Chapter 39

You've Fallen for a Bad Guy

A/N: By the way, phagirl, you're right, I got Jane's name from Man of Honor! Well, at first, I made up the name Jane and translated to Korean in a translator somewhere and at the same time I stumbled upon it in DramaFever and I found Man of Honor... I saw the cast! But LOL, I haven't even watched it yet ... Haha. HMPH, back to the story!





"What if I don't want to?"

"Then I'll kill you."

"Oh no, you can't!" Jane yelled and pulled out an injection from her bag. It happened so fast that L.Joe didn't even realized Jane injected and by ten seconds, he suddenly fell asleep. Totally knocked out.

"Sorry," Jane sighed and started the engine of her car again.

While asleep, L.Joe had been dreaming of Nana and in his mind he was saying things that he hasn’t told her before. In his dream, it was like a nightmare. Nana lying unconsciously in a hospital bed, no one can tell whether she would wake up or not.

'I should have loved you from the beginning, if I knew it would be like this. Our past happy moments were too short but... It was enough for me. However, I don't want to lose you. I don't want to abandon you again. I don't want to turn my back on you; I want to tell you every day, that I love you forever. I will wait for you, and once you wake up... I'm never letting you go again...' He said on his mind, holding Nana's pale hand and caressing them with his cheek.

'I will never hurt you again... I will change for you...And I want you to believe that.' 

'Once we're together again, I will not waste any time, any day. I will buy a bike and ride it with you. I'll shout to everyone I love you. I'll hug as tight as I can. If you're sad, I will comfort you and dance with you. Nonstop dance, okay? It will cheer you up for sure. If you try to run away, don't! I will run after you, always! I will watch you... Always. But when that happens, I am not the Lee Byunghun everyone knows as a criminal.'

Suddenly, he woke up and he's face was all wet.

"What's this?!" He shouted and sits up. He was lying on a bed, and Jane was in front of him holding an empty bowl that was empty because she poured all the water on his face. "YA! WHO ARE YOU?" 

"You forgot me already?" Jane asked and clicked her tongue. She put the empty bowl on top of the drawer and faced L.Joe with her hands on her hip. "I'm Jane Kwon! I'm a nurse and in fact I am your Noona because I am 20 years old!" She gave him a wide smile; she looked really angelic in her smile.

"Ahh," L.Joe looked away. "I remember. I should be in the Police Station now."

"I don't want you to go," she said as she pout. L.Joe looked at her confusedly; she looked as if she knows him very well. Jane sat at the edge of the bed and held L.Joe's back palm. "Lee Byunghun..." she called him, he stiffed and widened his eyes.

"How do you know my name?" he asked.

"Because I am Jane Kwon... Did you forget when we were young? Although I am your Noona, you always called me 'Princess Jane' but why now you don't call me that anymore?" she asked sweetly.

"Princess Jane?"

"YA! You really forgot?! You said..." She pouted again, like a child. "You said you wanted me to be your girlfriend," she said.


She sighed deeply. "I know, I know," she rolled her eyes and stopped holding him. "You moved on, you now have that girl... What's her name again? I can't recall what name you said..."

"Jang Nana."

"Right. Jang Nana. What's with her anyway?"

"You don't need to know, Jane. Just bring me to the Police Station!"

"Don't you want to see her?"

"I want to--- No, I can't."

"Aish! I am really jealous to know that you want to but you can't! Lee Byunghun-ahhhh..."

"Why... Why aren't you sending me to surrender, Jane?"

"I don't even know what you did! What did you do?" 

"You don't want to know," he jumped off his bed and noticed that his wounded hand was now covered with a big bandage. "Who did this?"

"It was bleeding badly, so I did what I can." Jane explained. "Look, Byunghun. If you need any help, just tell me."

"I am not innocent, Jane." He said coldly and glared down at her. "I am a criminal. I killed innocent lives!" he confessed. "That's what I did. That's why they are all searching for you because I should get jailed or get killed by them for killing innocent lives." 

Jane bit her lip and looked away. "So, you are a murderer. I didn't believe that guy at first, but now... You said it yourself...But I know why you did all those things. The Lee Byunghun I knew always had a dark heart, but you seem to change now." She said.

"Wait--- Who told you?"

"His name is Chunji."

"What?! Where is he?"

When Jane answered him, L.Joe hastily ran outside to meet Chunji. He was about to leave but L.Joe ran after him, he held his wrist and spun him around. Their eyes met.

"Oh," Chunji said in a whisper. "You're awake."

"Yeah," L.Joe let go of his wrist and lowered his eyes. He somehow felt embarrassed without knowing his reason.

"How could you? Nana is in a coma right now and you're relaxing yourself," Chunji began, making L.Joe stare at him with puzzlement, eyes widening with confusion. "You're here hanging out with that Nurse Noona while Nana's in the hospital???"

"Huh? What did I do? You said not to go in the hos---" Chunji cut him in.

"You're hanging out with that Noona! Being disloyal to Nana! That Noona even said you two are childhood friends and she is your ex-girlfriend and she still loves you, how could be so disloyal and be in the same house with a woman older than you for three days?!"

