Officially Meeting Jonghyun

A Player, Badass and Gentleman... IS MY ONLY HOPE?!

Kyemi's POV

It's been about 4 days since I've met with BEAST. And dayum! It's oddly quiet. I mean, I was expecting the whole group of guys to be waiting for me at the school gates after school and then they jump me while all the students stand by on the outlines and watch me get abused. Or even walking down the streets at night and hearing footsteps following me and then they jump out of an alley and drag me in it back with them. And then get abused. Okay, that's a little far fetched, but hey! I got an imagination that could BLOW MY MIND!! Anyways, but this was totally not out of reach... In terms of BEAST.

SHINee however..... :/

It was a Thursday and exactly 3 days until my parents come back from whatever business they were attending to.

School was just ending and all the birds in the sky were chirping quite happily, the sun was out and the clouds were drifting across the sky without a care in the world. It was like the whole damn world was mocking me for what was to come.

I was walking through the halls when I was abrubtly pushed into a locker by a girl who was rushing for the doors. She was such in a rush that she didn't even turn around to apologise. Oh well, I don't really care. Turning back towards my locker, I was again, pushed towards the wall hitting my head on the door of the locker. This time I was feeling a bit of irritation, I was going to give the person who pushed me a piece of my mind, but I wasn't given the chance.

You see, as soon as I tried to turn back around, I was ambushed. Well not directly but I was repeatedly squashed to the side of my locker. Why? Because all the students and by all, I mean ALL, had decided to run towards the door. I didn't feel as bad then because I realised that they were pushing each other. So I wasn't the only one squished. Anyway, I couldn't hear what they were saying over my earphones, it was like a muted scene before along with the sound of A-CHA in the background. It kinda fit the scene... but kinda didn't. Wondering what they were in the rush for, I removed my headphones and was blasted with the rushed chattering of the student bodies. I heard bits and pieces and in no time, I had pieced it together.

SHINee had come back to Seoul High and were waiting for someone. This someone was a girl in particular.

From what I got, no one knew who the girl was. Was this why the majority of the girls running towards the front of the school? What is this? I scene from Cinderella!?

HAHA No wonder it was only me and the remaining guys being squashed against the sides!!!

What was SHINee's business with Seoul High anyway? Wouldn't Infinite be getting up on their asses now for being in their "territory"?

The last I had heard from Infinite was at lunch when they said they were going to skip the rest of the day by going to the inner City. Again. It wasn't the first time. They invited me, but I didn't want to join. It was only a few more days til umma and appa came back anyway, I had to maintain my results in school until then.

So that was why there wasn't any intervening from Infinite. That meant that SHINee could do what they wanted and leave, just like that. But then again, Infinite would most likely catch wind of todays events and give a little pay back.

Eventually, the crowds started to thin and the only people in the halls were the guys who were bewildered and trying to pick themselves up. I stiffled a laugh at how hilarious they looked, even I didn't get hit that bad. The worst I had was someone's back slap my face. By the looks of it, some guy was half hanging out the window into a classroom. Two of his friends were trying to pull him out. How embarrassing.

I straightened myself out and slammed my locker door shut. Yes, it was open this whole time. I even think some girl had her face smashed against it when she was running and not looking where she was going. Poor girl.

Since there was a big crowd round the front of the school, I opted for leaving school via the back. There was a small gate behind the basketball courts that led to the other side of school. I just had to walk around the side of the school until I reached the main intersection. Good Plan Kyemi! Wouldn't want another BEAST incidence! What if they remember me! I mean... I did PUNCH the leader.... *SHIVERS*

Whichever girl got themselves in with SHINee, I pray for her life existence.

Moving on, I had just opened the gate of the back of the school when I was abruptly pulled out of the school by a tight but gentle hand on my wrist. Before I could scream, another hand had shot out of no where and secured my mouth.

My martial arts and self-defence courses were starting to come back to me, but before I could actually USE my skills to protect myself, a husky and y voice murmered into my ear a few certain words that made me stop and listen.

"Shh, Kwon, Kyemi, It's just me. Kim Jonghyun."

Jonghyun.... Kim Jonghyun... As in, that guy from SHINee... As in that guy I had a staring competition with. As in that guy I won against in that staring competition. As in that guy who called me cute and nearly got punched for it. Kim JOnghyun... As in... KIM JONGHYUN!??!

By instict, my self-defence kicked in and I had already stepped on his foot, gauged his eyes, punched his nose and kneed his groin. Next thing I knew, he was on the ground, on hand on his crown jewels and the other on his face. His hand on his face was soon becoming covered in blood from his bleeding nose and his eyes were tightly shut. Jesus, I did all that?

Welp! No time to ponder! And the next thing I knew, I had bolted from the scene and run all the way home. I washed my hands seeing as my fingers were in Jonghyun's freaking eye sockets and then had a shower. After the shower, I sat in silence watching TV. Running Man was on and it was the SNSD part 2 episode. But I was barely paying attention when Jae Suk and Seohyun were being told they were the secret tagging couple. No, instead, I was paying more attention on one little itty bitty fact.

The fact you ask?

Well since you asked so kindly.

I was thinking of the very fact,

that I, Kwon Kyemi had not only got involved with Infinite and BEAST, I had now gotten involved with SHINee as well. And let me tell you. It probably wasn't a good thing.



SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE... A LONG TIME. And today's update wasn't really that exciting nor humerous either. SORRY MIANHE. SIN LOI!. ETC.

HAHA Anyways!

Her parents arrival/not arrival is approaching in a few chapters! And I need some help! What would YOU want. Would you want the rest of the story to have more ACTION? or more of an ADVENTURE type of story!

Please tell me! I would like to write this story according to your preference! :) Either one is fine by me! :D


@pinkypn: Is it weird that most of my close friends had met when we were all fighting with each other? HAHA I'm weird like that ;D And I KNOW RIGHT! If I was Kyemi, I'd most definitely stay! Not because they're just amazingly hot or anything. Nah, I'd probably stay because I would be too damn scared to even move!! HAHA Glad you liked that scene! :) Tell me what you like about this one! She's running away... AGAIN!

@beastlyteenrshinebig: Aw! You and your long comments!! JA'DORE!! :) <3 and you're not the only one who was dropped... :/ And back to the story! AHHA Um, How Junnie knows her name? That will be a secret until further chapters ;D HAHA AND YOU PREDICTED THE FUTURE! Is this that predictable!? It was a pretty greasy confronted meeting between the two though!! And Kyemi, Kyemi, Kyemi. I guess she accepted that her low profile has been chucked out the window, down 13 stories and into a river... TOO BAD SO SAD! :) And no! You're long comments are AWESOME! :) Hopefully you still read this fic! Esp, after that long break I had!!!



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UPDATED!! AFTER HOW LONG!!! HAHA You guys must hate me :/


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Chapter 31: I miss your story... (still rooting for Jonghyun)

Update soon, sweetie. <3

P.S. I hope all is good.
It has been a long time D: ;-; I miss this story ;-;
Varlkyrie #3
Chapter 31: Good luck on your exams :D fighting^^
Chapter 31: Yay, you updated!
Though it was short, it was a nice chapter.
Update soon ♥
ch3nya #5
Chapter 30: :D love this story can't wait for the update
skyryuuna #6
Chapter 30: update soon
this is getting interesting!
Chapter 30: How awkward would their next meeting be? Hahaha
Poor girl. Kyemi's got quite a bad luck when it comes to boys haha
yuhoung #9
Chapter 15: I talk like Minho though...... Go 18th century!!!

I've waited so can't end it ><!!