Meeting Infinite... AND SHINee?!

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

After I thanked Myungsoo with the nicest smile I had, I must say so myself, I got it from my mammaa~~ ;D

Myungsoo also flashed me another of his dazzling smiles and pushed me in the direction of the food area. I picked out a sushi set and a bottle of water. I can't STAND soft drinks! To me soft drinks is like alcohol. It's so... BLegh (A/N True Story!! )

I waited at the cashier for Myungsoo who seemed like he couldn't decide whether he wanted Dukkbokki or Bulgogi. I decided to take this opportunity to observe the others reaction about this. By this time, the students had begun to form a line behind us waiting to choose their lunch as well. They were still giving us looks but it wasn't AS awkward as before. Where we were LITERALLY in the centre of their view.

It seemed as if the glares seemed to soften and as I smiled to them, they smiled back! WHAT IS THIS PHENOMENA!?

I thought they'd all slaughter me! I guess this whole friend/neutral thing is working. Girls didn't see me as a big threat because I was just an average girl. Guys just thought I was cute and didn't bother me. Huh, this is really odd.

"I'LL TAKE THIS ONE!" Myungsoo suddenly exclaimed to himself. HAHA How cute! Talking to himself. Then I noticed he was once again by my side and pulling out a wallet from his pocket. I took a peek and saw a small photograph in it. It was of a little girl and what appeared to be him when he was a child.

Before I knew it, Myungsoo had paid and hastily put away his wallet. I woke up from my mini trance and picked up my tray. I was about to walk to my table, where the "individuals" sat. The people who had no one to sit with but sat with each other so that they wouldn't be lonely. But just because I sat there didn't mean I was an individual. There was simply no where else for us to sit. By us, I mean Park EunMi and Park DaraMi. They are sisters actually! That's why the Mi is common in their names. As well as their last names.... But that part wasobvious....


I was on my way to them who had their eyes glued on me the whole time. I knew they were wondering why I didn't tell them and as soon as I reach the table they will both pounce on me. I honestly, can see the resemblence between the two. They are like twins, however they are actually a year apart in age, they have the EXACT SAME PERSONALITY! Okay, not the exact but seriously, their facial expressions are so similar!!! It creeps me out sometimes.

Nearing the table, I was suddenly yanked backwards into the arms of MyungSoo for GOD KNOWS how many times that day.

"Waeyo?" I asked him politely. This sparked interest in the students. Therefore, once again, we were the centre of attention. AISH~ I don't like attention!

"Come sit with me! I'll introduce you to Infinite! Then he spoke in a low whisper with the most iest voice of mankind. Okay, a little exagerration but give the girl a break! "They are honestly, not as mean as they appear." I gave him a questioning look.

Really Myungsoo. You expect me to believe that. When I, myself have been a witness to their acts. And by acts, I mean disabling a boy because he stole Hoya's pencil during class and sending him to hospital. Or that time when Sungyeol knocked a girl into the wall when she attached herself to his arm cooing sweet nothings. Or that time when... AISH! THERE'S TOO MANY "OR THAT TIME!"

Instead of saying that I was trying to be as polite as possible to get out of this mess. Maybe in a few weeks time, this will all die down and I haven't really broken my parent's third rule!!! :D THREE CHEERS FOR GOOD THINKING KYEMI!!! "Actually Myungsoo, I'd love to, but I have to go and sit with my friends over there. You see, they get awfully sad when they're left alone." Mianhe EunMi and DaraMI! I made you seem weak. :/ When in fact they are nothing but.

I didn't give him the chance to answer as I manouvered myself out of his grasp and started walking to the Individuals table.  Walk Kyemi, DOn't look back! WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK. !~ SO CLOSE!

I was literally placing my tray on the table when I was spun around again by someone holding onto my arm. DAMMIT! THIS KID! LEAVE ME ALOOONEE~~~~

But just as Myungsoo was about to say something, the doors to the cafeteria were thrown open and in barged a bunch of boys. By my quick calculations. I counted 5 boys. Around my age if I had to guess.

They were all wearing their school uniform which universally indicated that they were not from Seoul High, but in fact SM High! Just my luck.

