunji said breathlessly. "What's next?"

"Where? I need to get the bomb." Niel said.

"Near the gate," Chunji poked his head to check Niel and when he's assured that Niel saw him, he hide himself back. "Did you see me?" He asked.

"Yes." Niel replied and ended the call.

Niel ran to their location, appearing in front of Chunji and Jane in a glimpse. Jane almost jumped.

"Oh god," Jane muttered.

Niel rolled his eyes at her. "So, you're on our side too?" he asked.

"No. I'm on LJoe's side." Jane corrected, raising an eyebrow. Niel ignored her and took the box from Chunji.

"Is the bomb here?" Niel asked.

"Yes." Chunji answered.

"What are you going to do with that bomb? Are you going to kill LJoe?" Jane interrupted.

"No!" Niel said aloud. "Of course not," he lowered his voice and turned his back. "I'll make sure to kill Lee Taesuk and end this disaster."

"How would you do that? A bomb can't just kill one person, it can kill hundreds!"

"We're only a few here. And I'll make sure that he won’t know I put a bomb, and then when LJoe and Nana are out, the bomb will explode..." Niel explained.

"What if he got out?" Chunji asked.

"I won't let him. Just trust me."

"What are you talking about? You're not planning on---" Niel spun around, glaring at Chunji. He shoved his chest and walked away without another word. 

"Ya---" Chunji was about to call him back but Jane covered his mouth with her hands.

"Shut up, we'll get caught if you talk too much." Jane whispered on his ears, it tickled him a bit but he just elbowed her, forgetting the fact that she's a girl. Jane groaned and kicked Chunji's leg. "You idiot!"

"Stop touching me, will you?" Chunji said coldly, looking back at the warehouse. He found Nana running out of the warehouse and Niel with the others rushing inside the warehouse. Chunji hurriedly ran towards Nana, who was very scared.

"Nana!" Chunji shouted and untied the ropes on Nana's hands then Nana quickly pulled off the handkerchief covering . She was sweating badly and her stomach was bleeding. "Oh my, what do we do?" Chunji asked worriedly.

"Lee Byunghun..." Nana said and bear the pain. She was about to go back to the warehouse but Chunji stopped her. 

"You can't go back there!" Chunji shouted and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away.

"Chunji! Let go of me, please! Lee Byunghun is still there, he might get killed..."Nana said, feeling a deep ache from the core of her body.

"Everything's going to be fine..." Chunji said and started running away with Nana, although Nana kept on pulling herself away, she couldn't because Chunji was too strong.

"I said let me go!!!!" She continued shouting and crying. Jane, who stopped, just stared at the warehouse, longing to see LJoe out of the warehouse. She was worried of LJoe but she put her trust on Niel.

Unfortunately, everything happened so sharp and quick. The next minute, they could hear sirens coming and police officers coming out of their cars. Nana didn't want the police officers to come because she knew they were going to catch LJoe.

She decided to kick Chunji and go back to the warehouse.

Running back to the warehouse with Chunji running after her, they stopped with eyes jolting and mouth opened. They felt like flying and landing hard on the ground and when Nana opened her eyes, all she sees was an explosion and hears a boom right on that warehouse.

The warehouse's windows shattered, fire from the explosion started spreading and burns everything. Nana almost crawled closer, then struggled to stand up yet ended up falling to her knees as she could not believe what she just saw.

"No way," she mumbled as tears welled up on her cheeks. “LEE BYUNGHUN!!!" She shouted.






a/n: I finished a short story -_- Check it out if you want :) Crossroads

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Chapter 45: Finally...only one day and i'm finished reading your story. Such an addicting story. Actually i feel pity with Teentop coz they must sacrifiece themself. And also Chunji always keep heart for Nana. But i also happy coz bith of them are together again. Indeed true love ^^

I really hate Tae Suk in here. He is like phsyco....mianhe :( heheh ^^
Chapter 36: who call their friends with "-shi" ? that "-shi" when you talk to stranger for the first time. it's the same meaning with "Mrs"
Chapter 36: Nana is 16
Ljoe is 17
yet they in the same classroom xD
Chapter 36: she said that we need to hate each other and kill each other. but when ljoe's got shot. she's said "pls lemme save your life" what is this. lol I keep confusing with the linestory
jessi828 #5
Chapter 45: damn...... it so sad yet i like it.....
lina_joe #6
Chapter 45: i love this story so damn much,, <3 i really thought he died, aigoo~
n he's alive . . just wanna know what happened to him during those years... Jebal, tell me, jebal auther-nim??
daeljoejinyoung96 #7
Chapter 45: What he was doing with those five years..................
Chapter 45: This was so good!!!! :D But I can't help but wonder what he was doing with those 5 years o.o
Chapter 45: Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much!!!!!!!
Blackjack27 #10
Chapter 45: I love this fanfic and I cried a lot withought even knowing it ! OMG I rally thought he died and it was over for him but...I guess not! But I'm really happy he lived! I am so happy and ughh this fanfic is so good I can really explain how I feel right now!! I'm going to stop talking...sorry if anything I said didn't make sence...