wow 3 years went by without an update

Vixx Club

Hyuk looked around at his hyungs who were either looking at him with sadness or with a foreign emotion he has never seen.....judging him. He stood up and angrily shouted while walking away. " I"m going to prove that that imposter is not Ken hyung!"

Hyuk wiped the tears from his eyes and started cracking his knuckles, he has work to do if he is going to get his manchild back. 

The hyungs went to comfort the crying Ken and patted his back. " I don't get why Hyukkie is mad at me. What did I do? Does he not love his muffin top anymore?"

N rubbed his shoulders. " I'm sure Hyuk is just having a bad day, he'll be back to his cute evil self soon. Soon he'll come back and be his romantic self again by throwing you inside the trashcan" Leo looked at Ken and started getting suscipous. The Ken he knew didn't smell like cocunot shampoo, he usually smells like candy or bacon or a combination of both. He started eyeing the other and Ken turned toward him after feeling someone stare at him and gulped. " H-hyung why are you looking at me like that?" 

" What did you have for breakfast Ken?"

Ken titled his head at the random question. " You know the usual hyung...bacon and eggs! Boy do I love my bacon."He went off about the different things he put bacon on like ice cream, mayo, ketchup.

Leo turned right around and walked away to find their maknae. "Something is off.....Ken only eats skittles for breakfast and then eggs and bacon as a snack before his third snack before lunch." He whispered.

" Leo baby! Where are you going?!?!" N screamed at the other. He shrugged. " Someone has his man period." N turned around and started braiding Ken's hair. " Ken baby your hair feels so soft from yesterday! Yesterday I almost lost my fingers and toes trying to run my fingers through your hair." 

Ken shrugged. " Must be that new conditioner I've been using." 

Hongbin lifted his head from trying to kiss Ravi's belly. He thougt to himself, " I've known Ken for almost 7 days now and he uses maple syrup as conditioner...something is off. He stood up and walked out where Leo left in towards of finding the maknae. N frowned. " Whats with our members today? Oh well, everyone must be synced up." Ravi sighed. " Hyung you know that guys can't get their period right." 

N laughed. " Oh you silly child of course I knew that...thats why its called a manperiod. You have a lot to learn my friend. Once you get to my age, all these things just click. Now sit down and let mama cha tell you about the bees and the bears."

" I thought it was the birds and the bees." N shook his head. " Ravi baby, shut your cute mouth and listen to this 140 slide powerpoint I made with real life visual pictures with a lot of in depth action clips. " Ravi gasped and tried to run when he saw that the first slide was a N dressed as a bumble bee and a very red faced leo dressed as a bear. 



They found Hyuk hiding beind a bush dressed in all green, even his face was painted green. Without turning around, he said. " Welcome to the Lets Find the Real Ken Club. I'm glad you realized that I was right"

Hongbin smirked. " How did you know we would come after you?"

Hyuk let out a small chuckle. " I knew you would join me N Hyung and Ravi hyung. I know you guys have the smart genes in this family and would know right away that wasn't ken" He turned around very confident but turned right around. " We're ed, it's the loser club now." 

Leo pouted and started whinning while pushing Hyuk. 
" stop it hyung you're gonna expose us to the enemy! they can't know that we're hiding behind this bush. I've been hiding behind this bush for the last 10 days, I've had to pee in multiple jars! Now get down before the crazy guy sees us! "

" We've seen you hiding for the last hour Hyuk. Now stand up and show yourself and tell your weird friends that just because he closes his eyes doesn't mean we can't see him." Hyuk pushed Leo's hands off his eyes and stood up.

" You caught me Exo Club, now let go of my handsome piece of before I throw a tantrum on your ." 

Baekhyun laughed loudly and crossed his legs. " I have no idea what you're talkin about Sang." 

Hongbin whispered to hyuk. " What are we doing here Hyuk? Why do you think they have Ken?"

" Because I can see his ing legs under that table!" He pointed to the pair of sneakers sticking out of the table. Chen coughed and shoved the legs back under the table. " U-um thats my very large cat..meow meow....see its just a cat." 

Leo nodded and whipsered. " what a cute kittie"

" Hyung shut up now is tha the time for your weird cat es, obviously thats Ken! It said property of Hyuk on the sides! Now tell me why you kidnapped my Ken!" 

Baekhyun stood up and angrily yelled.  "Because you stole Chanyeol from me! All he talkes about is you and your stupid club! I can make his dreams come true, he doesn't need 6 idiots."

Hyuk looked at Chen for his reasoning who just shrugged. " I actually it was Suho under the table this whole time so this is new to me too." 

Hongbin laughed. " Who the hell is chanyeol? I've never met that kid in my life."

Hyuk elbowed him. " Hyung, Chanyeol is chanpole."

Hongbin turned to him. " Chanpole?  As in that guy who is as tall as a building who when he smiles I fell like the sun is literally sitting on my eyeballs?" Baekhyun frowned. " He used to smile at me like that, but now he said that someone named Mama Cha told him to only smile with his nostriles NOW THAT DUMMY ONLY POINTS HIS NOSTRILES AT ME. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU STUPID VIXX CLUB."

" So you were angry at us and kidnapped Ken and sent in that fake Ken as a spy?" Hyuk said. Baekhyun gave him a strange look. " I did kidnapp Ken which was super easy. I just told him to get under this table and he's been sitting here quietly for the last 24 hours. I literally had a million ways to kidnap him but he just got under the table like its his house or something." 

Ken popped his head out from under the table. " Hi Hyuk! Hi Binnie and Leo hyung. What brings you to the Lee Ken residence. Come come, make yourself at home. I have the lastest furniture, look at his way this napkin makes the whole room light up"

Hyuk sighed. " You know what, you can keep him." Hyuk turned around and started walking away. 




Hi my lovely readers! wow it's been a million years but heres an update, I hope you like it!!!



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Chapter 28: Thanks for the update TT
Chapter 27: I never really liked comedy fics but this one is so good I can't stop reading! Please continue it >.<!
KenVigivesmelife #3
Chapter 27: You updated! Omg yaaaaay!!!! Poor hyuk and ken, what's happened to them both? :( Also I may be wrong but is the 42 thing a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference?
Karenkitty1092 #4
Chapter 27: This is super interesting and I hope you update soon.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update, well, maybe that's really not Ken, the glasses thing sounds pretty convincing.
Pin the dress on the leader... actually so good haha! I wanna see vixx play that for real
AND POOR LITTLE HYUKEN! Honestly so much drama, I'm gonna have to make some popcorn for the next chapter
minleo #7
Chapter 27: Yaasss!!! You're back!! XD I missed reading this fic. Welcome back~~~
Chapter 26: This story is so awesome! I was not sure if I would like it or not to be honest, but your style of writing crack is totally my style! I was laughing the whole time! I hope u can update soon because this story is too good! Hwaiting author-nim!!!
chairo_army #9
Chapter 26: Please update!! Your story is really great!! I'm laughing hard ^^