I knew who they all were. Remember those documents I mentioned before. THe one with all the students I "needed to know and stay out of their way" list from my parents. Yeah well guess what? They were on that list. Oh Boy. My attempt at salvaging not breaking the thrid rule died when I saw them walking in Myungsoo and my direction.

Oh! Maybe they were looking for someone else to cause trouble with and basically ruin their high school memories! Yeah!... WHo are you kidding Kyemi, there's no one within a radius of 5m of who else they would be after... Unless someone on the individual table did something to piss them off! Whiiiich I doubt because my hopes were shattered when the leader, Lee Jinki, who went by the alias Onew, yelled out the name I dreaded they were after.

"L! Or should I call you Myungsoo? You perky little brat! How are you?! Long time no talk!" This Onew character, according to my papers, was 18 years old. A senior at SM High. That High school was in the okay parts of town. By okay I mean, in the middle of the centre of the city (Seoul High) and Downtown Seoul (CUbe High). For some odd reason, under the sub heading: "Weaknesses", this kid had CHICKEN listed. I didn't understand that, and I never thought I will.

"Onew! You chicken Molester. What are you doing on my turf? Run out of chickens at that SM High of yours?" Myungsoo pushed me behind him and stood up straight to face off the 5 guys. His prod at Onew obviously got him worked up because his nostrils started to flare, but he pushed aside his anger and continued on.

"I should ask you that. What were You and your INFINITE buddies doing on OUR turf last night? I don't recall giving you permission to enter it." The 5 guys by now had arrived right in front of Myungsoo. There was a one metre gap in between the two standing off. The other members of Onew's gang, SHINee, were standing around him. Arms crossed and staring straight at Myungsoo with intimidating glares. Okay, this is awkward. One guy was staring at me instead.

I started to have a staring competition with him. I held his glare until my eyes started to sting. Oh My God!! DUDE! Give UP already!! I MUST WIN! I never lose. >:)

I know, this is an inappropriate time to have a staring competition with the enemy but still, weren't all students my enemy in the first place? Overexagerating but in essence, they are.

I was losing my mind, literally, my mind started to wonder off and not think about anything relevant to the staring competition or the exchange of assualts between Onew and Myungsoo. Just as I was about to fail, the kid I was staring off BLINKED!


Um..... Did I say that out loud? :/

Apparently I did because now all eyes were on me. Again. . Great work Kyemi. OutSTANDING! *Note sarcasm

"Oh and who would this be? You're girlfriend? HA! Little Myungsoo got himself a girlfriend!" Onew exclaimed announcing wrong information to the world.

Grr, this kid.

Hold it in Kyemi. Hold it in.

"She's so cute! How did you manage to get her Myungsoo?" He just kept on going.

Bastard doesn't know what's good for him. My fists began to close in on itself and out of no where...

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

*PUNCH* "YAH! WHO ARE YOU TO GO AROUND SAYING FALSE THINGS ABOUT ME? HUH?! Would you like it if I announced to YOUR school that you're dating that guy next to you?! No?! THEN DON'T DO IT TO ME! AISH! People these days!" I muttered the last part after my random outburst of rage.




Did I just punch him?

Ohhhhhh Kyemi, You're in now!!

Onew looked freaking bewildered if anything! And s as well! Now that I look at it, everyone who saw was bewildered.

Then someone said something so unexpected...

"Heh, you're really cute you know that?"

It was that guy I was staring off before. I took the time to criticise his looks. He was short. Short for a Korean. He had blonde hair and he had sharp facial features. He was rubbing his thumb across his bottom lip as he said that. He was kinda hot. But he called me cute. Not hot. WHY YOU LITTLE!---

I was about to throw in another right hook when suddenly an unfamiliar voice cut through the thick tension in the cafeteria.

"Well, Well, SHINeeeeeeeee~~~ What are you doing on my turf? Messing around with girls on my turf? You know you're gunna pay right?" It was Sunggyu.

From Infinite.



Here's the second update in a day! Hope you enjoy, it's kinda long but it was FUN to write! HEHEH kind of. LMFAO!

So tell me how it is? You can guess who she was staring off right?

And Infinite has now come into the picture!!! Should they be childish or what not behind the scenes? Or should the be "normal"


Oh and That was an introduction to SM High!!~~~ :D I feel that writing this way, I get more out of the story!

Hope you enjoy!!


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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!