Three DAYS?!

"What? Three days?"

Actually, L.Joe had been sleeping for three days and two nights. Jane even thought he was dead and with L.Joe asleep for so long, who knows what Jane did with him?

"But I'm not hanging out with her! I don't know! I was asleep for days in here!" L.Joe demanded, waving his hands in the air. 

"Fine! Then let's say, you're hanging in with that Noona! And it's called 'betrayal'! I'm going to blurt this out to Nana, just you wait!"


They both balled their fist. However, Jane came out and shouted at them.

"What are you talking about?!" she asked in a loud voice. "I am just nursing him, we're not hanging in or out. And he's not relaxing himself, he punished himself, that's why I'm here." She explained.

"OH," Chunji said and put his hands on his hip, "but you are his ex-girlfriend turned to personal nurse."

"Oh well, lucky him." Jane flashed a smile which made Chunji's nose flare like a train.

"Are you his defender or something?" He asked and L.Joe just sighed.

"Do you need a nurse too? Because you look really crazy, boy." Jane teased.


"If not, then go away."

"Why?! Are you going to do something with Byunghun?! Just so you know, his name and heart is carved in somebody else's heart!"

"I can carve mine in Byunghun's." Jane said while raising her chin, smiling proudly.

"Jane!" L.Joe shouted, making a face at her. Shortly, he stared back at Chunji who stared back at him giving him an 'I-told-you-so' look.

"I won't betray her, Chunji." L.Joe said, "I love her and only her. And I want to see her too, would you help me find a way to see her without getting caught? After I see her and talk to her as she sleeps, I promise I will surrender. Because I know it's the right thing to do, and it's what Nana wants."

Chunji stiffed.

"Byunghun-ah! You can't!" Jane cut in.

L.Joe met her worried gaze, "You can't keep a criminal forever, Jane. I was a murderer and you know that." Then he looked back at Chunji again, waiting for his answer. "I need your help, can you help me?"

"And then after you meet her and talk to her... You will surrender?" Chunji asked again, his voice high pitched.


Chunji and L.Joe planned to meet the day after tomorrow. Jane didn't like the idea. She spent her life searching for L.Joe and she doesn't want to waste a time without him anymore. They had been very close since they were children, but for her, it was real because she was already acting mature that time.

She wants him.

That next day, she went to the Hospital to visit Nana although she doesn't know her. She happens to be a nurse in that Hospital and had asked her boss to make her take care of Nana and be her nurse.

She found Jang Sooman watching his daughter sadly. A little while, Sooman left to go somewhere. Jane doesn't know where, of course.

While staring at Nana's pale sleeping face, she slowly walked toward her and looked up at her IV tubes downward from her dextrose bottle. She stared down at her and a tear dropped on her face.

"I'm still childish because I am still in love with Lee Byunghun," she whispered under her breath and slowly moved her hands around Nana's neck. "Sorry---" Before she could do something to her, she quickly took her hands back and hides them behind her when someone rushed inside and quickly closed the door behind.

It was L.Joe, he was wearing a cap and everything in black.

"Jane?" he asked.

"Byunghun, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought---"

"We changed the plan..."

"What? So that means--- No, Byunghun. Please don't surrender. You'll regret it."

"No, Jane. I already regret my life being a murderer."

Jane's tears run down her cheeks nonstop.

"Why are you here, Jane?" L.Joe asked.

"I..." She sniffled and shook her head. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Huh? For what?" 



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Chapter 45: Finally...only one day and i'm finished reading your story. Such an addicting story. Actually i feel pity with Teentop coz they must sacrifiece themself. And also Chunji always keep heart for Nana. But i also happy coz bith of them are together again. Indeed true love ^^

I really hate Tae Suk in here. He is like phsyco....mianhe :( heheh ^^
Chapter 36: who call their friends with "-shi" ? that "-shi" when you talk to stranger for the first time. it's the same meaning with "Mrs"
Chapter 36: Nana is 16
Ljoe is 17
yet they in the same classroom xD
Chapter 36: she said that we need to hate each other and kill each other. but when ljoe's got shot. she's said "pls lemme save your life" what is this. lol I keep confusing with the linestory
jessi828 #5
Chapter 45: damn...... it so sad yet i like it.....
lina_joe #6
Chapter 45: i love this story so damn much,, <3 i really thought he died, aigoo~
n he's alive . . just wanna know what happened to him during those years... Jebal, tell me, jebal auther-nim??
daeljoejinyoung96 #7
Chapter 45: What he was doing with those five years..................
Chapter 45: This was so good!!!! :D But I can't help but wonder what he was doing with those 5 years o.o
Chapter 45: Oh my gosh I love this fanfic so much!!!!!!!
Blackjack27 #10
Chapter 45: I love this fanfic and I cried a lot withought even knowing it ! OMG I rally thought he died and it was over for him but...I guess not! But I'm really happy he lived! I am so happy and ughh this fanfic is so good I can really explain how I feel right now!! I'm going to stop talking...sorry if anything I said didn't make sence...