Lights... Camera...Vixx!

Vixx Club

" I have been informed that a certain club that goes by Vixx does not have an official symbol or motto." Principal Lee said.

" Whose the snitch?" N cross his arms and made his natural diva face.

" Your mom." Principal Lee spoke back.

" Good one Lee." N sacrasticly said.

" I wish that was a joke Cha. Your mom texted me saying she wished you be more involved in the school. So I approved of your little club, even though I have no idea what your club even does. You need an official banner, symbol and motto by tomorrow or I have to shut down your club, again."

" Oh come on, Lee! You have to give us at least a week."

" I tried to give you more time but you kept running away from me."

" Who wouldn't run with you chasing behind them with a baseball bat?"

" Oh shut up Hakyeon, that was years ago.You shouldn't talk back to your mom's bestfriend. Well if you want to get everything done, you should start right now. You might even have to pull an all nighter. Now get out of my office so I can continue watching anime."

The group groaned but bowed and slowly walked back to their club room.

" How do we get all that done in a day?" Ravi said.

" We have a motto a least." Leo smiled and tried to get his friends in a better mood.

" A stupid one." Hyuk grumbled.

" Hey I spent a lot of time thinking about it." N pouted.

" Lets just go back to the room and think about what to draw on our banner. I vote Ken and Ravi for the task." Hyuk made the members walk in a single line like a choo choo train. Leo was the of the train and made weird noises that everyone ignored.

Ken grabbed a piece of paper out of thin air and pulled Ravi down next to him. They whispered ideas to each other and got to work, designing their symbol. After a couple of minutes, they group decided to vote for the design they liked the most. Ken stood up first and explained his symbol.

" I like to call this beautiful creature ROVIX."

" The hell is a rovix?"

" Rovix is a robot. We can be like secret agents or something, helping others make their dreams come true."

" Lame, next."

Ravi kicked Ken and stood up.

" Clearly my design is the better choice."

He held up a paper filled with...voodoo dolls. The room became silent, no one knew what to say.

" Are you a demon? Be honest with me Ravi."

" No N hyung, we are like voodoo dolls, people control us and make us make their dream come true."

" I rather be a robot thing than a voodoo doll."

" A secret agent sounds cooler."

Ravi threw his symbol on the floor and pouted.

" No one appreciates me."

" I would Ravi, any day, any where, just name it." Hongbin his lips and cuddled the upset Ravi.

" Now that the symbol and motto are done, all we need now is a banner. We need a picture of all the members and a little information on them on the banner." N explained to the group.

" Hey, lets go to my house and take a few shots. My parents should be home."

" Oh yeah, Hongbin's parents are famous phtographers. I liked their last magazine, you looked hot in a uniform."

" Ken hyung, you see me in a uniform everyday."

" That just means you look hot everyday."

" Awww thanks Kenny."

" Do I look hot in a unifrom Leo?" N tittled his head in a cute way.

" Never."

Hyuk turned around from an angry N and pulled the rest of the members out the door. They had a lot of work to get done, and being the only normal one was tiring.

" Why are we dressed like pirates?"

" For the banner silly Hyukkie, I told you this like a million times. You're so cute when your stupid." N laughed and readjusted his purple wig.

" I know that, but what does being pirates have anything to do with making peoples dreams come true."

" Absolutely nothing."

" So why are we wearing these embrassing costumes?"

" Because I gave Leo the costume without a shirt, doesn't he look amazing. His juicy body and the way his pants are so tight. His eye patch is doing crazy things to me."

" Ew."

" Don't ew me boy. I see you checking out Ken, which is weird because he looks like santa clause pretending to be a pirate."

" He looks cute."

" Like cute cute, or like yummy I want to do things to you cute."

"....can we just get this over with?"

" VIXX GET INTO YOUR PLACES." N clapped loudly and danced all the way to the green screen. The order was president in the middle and everyone casually stands around him. The first pictures were with shy smiles and poses but after awhile even Hyuk started to get playful. When he heard the camera about to flash, he pushed Hongbin and Ravi together so that they kissed.

On another picture, N d Leo's and the latter jumped forward and pushed Ken down to the floor. Hongbin took the camera and looked over the pictures. They laughed at the messed up ones and decided to take more. Ravi suggested dressing up in suits. They made ugly faces when Hongbin's mom told them to make a y face.

Leo pushed Hongbin down on to the floor and lied down on his back, followed by N, Ravi and Ken. Hyuk laughed and instead of lying down he sat on them. He heard groans of pain but just laughed even louder. Ken wanted to take a picture where they are playing leap frog. N sat on Leo's back and refused to get off until Leo pretended to be horse. Hyuk could still hear the soft horse neighs.

Ravi though it would be funny if they put on a lot of clothing. He put on 20 hats and smiled proudly when he could still walk. N put on 20 pairs of socks and made the 20 pairs of underwear wearing Leo carry him. Ken had on 10 pairs of jeans and had the staff carry him on a stretcher. Hongbin had on 20 shirts and he still looked gorgous for some reason. And Hyuk wore two glasses and ignored the glare from his friends.

They had so much fun they didn't even notice that Hongbin's parents were handing them clothes from their clothing line to pose for. For hours they had their own photoshoot, vixx style. None of the pictures were normal but they didn't care. Hyuk looked at his laughing friends and smiled. He felt someone hold his hand, Ken had a dazzling smile on his face. He smiled back and leaned in close to his favorite hyung.

For the last picture, they were dressed in casual clothing. Before the camera could take the picture, N put his arm around Leo and Hyuk, the others did the same.

" I just now got that Rovix is robot and Vixx combined."

The group erupted in laughter and that just so happen to be the picture they chose to be on their banner.


N tapped the last picture of their photoshoot on their club wall. He smiled and caressed the picture of them laughing.

" Hurry N hyung, Ken hyung is so hungry hes eating paper again."

" Sigh, my es can't do anything without me."

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Chapter 28: Thanks for the update TT
Chapter 27: I never really liked comedy fics but this one is so good I can't stop reading! Please continue it >.<!
KenVigivesmelife #3
Chapter 27: You updated! Omg yaaaaay!!!! Poor hyuk and ken, what's happened to them both? :( Also I may be wrong but is the 42 thing a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference?
Karenkitty1092 #4
Chapter 27: This is super interesting and I hope you update soon.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update, well, maybe that's really not Ken, the glasses thing sounds pretty convincing.
Pin the dress on the leader... actually so good haha! I wanna see vixx play that for real
AND POOR LITTLE HYUKEN! Honestly so much drama, I'm gonna have to make some popcorn for the next chapter
minleo #7
Chapter 27: Yaasss!!! You're back!! XD I missed reading this fic. Welcome back~~~
Chapter 26: This story is so awesome! I was not sure if I would like it or not to be honest, but your style of writing crack is totally my style! I was laughing the whole time! I hope u can update soon because this story is too good! Hwaiting author-nim!!!
chairo_army #9
Chapter 26: Please update!! Your story is really great!! I'm laughing hard ^^